Harris 2024 election thread

Because you are the one doing it. Sorry that my answer that said that was not written in a way that you could understand.
lol. You were the one that brought up race. And you did it multiple times. I don’t understand why, but apparently it is extremely important to you.
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All I know is what I saw with my own eyes..........she and Joe wanted and lobbied for Ukraine into NATO, then the day after she announced in Ukraine that NATO would come to Ukraine's defense if they were invaded, Putin came in the next day. She poked at the Bear and it poked back, what do you expect? Exactly want you wanted in the first place. Kamala is a war hawk for sure and forgive me for not wanting this particular woman in the White House, the soldiers feel the same way which is why we now have a draft once again.........no confidence in the US Gov't.

The reason this war ends quickly and the body count can stop at +300,000 casualties, is because Trump will tell Putin to get out if we never propose Ukraine as NATO again, he will cut them and let them drift as they always have, drifted. Run by a non-democratic CIA installed puppet government, much like ours is.
Is that a state law?

yes, state law...Long guns and handguns have different ages to legally purchase OR own in most states. Rittenhouse had an AR 15 which is not considered a handgun and therefore illegal for those under the age of 18 to own, possess or purchase.

May a parent or guardian purchase firearms or ammunition as a gift for a juvenile (less than 18 years of age)?

Yes. However, persons less than 18 years of age may only receive and possess handguns with the written permission of a parent or guardian for limited purposes
A ha! A meme answer, as expected, he's got nothin
That's because it's ridiculous dribble.

Again as has been discussed ad nausea, Putin has invaded country after country. These are countries with no ties to NATO. Also, invading a country because it might join a defensive alliance at some point in the future is not a legit reason to start a war. NATO wasn't then and isn't now going to allow Ukraine in until their war is over. Simply holding Donbas post 2014 was going to prevent that. This is about more than NATO.

Russia had stacked thousands and thousands of troops and equipment along the border as we warned for months they were going to invade... so your next day claim is wrong.

The war will end when Putin backs away, or when Ukraine no longer has support internationally. If Trump backs off support, the restbof NATO can fill the void to an extent. Trump wants to end NATO.

What is your experience with international conflict? I'm guessing it's whatever is playing on RT... oh sorry FoxNews.
Now we have Russian nukes 90 miles from Miami..........but I'm sure she know WITF she's doing
Are you talking about the Cuban missle slcrisis in the 60s... those got removed.... Or are you talking about the Russian sub and other ships that visited? Guess what that crap happens all the time, they go to Cuba periodically.
Now we have Russian nukes 90 miles from Miami..........but I'm sure she know WITF she's doing

King Of The Hill No GIF
All I know is what I saw with my own eyes..........she and Joe wanted and lobbied for Ukraine into NATO, then the day after she announced in Ukraine that NATO would come to Ukraine's defense if they were invaded, Putin came in the next day. She poked at the Bear and it poked back, what do you expect? Exactly want you wanted in the first place. Kamala is a war hawk for sure and forgive me for not wanting this particular woman in the White House, the soldiers feel the same way which is why we now have a draft once again.........no confidence in the US Gov't.

The reason this war ends quickly and the body count can stop at +300,000 casualties, is because Trump will tell Putin to get out if we never propose Ukraine as NATO again, he will cut them and let them drift as they always have, drifted. Run by a non-democratic CIA installed puppet government, much like ours is.
That got wild fast, lol.
yes, state law...Long guns and handguns have different ages to legally purchase OR own in most states. Rittenhouse had an AR 15 which is not considered a handgun and therefore illegal for those under the age of 18 to own, possess or purchase.

May a parent or guardian purchase firearms or ammunition as a gift for a juvenile (less than 18 years of age)?

Yes. However, persons less than 18 years of age may only receive and possess handguns with the written permission of a parent or guardian for limited purposes
I believe you are emphasizing handguns when you should be emphasizing written permission. Federally all guns can be gifted to minors but handguns require an additional step being the written permission.

I cannot find any law that prevents a parent from gifting their child a rifle in Illinois, but I didn't try too hard. However, that does not matter for our discussion as it was a man named Dominick Black that bought the rifle, not his mother.

I believe you are emphasizing handguns when you should be emphasizing written permission. Federally all guns can be gifted to minors but handguns require an additional step being the written permission.

I cannot find any law that prevents a parent from gifting their child a rifle in Illinois, but I didn't try too hard. However, that does not matter for our discussion as it was a man named Dominick Black that bought the rifle, not his mother.

Didn't buy it in Illinois neither I don't believe
Well, this job is called President of the United States of America, leader of the free world.........it's not an (arguable) unelected VP

When Kamala was running the above job, she was only able to gather 2% of the Dem voters as the then potential Presedential candidate. So the other 98% moved in lock step firmly behind her? Her accomplishments since then have been almost nothing, apart from her words starting the war in Ukraine I can't think of anything else.............
She was the elected VP.

I'm not disputing the 2020 election results.

That ship has sailed brother. I am concerned how she has never won an electoral vote and is very weird with answers. She doesn't seem to have confidence in her convictions (which is off for a district attorney, pun fully intended)
I agree with 99% of this except that line about the RNC not loving Trump. Dude - Trump IS the RNC now. He is the party.

Not the old brass, The guys who came up in the RNC Cruz, McCain, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, Dubai, Jeb, McConnell (who needs to be out of a job anyway) for a few examples