Harris 2024 election thread

No, not at all, but it does seem like an exchange of ideas and discussion about accomplishments are unacceptable
It also seems like you like to jump into existing conversations and call people names. That is probably the worst possible way to encourage "an exchange of ideas and discussion about accomplishments"
List Harris' accomplishments

List Bidens' accomplishements

start there why don't you
I would be very interested in hearing your list of Trumps' accomplishments.

Im Ready Jimmy Fallon GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
No, not at all, but it does seem like an exchange of ideas and discussion about accomplishments are unacceptable

We can absolutely have an exchange of ideas and discussion. But you've already called someone a pedophile for disagreeing with you today and yesterday you said this:

Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine.

Let's just tap the brakes.
Your words make me a believer.............Biden is a pedophile, you feel his sexual proclivaties are not on par with Trumps. It takes an idiot to not derive from your comments (not mine) that you view pedophilia as a misdemeanor relative to grabbing female a$$.

I don't know you, you're just another dumba$$ internet poster to me who cannot or will not defend his/her political position. Just another liberal w/o a conscious argument as to actual accomplishments and why you support Kamala after your party forced her on you w/o any democratic influence as to the nomination.

Whoopie, hitch your wagon to that horse all you want, it takes all kinds to make this country, also to destroy it.
Do you need some help buddy? I know Trump supporters are all a little weird but you seem more unstable than most. I would just hate to see my little guy go and say something he doesn't really mean all over some politics. Maybe if I make your favorite meatloaf that would help? Let me know!

-Xoxo Mom
First, I have voted for 2 Democrats for President, Clinton (the fondler) and Clinton (second term)...........so if Biden cured cancer I would vote for him, if he hadn't crapped the bed and arguably his pants during the debate. I had also already suspected he had lost a step already, then I found out your party lied to me, even promoted "deep fakes" and told us to not believe our lying eyes.

Trumps Accomplishments (He laid it out, then knocked most of them down):
* He paid attention to the border and began building the wall. Numbers prove illegal border crossings were down during his administration.
* Put American first, keep the $'s in the country. Car manufacturing took it on the chin and moved back into the US for the first time since Clinton.
* Unwound from war while Biden promoted war.
* Middle class tax breaks that not only sounded good on the surface but actually appeared when I paid taxes each of those years. I pay $8k more today in federal taxes for the same income.
* US Energy independence, drill! Biden only robs the SPR for oil ahead of his debate and now must replace it at far higher prices than the values present when it was removed. Trump admin was the last fill up before Biden
* Used import tarriffs to combat Chinese products from flooding the market w/o reprocussions
* NATO members finally paid the share of the costs they originally agreed
* Iran was broke, now they aren't and have been using their $250billion gift from Biden to fund their war on Israel. They must be brough to heel again because they want us all dead, including you! I know this because it's what they say repeatedly w/o aplogy.

Just a few Trump accomplishments that leaped to mind from this Independent voter/person
If I look outside and see my driveway is wet, I assume sprinklers or rain

If somebody tells me that Bidens sexual proclivaties, a clear pedophile, are not as bad as Trumps, then I can only assume child molestation must be assumed as dismissive or part of the moral fiber of this country in some strange way. Sorry I'm not as illuminaty as you, I just think kids are innocent and shouldn't be faced with these kinds of decisions.
* Middle class tax breaks that not only sounded good on the surface but actually appeared when I paid taxes each of those years. I pay $8k more today in federal taxes for the same income.
Hint ...your taxes THIS year were part of Trump's tax plan. that $8k extra you pay this year in Federal Taxes. ....all thanks to Trump.

Signed into law by President Donald Trump, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) took effect on Jan. 1, 2018. The legislation was the largest overhaul of the tax code in three decades. The reform impacted taxpayers and business owners. Many of the tax reform benefits expire in 2025.

Key Takeaways​

  • The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the largest tax code overhaul in three decades.
  • The law created a single flat corporate tax rate of 21%.
  • Many tax benefits to help individuals and families will expire in 2025.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act brought sweeping changes to the tax code and impacted individuals depending on their income level, filing status, and deductions. The law featured a new, lower corporate rate of 21% and preferable tax treatment of pass-through companies.1

The Senate passed the bill on December 2, 2017, by a party-line vote of 51 to 49. The House passed the bill later that month by a vote of 224 to 201.2 No House Democrats supported the bill and 12 Republicans voted no—most of them representing California, New York, and New Jersey.3

The law cut corporate tax rates permanently and individual tax rates temporarily. It permanently removed the individual mandate requiring individuals to purchase health insurance, a key provision of the Affordable Care Act.4 The highest earners were expected to benefit most from the law, while the lowest earners were believed to pay more in taxes and will pay even more when the tax breaks for individuals expire in 2025. Only Corporate tax rate cuts were made permanent by Trump's plan. Individuals got a "Break" and those "Breaks" for individuals expire in 2025.
Why is it that every person who vehemently defends and supports Trump at every turn always says "I'm an independent. I don't even watch Fox News. I don't want to vote for him, but I'm going to for a 3rd time".

Just own up to it. Are you just embarrassed to say you support a felon / sex offender / pedophile / grifter / failed business man / adulterer / Putins lap dog / insurrectionist / traitor?
First, I have voted for 2 Democrats for President, Clinton (the fondler) and Clinton (second term)...........so if Biden cured cancer I would vote for him, if he hadn't crapped the bed and arguably his pants during the debate. I had also already suspected he had lost a step already, then I found out your party lied to me, even promoted "deep fakes" and told us to not believe our lying eyes.

Trumps Accomplishments (He laid it out, then knocked most of them down):
* He paid attention to the border and began building the wall. Numbers prove illegal border crossings were down during his administration.
* Put American first, keep the $'s in the country. Car manufacturing took it on the chin and moved back into the US for the first time since Clinton.
* Unwound from war while Biden promoted war.
* Middle class tax breaks that not only sounded good on the surface but actually appeared when I paid taxes each of those years. I pay $8k more today in federal taxes for the same income.
* US Energy independence, drill! Biden only robs the SPR for oil ahead of his debate and now must replace it at far higher prices than the values present when it was removed. Trump admin was the last fill up before Biden
* Used import tarriffs to combat Chinese products from flooding the market w/o reprocussions
* NATO members finally paid the share of the costs they originally agreed
* Iran was broke, now they aren't and have been using their $250billion gift from Biden to fund their war on Israel. They must be brough to heel again because they want us all dead, including you! I know this because it's what they say repeatedly w/o aplogy.

Just a few Trump accomplishments that leaped to mind from this Independent voter/person

TDS, Type II sufferer.

Biden - Harris Accomplishments:

1) Allowed over 15mm unvetted illegals into the country with no idea where they are or who they are
2) Inflation not see since Jimmy Carter
3) Higher consumer debt and energy prices
4) Ukraine-Rissia War
5) Insread-Hamas War
6) Ignorant withdrawal from Afganistan that cost the lives of 13 soldiers, never acknowledged by the White House
7) Defunding police has created massive increases in violent crimes (see Border crisis)
8) Terrorists released in this country (see border crisis)
9) Tried to jail a political rival in the name of what? DEMOCRACY!
10) Lied to the American public about the cognitive decline of our President
11) Declared all out war on energy exploration and replacement with Electric by 2035.............really!? NFW
12) Most unpopular President and VP in history

and the above are just the policies pursued and admitted to by this administration.

But please, advise us on what the accomplishments are of this administration, at least come up with 5...........betcha can't :sneaky:
29 and counting...

First, I have voted for 2 Democrats for President, Clinton (the fondler) and Clinton (second term)...........so if Biden cured cancer I would vote for him, if he hadn't crapped the bed and arguably his pants during the debate. I had also already suspected he had lost a step already, then I found out your party lied to me, even promoted "deep fakes" and told us to not believe our lying eyes.

Trumps Accomplishments (He laid it out, then knocked most of them down):
* He paid attention to the border and began building the wall. Numbers prove illegal border crossings were down during his administration.
* Put American first, keep the $'s in the country. Car manufacturing took it on the chin and moved back into the US for the first time since Clinton.
* Unwound from war while Biden promoted war.
* Middle class tax breaks that not only sounded good on the surface but actually appeared when I paid taxes each of those years. I pay $8k more today in federal taxes for the same income.
* US Energy independence, drill! Biden only robs the SPR for oil ahead of his debate and now must replace it at far higher prices than the values present when it was removed. Trump admin was the last fill up before Biden
* Used import tarriffs to combat Chinese products from flooding the market w/o reprocussions
* NATO members finally paid the share of the costs they originally agreed
* Iran was broke, now they aren't and have been using their $250billion gift from Biden to fund their war on Israel. They must be brough to heel again because they want us all dead, including you! I know this because it's what they say repeatedly w/o aplogy.

Just a few Trump accomplishments that leaped to mind from this Independent voter/person
55 promises broken

And the current front runner for the Dems had an affair with a married man 30 years her senior to jumpstart her political career. Where does that leave us?

Let's be honest. If you are strongly progressive or strongly conservative none of that stuff is going to matter.

If you are a moderate, you have a choice:
- A narcissist who is very old and is starting to show his age with the things he says and age tends to take the limits off. He previously had strong, rational conservatives (Tillerson, Kelley, Mattis etc) until his record turnover rate got him to only extreme yes men. He clearly believes in the personal win more than the republic. He is fascinated by dictators.

- A political climber who probably did some typical but not elegant things to get herself to this position. It seems she is personally more liberal than the administration she has been in. But, she seems to believe in the republic.

My worst case scenario for Trump is we end up wtih fake elections and a dictatorial government based on blatant lies. Worst case with Harris is she raises taxes and keeps on spending like all have done for decades.

I don't really want super-liberal policies but I'll live through that before and it ain't so bad. I'm not ready to risk our form of government for (maybe) better economics.
Sending me Politifact is like sending me something from any major news network. The Hill is another winner...........I'm not letting the media white wash my news, they all 75% work for Pfizer and 25% for all other adverstisers. News from them is written by pharma, not journalists.
Let's be honest. If you are strongly progressive or strongly conservative none of that stuff is going to matter.

If you are a moderate, you have a choice:
- A narcissist who is very old and is starting to show his age with the things he says and age tends to take the limits off. He previously had strong, rational conservatives (Tillerson, Kelley, Mattis etc) until his record turnover rate got him to only extreme yes men. He clearly believes in the personal win more than the republic. He is fascinated by dictators.

- A political climber who probably did some typical but not elegant things to get herself to this position. It seems she is personally more liberal than the administration she has been in. But, she seems to believe in the republic.

My worst case scenario for Trump is we end up wtih fake elections and a dictatorial government based on blatant lies. Worst case with Harris is she raises taxes and keeps on spending like all have done for decades.

I don't really want super-liberal policies but I'll live through that before and it ain't so bad. I'm not ready to risk our form of government for (maybe) better economics.
I'm curious, where do you live steross?
Some of Bidens accomplishments:
  • Better access to "affordable" (for this country, anyhow) healthcare. All time lows of uninsured Americans
  • Salary increases are finally outpacing inflation, and unemployment below 4% (still not where we need to be, though). Mostly for lower wage earning Americans.
  • After a historic rise in his first 2 years, cost of living is finally down to pre-pandemic levels
  • Record spending on green energy initiatives (you may find this as a negative, though)
  • Violent crimes and homicides have seen a historic drop (despite what Fox tells you to scare you)
  • Stock market seems to love Biden
  • Student loan forgiveness (still needs a ton of work, but this is a good start)
  • CHIPS act might be his single biggest accomplishment, closely followed by
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Working towards decriminalizing marijuana and rescheduling it
  • A border bill that was killed because Trump didn't want to make him look good
Thats all I got. Excited to hear why I'm wrong