Harris 2024 election thread

Fox: The Harris campaign raised $360+ million in August, bringing their cash-on-hand to more than $400 million. The vast majority of those donations were from people giving under $200
New statement from former Vice President Cheney:

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.

As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for VP Kamala Harris”
FYI: He either doesn’t understand the tax code or is doing a very poor job of explaining it. His explanation makes it seem like the first $50K in capital gains is not taxed.
I think think he is saying there are NO changes on the first $50k and it will stay the same as it is now
Gerald Celente said again on Wednesday evening that he thinks Harris will win and win big, barring a stock market crash. He lives in Kingston, New York and thought it was a stupid waste for the Trump campaign to be sending him anything, since Trump can't win New York.

Celente compared Swift's endorsement of Harris to the Frank Sinatra endorsement of JFK.
Bonier: Our team has hard data where we can actually look and see people were coming to our file… what we saw was a more than quadrupling of these voter registration checks coming to us. These spikes in registration attempts started immediately following the debate and Taylor Swift’s Instagram post and have now actually continued days later… This intensity and enthusiasm is really unprecedented at this point. It’s even bigger than what we saw after the Dobbs decision.
From current Republican Mayor of OKC

Longtime Oklahoma City Republican Congressman Mickey Edwards, former chair of CPAC and founding trustee of the Heritage Foundation, has some thoughts to share about the presidential election.

Heritage Foundation trustee and former GOP House member Mickey Edwards writes that electing Kamala Harris, and rejecting Donald Trump, is the most important decision voters will make in November.

From current Republican Mayor of OKC

Longtime Oklahoma City Republican Congressman Mickey Edwards, former chair of CPAC and founding trustee of the Heritage Foundation, has some thoughts to share about the presidential election.

Heritage Foundation trustee and former GOP House member Mickey Edwards writes that electing Kamala Harris, and rejecting Donald Trump, is the most important decision voters will make in November.

My lawd have they finally had enough??
From current Republican Mayor of OKC

Longtime Oklahoma City Republican Congressman Mickey Edwards, former chair of CPAC and founding trustee of the Heritage Foundation, has some thoughts to share about the presidential election.

Heritage Foundation trustee and former GOP House member Mickey Edwards writes that electing Kamala Harris, and rejecting Donald Trump, is the most important decision voters will make in November.

I don’t know if that will move anybody’s needle, but this is actually a really big deal for Edward’s to do this.

He is the very definition of an old-school Republican Reagan style conservative.