Harris 2024 election thread

It also seems like you like to jump into existing conversations and call people names. That is probably the worst possible way to encourage "an exchange of ideas and discussion about accomplishments"
The above is the good advice you posted two weeks ago replying to @BoutDemPokes.

8 of your last 10 posts on this board have been about calling/implying @GOGETUMPOKE is racist or bigoted.
I actually agree. It’s been pretty much a waste of time for both of us. I have some surgery scheduled for tomorrow and was forced to take it easy for a couple of days. Why I chose to spend that time in here will forever remain a mystery.
It’s no mystery.

You’re an attention-whore troll.

You’d been banned for seven days, and you needed a fix.

That’s why you chose to spend that time here.
Racist statements aren’t just words that hurt hypersensitive people’s feelings. They are propaganda used to dehumanize and make others “less than” so it justifies treating them differently. This sometimes includes physically hurting or killing people. In the most severe examples, it leads to genocides and holocaust.

But yes, let’s ridicule people who find racism offensive. That will advance society nicely.
Stay Classy Will Ferrell GIF
Racist statements aren’t just words that hurt hypersensitive people’s feelings. They are propaganda used to dehumanize and make others “less than” so it justifies treating them differently. This sometimes includes physically hurting or killing people. In the most severe examples, it leads to genocides and holocaust.

But yes, let’s ridicule people who find racism offensive. That will advance society nicely.
Stay Classy Will Ferrell GIF
I agree with your statement. But making up claims of racism and repeating it 8 times does not make it real.
Faux racism claims do nothing to advance society or “encourage an exchange of ideas and discussion”
Just as calling it “faux racism” doesn’t make it unreal.
Fine. So where was GGP racist? This has to be the worst argument I’ve seen on this board.

I saw this today and searched GGP’s posts. Criticizing Harris is not racist.
He did it again this morning. Guy is straight up racist. I can disagree w someone on policy but he has nothing.
Just as calling it “faux racism” doesn’t make it unreal.

He's proving your point. Claiming something isn't as big of an issue as it really is can be seen as an attempt to downplay and therefore rationalize something we should have no tolerance for. It it's not that big of a deal it becomes ok and the perpetrator will continue to push the envelope until behavior no one should see as acceptable is seen as the norm.