Harris 2024 election thread

I'm not the least bit partisan. I'd be happy to wager on the percentage of Republican vs democrat presidents each have vote for to see who the real partisan is.

Yes, both Biden and Harris are morally superior to Trump. That isn't lauding their morals, but just saying how very low that bar is.
You would probably lose. I was a democrat until Reagan. Still voted for Clinton twice. And no, Biden and Harris aren’t morally superior to even Trump.
See that’s the difference. I won’t vote for someone bc their attitudes/policies toward groups of people make their lives more difficult. Rising tides lift all boats sort of.

And are you still ticked that one of your racist memes got taken down (which by the way you fully grasp the reasoning) and that’s why you stayed gone for a couple of weeks and are now back calling me Karen?

You really are transparent. But good for you to keep plugging away. You’ll get the admiration you so desperately crave one day. Kudos.
It was a nice little break from the two local Trump apologists.
So can someone explain what's so awful about the government telling these food producers "hey, stop screwing over the American public so you can line your coffers with record profits"? It should seem obvious to even a smooth brain that there's an issue here... Note these numbers are net income (profit) and not revenue.

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Lots of time left for Trump to further screw up. No matter what stupid lies and distortions Trump says it doesn't derail his own voters. Probably the same way with Harris voters.

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You would probably lose. I was a democrat until Reagan. Still voted for Clinton twice. And no, Biden and Harris aren’t morally superior to even Trump.
You no doubt forgave Trump for a lot of immoral doings, for starters, his Trump University scam and cheating on his wives while at least one of them was at home with their baby, along with his loss of lawsuits leaving him still owing many millions. I don't know of Biden or Harris losing and owing many millions from lawsuits.
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The dude literally insulted Medal of Honor recipients this week while handing an award to a billionaire donor wife. What have either of them done that is that morally repugnant?
Well for starters they kicked about 8000 of your fellow service members out of the military and ended their careers because they wouldn’t take an experimental shot. Keep in mind they did this at the same time they were letting millions of people cross our southern border without so much as checking their temperature. Then they oversaw a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left about a dozen of your fellow servicemen dead and a bunch of our citizens stranded. And you’re pissed off at the guy that said something stupid?
Well for starters they kicked about 8000 of your fellow service members out of the military and ended their careers because they wouldn’t take an experimental shot. Keep in mind they did this at the same time they were letting millions of people cross our southern border without so much as checking their temperature. Then they oversaw a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left about a dozen of your fellow servicemen dead and a bunch of our citizens stranded. And you’re pissed off at the guy that said something stupid?

Because of policy differences, you feel you have the moral ground? Those are policies. Service members have ALWAYS been forced to get vaccinated for readiness reason. Until MAGA, none have resisted en mass. Duty to country etc. Republicans outed thousands of servicemen for being gay and ruined their careers because that was military policy. GWB made me get a smallpox vaccine (which causes a blistering scab) while I was living in a tent in 110 degree weather in the Middle East. So, does that mean he is as amoral as Trump too?

Essentially you are saying that your policy beliefs are the moral ones and disagreement with you is amoral. Absolutely the stupidest stretch you have ever come up with. Trump's moral misgivings have nothing to do with policy. Given the huge gains wealth of the top 1% compared to everyone else over the past few decades I could very easily make a moral argument against giving them a huge tax break in a time of severe debt. But I won't. Because those are not really moral differences, those are policy differences.

Feeling that insulting MOH recipients for being damaged or dead is the same as a policy requiring vaccination for military readiness is also a moral misgiving, IMHO.
So can someone explain what's so awful about the government telling these food producers "hey, stop screwing over the American public so you can line your coffers with record profits"? It should seem obvious to even a smooth brain that there's an issue here... Note these numbers are net income (profit) and not revenue.

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I just hope the "telling" is in the form of "the rapid increase in profits for the same items shows lack of competition in our markets therefore we will need be breaking up monopoly industries" rather than "the most we will let you charge for free range eggs is XXXX."

Because of policy differences, you feel you have the moral ground? Those are policies. Service members have ALWAYS been forced to get vaccinated for readiness reason. Until MAGA, none have resisted en mass. Duty to country etc. Republicans outed thousands of servicemen for being gay and ruined their careers because that was military policy. GWB made me get a smallpox vaccine (which causes a blistering scab) while I was living in a tent in 110 degree weather in the Middle East. So, does that mean he is as amoral as Trump too?

Essentially you are saying that your policy beliefs are the moral ones and disagreement with you is amoral. Absolutely the stupidest stretch you have ever come up with. Trump's moral misgivings have nothing to do with policy. Given the huge gains wealth of the top 1% compared to everyone else over the past few decades I could very easily make a moral argument against giving them a huge tax break in a time of severe debt. But I won't. Because those are not really moral differences, those are policy differences.

Feeling that insulting MOH recipients for being damaged or dead is the same as a policy requiring vaccination for military readiness is also a moral misgiving, IMHO.
They are all morally bankrupt. Are you seriously trying to make the argument that your horse is a little bit prettier than the other horses in the glue factory when it comes to morals so we should vote for her? She had an affair with a married man 30 years her senior to get into politics for crying out loud. Morally she’s scum. So is Trump. Trying to make the argument that one turd is shinier than the other is just ridiculous. They are both turds. Maybe we should look to policy? As a veteran you get your arse up in the air because Trump said something stupid that offended veterans while carrying water for the side that literally ruined the careers of your fellow servicemen and got them killed in Afghanistan? Spare me the faux outrage.
I just hope the "telling" is in the form of "the rapid increase in profits for the same items shows lack of competition in our markets therefore we will need be breaking up monopoly industries" rather than "the most we will let you charge for free range eggs is XXXX."
Yeah, I'm not sure what the solution is but the issue clearly isn't just "Joe and Kamala" like Trumpers are trying to claim.

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They are all morally bankrupt. Are you seriously trying to make the argument that your horse is a little bit prettier than the other horses in the glue factory when it comes to morals so we should vote for her? She had an affair with a married man 30 years her senior to get into politics for crying out loud. Morally she’s scum. So is Trump. Trying to make the argument that one turd is shinier than the other is just ridiculous. They are both turds. Maybe we should look to policy? As a veteran you get your arse up in the air because Trump said something stupid that offended veterans while carrying water for the side that literally ruined the careers of your fellow servicemen and got them killed in Afghanistan? Spare me the faux outrage.
You are not so stupid that you do not understand policy differences, personal life, and statements about your public beliefs. And the "they are all morally bankrupt" thing was fine with Obama, bush, Clinton etc. But, Trump is not the same thing at all and it would take a fool not to see that. No this isn't a "little prettier" argument. This is a trying to destroy free elections and insulting heroes is not acceptable behavior for a CIC.

At the time of the vaccine mandate, studies showed that the vaccine drastically decreased the rate of covid and even more severe covid. In a pandemic protecting your fighting force from disease that can prevent your forces from being effective is an extremely high priority. That is why I was immunized against diseases that currently do not exist except in a lab. That is why I had hundreds of hours of military training on preventing dysentary, mosquito-borne illness, tick-borne illness, parasitic disease etc. The military medical school teaches those things FAR above normal. Why? Readiness. We have by far the best equipped and trained military. If we spent all that money on that and then lost a war due to our troops being ineffective due to preventable disease that would be incredibly stupid.

I know that does not sit well with the MAGA "That's mah rights!" people. Fine, keep your rights. But you are not going to be part of the military that SERVES us to defend the nation if you want rights that ruin readiness. It isn't "faux outrage." It is the difference between readiness policy and repeatedly saying things that shows that this rich narcissist sees the military as beneath him. He makes that abundantly clear. He in no way should be the CIC ever.

And, the fact is, what he said is beyond "stupid" and your euphemisms for his horrific behavior and words clearly show that you are just as bad of a person as he is. But, as disgusted as I am by it, we served to give you and Trump the right to be as horrible as you are being.
They are all morally bankrupt. Are you seriously trying to make the argument that your horse is a little bit prettier than the other horses in the glue factory when it comes to morals so we should vote for her? She had an affair with a married man 30 years her senior to get into politics for crying out loud. Morally she’s scum. So is Trump. Trying to make the argument that one turd is shinier than the other is just ridiculous. They are both turds. Maybe we should look to policy? As a veteran you get your arse up in the air because Trump said something stupid that offended veterans while carrying water for the side that literally ruined the careers of your fellow servicemen and got them killed in Afghanistan? Spare me the faux outrage.

Is there anything he could say that would finally change your mind?

I mean, if Harris said "GGP is right, I am a communist and I will work as hard as I can to make the US a communist nation with government controlled industrial output and no free speech" the I would fight strongly against her.

At this point Trump tried to overturn an election against the will of the people and has insulted our military. Could he say anything that would change your vote or are you at the point of accepting all of his words no matter what as seems to be the case?
You no doubt forgave Trump for a lot of immoral doings, for starters, his Trump University scam and cheating on his wives while at least one of them was at home with their baby, along with his loss of lawsuits leaving him still owing many millions. I don't know of Biden or Harris losing and owing many millions from lawsuits.
Everyone needs to read up on the Trump Foundation and their dealings w cancer charities. It actually started w good intentions w Eric but then dad saw how to monetize which led in part to the foundation being forced to be dissolved by court order in 2018. Actually go google it up.

Read it as if politics and policies don’t matter. Just decide if this is an honorable person or not. Then w that decision in hand think through actual policy and ask would this man ever sacrifice for something that benefited others even if it meant a detriment to him.

Things like healthcare or pharma prices. Interest rate decisions. Tax policy. Real estate laws. Currency policy.
Is there anything he could say that would finally change your mind?

I mean, if Harris said "GGP is right, I am a communist and I will work as hard as I can to make the US a communist nation with government controlled industrial output and no free speech" the I would fight strongly against her.

At this point Trump tried to overturn an election against the will of the people and has insulted our military. Could he say anything that would change your vote or are you at the point of accepting all of his words no matter what as seems to be the case?
Sure there is. For example, If he were to say, “I think it’s a good idea to implement price controls “ or “Let’s just run 8000 patriots out of the military for refusing an experimental shot for a virus with around a 99% survival rate but completely ignore the millions crossing our southern border.” You won’t vote for Trump because he insulted your fellow servicemen. I won’t vote for Harris because she ruins their career and gets them killed. We are not the same.