Harris 2024 election thread

I'm curious, does anyone out there like their health insurance?
I see that in political debates all the time. I really can't see how anyone at this point could be oblivious enough to reality to like their health insurance.

In my experience, gov workers seem to love their insurance. that's it.
In my experience, gov workers seem to love their insurance. that's it.

I'm a government worker. My insurance is not expensive as it is an HSA and I am a Federal worker.

But, it still sucks. For example. My daughter needed her wisdom teeth removed. We set it up for early January when she was on Xmas break. We made sure that we got an in-network oral surgeon. We asked at check-in to make sure they are still in-network, they tell us they are.
The insurance company puts it through out-of-network. We call and they say that they made an error and will correct it. They don't. They tell us we now need to put in an appeal. Why appeal if it is a mistake? Well, that is just the process. In April, we call back and they denied the appeal. In April, they decided that this provider was no longer in network. We checked with them in late december and should have checked again on Jan 2nd (procedure was the 3rd) and they claim they would have told us at that point he was OON. Even though after the procedure they still didn't know.

It is a scum-sucking business that is a cancer on our economy. I do feel fortunate that as a federal worker I pay less for horrible insurance than most. But, it is many orders of magnitude worse than my health insurance in Australia.
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I'm a government worker. My insurance is not expense as it is an HSA and I am a Federal worker.

But, it still sucks. For example. My daughter needed her wisdom teeth removed. We set it up for early January when she was on Xmas break. We made sure that we got an in-network oral surgeon. We asked at check-in to make sure they are still in-network, they tell us they are.
The insurance company puts it through out-of-network. We call and they say that they made an error and will correct it. They don't. They tell us we now need to put in an appeal. Why appeal if it is a mistake? Well, that is just the process. In April, we call back and they denied the appeal. In April, they decided that this provider was no longer in network. We checked with them in late december and should have checked again on Jan 2nd (procedure was the 3rd) and the claim they would have told us at that point he was OON, even though after the procedure they still didn't know.

It is a scum-sucking business that is a cancer on our economy. I do feel fortunate that as a federal worker I pay less for horrible insurance than most. But, it is many orders of magnitude worse than my health insurance in Australia.
When I was transitioning out of active duty and into reserves, I had moved from CA to MD and was on terminal leave. I needed to see an ENT but Tricare (military insurance program) kept saying I needed an referral from my primary back in CA. They wouldn't accept the referral from ER so I had to cancel an appointment from the ENT office when my primary wouldn't help without in person visit and tricare wouldn't budge.

I also couldnt change primaries because I was transitioning off AD. I ended up having to wait a month and then switched to Tricare reserve insurance and got to be seen by whomever.

All insurance sucks.
Applaud her looking for ways to appeal to those that want taxes to be low. Incentivizing new businesses is great.

Do I doubt she will actually go forward with such a proposal if elected? Yes.
Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
You called it. He just couldn't help himself
Pretty easy to call. It's something that he would support but it's coming from her so he can't be positive about it.

To his credit he still put some positive out, just couldn't keep from leaving a little negative on his way out.
Pretty easy to call. It's something that he would support but it's coming from her so he can't be positive about it.

To his credit he still put some positive out, just couldn't keep from leaving a little negative on his way out.

It's a classic deflection. Someone has a good idea but because of the letter in front of their name people who oppose them can't give credit without a "but."
So she was against fracking..know she is for it.
She was against middle class tax cuts…know she is for it.
She was against border security…know she is for it.
She wa for eliminating private health insurance…now she is not.
She was for mandatory gun buy-backs…now you can keep your gun.
She was for defund the police ..now she is not?

But sure. A person who has never shown an interest in tax cuts for business will not flip-flop on a proposal. She has been in the administration for 4 years - why wait until now to propose this. 😂😂