Harris 2024 election thread

I'd like to bet money when the 2024 version comes out.

Aaron MacGruder's Boondocks (an excellent satirical cartoon) mocking the Hiphop/ Pop Culture showing up for Barrack Obama's 2008 Campaign. Will.I.Am took so much heat for this.

Thugnificent is one of the most hilarious cartoon characters ever. I wish this show carried on. Loved the comic.
Yeah, Trump booted Epstein from his club...so there's that. I know you so desperately want to tie Trump to Epstein but it's just not working. Prove that Trump did something with underage girls on Epstein Island and I'll be the first to condemn it. Until then it's nothing more than typical Dem projection.
Don’t you get tired of defending all the indefensible things Trump and MAGA toadies represent?
Diaper guy- parody of the accusations from the left that Trump was wearing a diaper during his trial....not weird.

Bandages on the ear - kinda funny ...maybe a little weird

Buffalo horns guy - awesome...not weird

Handjobs- again awesome...shouldn't be giving or receiving in public.. not weird

Trump and Epstein - poor judgement
twice now a court has found trump guilty of sexual abuse.
He said Trump was a convicted rapist. He has not one time been convicted of rape and the sexual abuse was in no way related to Epstein.
And I said that Trump has twice been found guilty of sexual abuse. How do you feel about supporting/voting for a person who has twice been found by a court to have sexually abused a woman?
Biden - Harris Accomplishments:

1) Allowed over 15mm unvetted illegals into the country with no idea where they are or who they are
2) Inflation not see since Jimmy Carter
3) Higher consumer debt and energy prices
4) Ukraine-Rissia War
5) Insread-Hamas War
6) Ignorant withdrawal from Afganistan that cost the lives of 13 soldiers, never acknowledged by the White House
7) Defunding police has created massive increases in violent crimes (see Border crisis)
8) Terrorists released in this country (see border crisis)
9) Tried to jail a political rival in the name of what? DEMOCRACY!
10) Lied to the American public about the cognitive decline of our President
11) Declared all out war on energy exploration and replacement with Electric by 2035.............really!? NFW
12) Most unpopular President and VP in history

and the above are just the policies pursued and admitted to by this administration.

But please, advise us on what the accomplishments are of this administration, at least come up with 5...........betcha can't :sneaky:
I’ve said multiple times on here that I don’t feel great about casting my vote for Trump. I just simply cannot stomach the alternative.
But you continue to down play Trump's disgusting history with women.

Nope. It's called weird. And for the record, Trump made one stupid remark about his daughter . Biden sniffs and gropes everything in sight. Not even close to a fair trade.
Trump has a much bigger history of sexual inappropriateness with women then the two above incidences.
But you continue to down play Trump's disgusting history with women.

Trump has a much bigger history of sexual inappropriateness with women then the two above incidences.
If you believe Trumps' sexual missteps have been far worse than Bidens', then logic would suggest you're also a pedophile, which makes you somewhat irredeemable when speaking about anothers' sexual procliveties.
If you believe Trumps' sexual missteps have been far worse than Bidens', then logic would suggest you're also a pedophile, which makes you somewhat irredeemable when speaking about anothers' sexual procliveties.
Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
But you continue to down play Trump's disgusting history with women.

Trump has a much bigger history of sexual inappropriateness with women then the two above incidences.
And the current front runner for the Dems had an affair with a married man 30 years her senior to jumpstart her political career. Where does that leave us?
Your words make me a believer.............Biden is a pedophile, you feel his sexual proclivaties are not on par with Trumps. It takes an idiot to not derive from your comments (not mine) that you view pedophilia as a misdemeanor relative to grabbing female a$$.

I don't know you, you're just another dumba$$ internet poster to me who cannot or will not defend his/her political position. Just another liberal w/o a conscious argument as to actual accomplishments and why you support Kamala after your party forced her on you w/o any democratic influence as to the nomination.

Whoopie, hitch your wagon to that horse all you want, it takes all kinds to make this country, also to destroy it.
First he was separated from his wife at the time. Second how on Earth is that even remotely the same? It was consensual among two adults.

Consensual adultery is bad.

It isn't non-consensual sexual battery bad, but it is bad.

From a purely moralistic viewpoint that leaves us with one person that committed adultery once vs a person that has committed adultery at least three times with regards to each of his wives AND been found guilty by a preponderance of the evidence to have also committed sexual battery.
Your words make me a believer.............Biden is a pedophile, you feel his sexual proclivaties are not on par with Trumps. It takes an idiot to not derive from your comments (not mine) that you view pedophilia as a misdemeanor relative to grabbing female a$$.

I don't know you, you're just another dumba$$ internet poster to me who cannot or will not defend his/her political position. Just another liberal w/o a conscious argument as to actual accomplishments and why you support Kamala after your party forced her on you w/o any democratic influence as to the nomination.

Whoopie, hitch your wagon to that horse all you want, it takes all kinds to make this country, also to destroy it.
I am far from a liberal but because I am anti Trump/Maga you will never believe me.

Please show me where I have presented a political belief I did not defend and I will be glad to do so.