Because of policy differences, you feel you have the moral ground? Those are policies. Service members have ALWAYS been forced to get vaccinated for readiness reason. Until MAGA, none have resisted en mass. Duty to country etc. Republicans outed thousands of servicemen for being gay and ruined their careers because that was military policy. GWB made me get a smallpox vaccine (which causes a blistering scab) while I was living in a tent in 110 degree weather in the Middle East. So, does that mean he is as amoral as Trump too?
Essentially you are saying that your policy beliefs are the moral ones and disagreement with you is amoral. Absolutely the stupidest stretch you have ever come up with. Trump's moral misgivings have nothing to do with policy. Given the huge gains wealth of the top 1% compared to everyone else over the past few decades I could very easily make a moral argument against giving them a huge tax break in a time of severe debt. But I won't. Because those are not really moral differences, those are policy differences.
Feeling that insulting MOH recipients for being damaged or dead is the same as a policy requiring vaccination for military readiness is also a moral misgiving, IMHO.