Harris 2024 election thread

BTW, not that this should matter, but some context for you. The reply you posted and the one attached to it were from two African-American women who are pro-life. One is actually MLK Jr’s niece.
That context was already readily apparent to me. I wasn't the one pretending to be ignorant of why some people would see racism in that tweet. You were. All I did was point out the obvious and my wording was very specific which you ignored. And yet, despite ignoring what I said, you are trying to use it to go straight from "But, but, I just can't even understand" to right up on the highest of high horses.
Look. I get you searched the PP replies and made a hasty, but incorrect decision when you thought you found something racist.

How about you do something good with your error? The African-American female’s tweet you posted really is a public school classroom teacher. On her twitter account there is a page to donate supplies to her classroom.

Why don’t you donate to her classroom as a mea culpa for referring to her tweet as racist? I will match your donation up to $250.
You are not able to keep up with the conversation because you see what you want to read not what is written.

I will donate $250 toward a reading comprehension class for you.
You are not able to keep up with the conversation because you see what you want to read not what is written.

I will donate $250 toward a reading comprehension class for you.
It just so happens I’m teaching reading comprehension classes! I’ll pm you the wiring instructions. It would be great if you could make it for $260. My dang bank charges $10 for an incoming wire and I would like to net the entire $250. Thanks in advance!
How was it racist?
I dropped hints in the original thread regarding the meme that got you banned. The fact that you still question that after a moderator told you it was racist on many levels is telling. Why are you so arrogant to continue asking how was it racist without doing anything on your own after you were led there?

As for JT you can go to the meme thread and see where the conversation started in August 3rd and follow the posts. Stop trying to justify your correctnesss and defense of a post that was removed and the poster suspended.

There are cultural differences in races. The meme in question used language and imagery that is offensive to other races. That line was crossed.

Secondary to that what is meant by labeling someone a DEI hire. He did it w the meme and he did it in this thread. No one does that foR Supreme Court justice Amy. No one does it for Judge Cannon. No one did it for Lara Trump at the RNC. No one did it for Ivanka in 2016. No one did it for Ben Carson. And we shouldn’t. He just didn’t have the guts to come out and say what he really thinks. He’s almost to a Col Jessup moment just not quite there yet
Wonder how many Trump worshipping thugs he’s sent to disrupt the DNC convention? Look for brown or black shirts with MAGA hats.
NEW: VP Harris calls for raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, which would roll back a big part of former President Trump’s signature 2017 legislation, which slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
