Harris 2024 election thread

He didnt hurt my feelings. I've seen the impact on others around me and I'm not heartless.

I don't vote for people that don't give a Sh!t about our country, making us more united and therefore stronger, or the people in it serving it or friends that freaking died in service. I don't vote for someone that is nothing more than a failure of a president and narcissistic POS that wants to destroy our democracy and take a big steamy dump on the constitution.

Some policies that congress will moderate don't scare me. A guy trying to end our democracy does to keep himself out of jail does.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
What “clever catch phrases or blatantly racist memes” are you referring to Karen? And seriously, everyone is worse off because of some polititian’s character, narcissism, or racism? Good grief, grow a pair. Absolutely the biggest snowflake in the history of the internet.

Matt Watching Tv GIF by Gogglebox Australia
Obvious cultist troll is obvious cultist troll.
You ever notice how he doesn’t engage w you or steross?

One could almost infer tht he knows your education/career/service path and instantly knows he’s out of his depth. So he aggressively engages w people he’s unsure of and attempts to intimidate. There’s never an original thought. It’s either copy and paste or an insult. Almost like he compensating for something?
You ever notice how he doesn’t engage w you or steross?

One could almost infer tht he knows your education/career/service path and instantly knows he’s out of his depth. So he aggressively engages w people he’s unsure of and attempts to intimidate. There’s never an original thought. It’s either copy and paste or an insult. Almost like he compensating for something?
No that’s not it.

I’ve simply made the conscious decision to not feed the troll by engaging with him.

He’s an attention whore, and I choose to sit back and enjoy watching him self-immolate.
As far as deficits go I can’t help but notice that you don’t mention the deficits we’ve been running under Biden/Harris. I guess that’s (D)ifferent?
There is no need to guess, as I have explained here before, it is completely different.

Our government has a tendency to grow larger deficits when heading into a recession and during a recession, then start decreasing them on the recovery then continue that until the next recession.

But, no not Trump. As you can see he started downtrending while the economy was going gangbusters. His government was outspending GDP growth during a recovery.

Biden started improving as typical. I will agree if that last little hockey stick continues that they are doing it Trump wrong yet again.

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 8.58.49 PM.png

Here it is as raw numbers. Again showing Trump avoiding even quarterly surpluses unlike everyone else when the economy was hitting strides.

Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 9.20.06 PM.png

And, I'm really sorry I am giving you raw, hard data and not just calling a candidate silly names like "commie" "idiot" and "DEI." I realize those are more powerful arguments for the feeble-minded as this real stuff is easy to ignore when it points out the flaw of someone's beliefs.
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You ever notice how he doesn’t engage w you or steross?

One could almost infer tht he knows your education/career/service path and instantly knows he’s out of his depth. So he aggressively engages w people he’s unsure of and attempts to intimidate. There’s never an original thought. It’s either copy and paste or an insult. Almost like he compensating for something?
😂😂😂 I’ve literally been engaging with steross for about five or six pages now. You’re hilarious.
What “clever catch phrases or blatantly racist memes” are you referring to Karen? And seriously, everyone is worse off because of some polititian’s character, narcissism, or racism? Good grief, grow a pair. Absolutely the biggest snowflake in the history of the internet.

See that’s the difference. I won’t vote for someone bc their attitudes toward groups of people make their lives more difficult.

And are you still ticked that one of your racist memes got taken down (which by the way you fully grasp the reasoning) and that’s why you stayed gone for a couple of weeks and are now back calling me Karen?

You really are transparent. But good for you to keep plugging away. You’ll get the admiration you so desperately crave one day. Kudos.
@GOGETUMPOKE You are going there fresh off your 7 day ban for posting a meme that was racist on several levels? Bold strategy.

I'm going to remind you that you are out of warnings. Follow the site rules.
Are you really so partisan that you would want to try and convince people that that Biden or Harris either one are somehow morally superior to….oh hell anyone? At least I’ll admit Trump is an idiot with the morals of an ally cat.
I'm not the least bit partisan. I'd be happy to wager on the percentage of Republican vs democrat presidents each have vote for to see who the real partisan is.

Yes, both Biden and Harris are morally superior to Trump. That isn't lauding their morals, but just saying how very low that bar is.
Are you really so partisan that you would want to try and convince people that that Biden or Harris either one are somehow morally superior to….oh hell anyone? At least I’ll admit Trump is an idiot with the morals of an ally cat.
Apparently, despite what you say, you believe that Donald J is morally superior to both Biden and Harris who you say are morally superior to no one. You can’t have it both ways. Please point out how that’s possible. Be sure to tell how you came to this conclusion. How is Trump morally superior to anyone? I’ll wait.