Harris 2024 election thread

You would probably lose. I was a democrat until Reagan. Still voted for Clinton twice. And no, Biden and Harris aren’t morally superior to even Trump.
So let’s take this back to a policy discussion.

Trump’s quick answer to easing inflation is drill baby drill. Will this work long term? At all? How many BOE/d do we need to produce? How many rigs would that take and where? If you deport millions of immigrants (which leads to millions more exiting the work force) how do you replace those hard labor jobs while also hiring for the oil patch while keeping control of labor costs? Do we have the infrastructure (rail, pipe, trucking) to get that increased production to refinery/port? Do we have the reining capacity or port/shipping?

So once those questions get answered how do you build rigs/tank batteries/pipe/rail/refinery capacity? Where do those workers come from bc you just deported millions? How about the steel to build out? Those tariffs aren’t going to help and you’ve just taken steel away from construction and other infrastructure projects?

So now that drill baby drill has solved that, what WTI or Brent price do you need to maintain the production curve? How far out on the curve do you need that price? How do you keep OPEC and Russia from price manipulation?
Sure there is. For example, If he were to say, “I think it’s a good idea to implement price controls “ or “Let’s just run 8000 patriots out of the military for refusing an experimental shot for a virus with around a 99% survival rate but completely ignore the millions crossing our southern border.” You won’t vote for Trump because he insulted your fellow servicemen. I won’t vote for Harris because she ruins their career and gets them killed. We are not the same.
You are showing your ignorance of things military. It isn't about survivability of the individual. It is about readiness. If 10% of a unit needed airlift out for oxygen support for a disease that is preventable and 99% of them are going to survive, that survival could be under the control of the adversary. You are thinking about yourself as an individual. That selfish thought is not how the military works and getting rid of it is why we are the best military.

And it isn't just a matter of "insulting." He is showing how he feels about the military. He sees the military as idiots not smart enough to scam their way out of service like he did. He sees wounded millitary as people not good enough to avoid being shot or injured. It isn't just an insult. It is what the insult means.

Look at these core values. It says nothing about what you want. It is the opposite of Trump. Service before self. Not, "But, but, I don't want to take a shot to prevent a disease that will make me ineffective as a fighter!"

And, you will note, that the vaccine mandate was rescinded when the vaccine no longer prevented a severe illness as the virus became less virulent. Using real science, not misinformation. Like a military should do.
You are showing your ignorance of things military. It isn't about survivability of the individual. It is about readiness. If 10% of a unit needed airlift out for oxygen support for a disease that is preventable and 99% of them are going to survive, that survival could be under the control of the adversary. You are thinking about yourself as an individual. That selfish thought is not how the military works and getting rid of it is why we are the best military.

And it isn't just a matter of "insulting." He is showing how he feels about the military. He sees the military as idiots not smart enough to scam their way out of service like he did. He sees wounded millitary as people not good enough to avoid being shot or injured. It isn't just an insult. It is what the insult means.

Look at these core values. It says nothing about what you want. It is the opposite of Trump. Service before self. Not, "But, but, I don't want to take a shot to prevent a disease that will make me ineffective as a fighter!"

And, you will note, that the vaccine mandate was rescinded when the vaccine no longer prevented a severe illness as the virus became less virulent. Using real science, not misinformation. Like a military should do.
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How the hell are we still arguing about this? Pigheaded ignorance is the only answer I can come up with.
@GOGETUMPOKE IMO You sir are a contributing member of a cult. You’ve been brainwashed with the constant barrage of lies on whatever your news sources are. You’re in a deep dark place where no joy can be found, only conflict. All that thrills you is wasting a tremendous amount of time defending the biggest POS I’ve ever seen. Please enjoy wallowing in your own misery and misguided ideals. Troll on contrarian. I’ll cancel your vote out.
Sure there is. For example, If he were to say, “I think it’s a good idea to implement price controls “ or “Let’s just run 8000 patriots out of the military for refusing an experimental shot for a virus with around a 99% survival rate but completely ignore the millions crossing our southern border.” You won’t vote for Trump because he insulted your fellow servicemen. I won’t vote for Harris because she ruins their career and gets them killed. We are not the same.

With regards to "millions crossing our southern border" Congress had bipartisan legislation in place that would have helped with the situation but Trump had Republicans kill it because it was more politically advantageous to him. I don't see how you can claim a moral high ground for that.
You are showing your ignorance of things military. It isn't about survivability of the individual. It is about readiness. If 10% of a unit needed airlift out for oxygen support for a disease that is preventable and 99% of them are going to survive, that survival could be under the control of the adversary. You are thinking about yourself as an individual. That selfish thought is not how the military works and getting rid of it is why we are the best military.

And it isn't just a matter of "insulting." He is showing how he feels about the military. He sees the military as idiots not smart enough to scam their way out of service like he did. He sees wounded millitary as people not good enough to avoid being shot or injured. It isn't just an insult. It is what the insult means.

Look at these core values. It says nothing about what you want. It is the opposite of Trump. Service before self. Not, "But, but, I don't want to take a shot to prevent a disease that will make me ineffective as a fighter!"

And, you will note, that the vaccine mandate was rescinded when the vaccine no longer prevented a severe illness as the virus became less virulent. Using real science, not misinformation. Like a military should do.
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This. It's not about survival. It's about continuing to be able to fight. We lost a carrier for an extended period of time because it pulled into port early in COVID and they had an outbreak. They were not fully mission capable and sat quarantined in port waiting for the outbreak to run through everyone.

Yes, only a handful of the ~5k sailors died, but they couldn't function as a fighting force for an extended period.

I've had I don't know how many vaccines pumped into me with no choices. They didn't refuse a vaccine they refused to follow a lawful order that jeopardized all their fellow servicemembers. That's why they were booted. This was a VERY warranted reaction to having deployable soldier & sailors refusing.
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How the hell are we still arguing about this? Pigheaded ignorance is the only answer I can come up with.
You want my honest truths:
1. I've got a lot going on right now and this is a mental release. Outcome not important. Takes my mind off of the real stuff for a few minutes.
2. This method of arguement that I am using does not work very well. While it feels good to beat someone over the head with logic, it typically just makes them hunker down in their position and fight. This is something I have done all my life. I've learned how flawed it is, but typically am only good enough to do it right when it really counts. There are far better ways to get positions to change. Unfortunately for me those go against my instincts so have taken a lot of learning and I'm still not a pro. Beating on someone for irrelevant disagreements and seeing the outcome as happens every time on this board is a great reminder that it doesn't work. Doing it here is harmless but reminds me to avoid it when it really matters.

* if interested, the two books that have fundamentally changed my methods when I really want to convince someone are:
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With regards to "millions crossing our southern border" Congress had bipartisan legislation in place that would have helped with the situation but Trump had Republicans kill it because it was more politically advantageous to him. I don't see how you can claim a moral high ground for that.
During Covid? No they didn’t.
Is there anything he could say that would finally change your mind?

I mean, if Harris said "GGP is right, I am a communist and I will work as hard as I can to make the US a communist nation with government controlled industrial output and no free speech" the I would fight strongly against her.

At this point Trump tried to overturn an election against the will of the people and has insulted our military. Could he say anything that would change your vote or are you at the point of accepting all of his words no matter what as seems to be the case?
There is nothing Trump could say that would finally change his mind….because he agrees with him in that front.

I love when things make sense......
probably the meme you posted that was removed for :checks notes: racism.

And being banned for a week for :checks notes: being racist.

You would probably lose. I was a democrat until Reagan. Still voted for Clinton twice. And no, Biden and Harris aren’t morally superior to even Trump.

Southern Democrats became Republicans because Northern Democrats had enough with the racism​

23 maps that explain how Democrats went from the party of racism to the party of Obama​

‘Racially conservative’ attitudes led white Southerners to leave Democratic Party​

You want my honest truths:
1. I've got a lot going on right now and this is a mental release. Outcome not important. Takes my mind off of the real stuff for a few minutes.
2. This method of arguement that I am using does not work very well. While it feels good to beat someone over the head with logic, it typically just makes them hunker down in their position and fight. This is something I have done all my life. I've learned how flawed it is, but typically am only good enough to do it right when it really counts. There are far better ways to get positions to change. Unfortunately for me those go against my instincts so have taken a lot of learning and I'm still not a pro. Beating on someone for irrelevant disagreements and seeing the outcome as happens every time on this board is a great reminder that it doesn't work. Doing it here is harmless but reminds me to avoid it when it really matters.

* if interested, the two books that have fundamentally changed my methods when I really want to convince someone are:
I actually agree. It’s been pretty much a waste of time for both of us. I have some surgery scheduled for tomorrow and was forced to take it easy for a couple of days. Why I chose to spend that time in here will forever remain a mystery.