Harris 2024 election thread

Not the old brass, The guys who came up in the RNC Cruz, McCain, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, Dubai, Jeb, McConnell (who needs to be out of a job anyway) for a few examples
Cruz: In Congress. Bows to Trump
McCain: Dead
Boehner: No longer in Congress
Ryan: No longer in Congress
Flake: No longer in Congress
Romney: No longer in Congress
Bushes: No longer in offices
McConnell: Will retire at end of term (if not sooner)

Sooo.... yeah. These guys might all 'hate' Trump, but they aren't the RNC anymore. That's your daddy's Republican party.
Oh my god - was that as good for you as it was for me? *smokes cigarette*

So to be clear: you are saying that Kamala Harris announced in Ukraine they would be accepted to NATO and within 24 hours Russia mobilized their armed forces to invade. Based on that alone. In one day. With no other warning. Got it.

Lastly, and I can't stress this enough, if Trump ends this war it's going to be at the cost Ukrainian lands. Otherwise known as a Russian victory. So he'll do exactly what Russia desires and Russia will get everything it wanted at the start of all this. Great win. I can't wait for 5 years down the line where they invade the rest of Ukraine and you're on here spouting how 'well, they really HAD to invade...we only gave them half of Ukraine last time!"
Who really give an f bout what happens to property in Ukraine? They produce wheat, so do we, who gaf? Every $ give Ukraine produces nothing for the US and produces more dead Ukrainians. Kamala and her party are clearly are sick little racist and in some perverted way enjoy watching the destruction of a country. Why else fan the flames, Ukraine can never defeat Russia, if you believe any differently then we just can't be friends I guess.

Russia will never allow any country sharing its border to be affiliated with NATO any more than we should allow Russians/Chinese in a country bordering ours................maybe
Who really give an f bout what happens to property in Ukraine? They produce wheat, so do we, who gaf? Every $ give Ukraine produces nothing for the US and produces more dead Ukrainians. Kamala and her party are clearly are sick little racist and in some perverted way enjoy watching the destruction of a country. Why else fan the flames, Ukraine can never defeat Russia, if you believe any differently then we just can't be friends I guess.

Russia will never allow any country sharing its border to be affiliated with NATO any more than we should allow Russians/Chinese in a country bordering ours................maybe

You should do some reading on Paul Manafort. I'm guessing it won't do much to change your opinion but you never know.

Also you ever heard of a place called Alaska?
Who really give an f bout what happens to property in Ukraine? They produce wheat, so do we, who gaf? Every $ give Ukraine produces nothing for the US and produces more dead Ukrainians. Kamala and her party are clearly are sick little racist and in some perverted way enjoy watching the destruction of a country. Why else fan the flames, Ukraine can never defeat Russia, if you believe any differently then we just can't be friends I guess.

Russia will never allow any country sharing its border to be affiliated with NATO any more than we should allow Russians/Chinese in a country bordering ours................maybe
So you are saying we should invade Mexio if it sides with russia closely? Yeah, no that's not ok.
Who really give an f bout what happens to property in Ukraine? They produce wheat, so do we, who gaf? Every $ give Ukraine produces nothing for the US and produces more dead Ukrainians. Kamala and her party are clearly are sick little racist and in some perverted way enjoy watching the destruction of a country.
Yea, no reason we should concern ourselves about a power hungry dicator repeatedly taking land and increasing his power by force.

I mean, never in the history of the world has that ever been a major issue for us.
Yea, no reason we should concern ourselves about a power hungry dicator repeatedly taking land and increasing his power by force.

I mean, never in the history of the world has that ever been a major issue for us.
Yeah....specially one that has vowed in the past to reunite all of the former Soviet States again into one power
Who really give an f bout what happens to property in Ukraine? They produce wheat, so do we, who gaf? Every $ give Ukraine produces nothing for the US and produces more dead Ukrainians. Kamala and her party are clearly are sick little racist and in some perverted way enjoy watching the destruction of a country. Why else fan the flames, Ukraine can never defeat Russia, if you believe any differently then we just can't be friends I guess.

Russia will never allow any country sharing its border to be affiliated with NATO any more than we should allow Russians/Chinese in a country bordering ours................maybe

No way that Ukraine could end up beating Russia. Ukraine would AT LEAST need to increase its military up the the level of Afghanistan, the last country to defeat Russia with outside assistance.

Ukraine is no powerful country like Afghanistan, right?
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
How does no NATO=no killing? Explain that in a way not using RT/Kremilin's words.

NATO is a defensive alliance. I wonder why Putin doesn't want a neighboring country with a lot of oil and grain to not have military protection. The only time you could consider NATO having invaded/attacked a country would be Afghanistan and Iraq following 9/11.
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
Let's tally up the number of Ukrainians killed by Russia and the number killed by NATO.

You are being absurd. If you are foolish enough to believe that a dictator who has already claimed he wants to retake all of th former soviet states and has been taking them one by one would stop if a defense alliance went away you simple have an extreme view with no logical basis.
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
Apparently OSU has a fan in Moscow. Interesting, wouldn't have guessed.
Apparently OSU has a fan in Moscow. Interesting, wouldn't have guessed.
No, but it does show how powerful the misinformation campaign has been that people can believe something so illogical and spout it as if it should make sense to everyone.

You know, this dictator is different than the ones in the past that attacked their neighbors.
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
Jimmy Fallon Cringe GIF
Russian GIF
Look, if you're arguing with my words, you support genocide of Ukraine. No NATO = No KILLING! That's all, and it stops.......but y'all think we should keep sending arms to a dwindling army. Cool, I just could never get down with that kind of thinking because it involves so many deaths for a hopeless cause, NATO
I realize that a bunch of perceived liberals on a message board won’t change your line of thinking but I would suggest finding some non partisan research and information on Ukraine/Russia.

If you are on X there are some really good accounts that provide good information on the war.

Russia is running out of hardware and tanks.

They have had to turn to North Korea for certain types of ammo/weapons systems.

Some accounts estimate they have lost over 1/3 of their Black Sea fleet.

They have lost over 350,000 soldiers.

They are stalemated on certain fronts w no hope of advancing.

If I understand correctly, the last $60B provided by the us was in part weapons and technology that was going to be “graveyarded” by the US. So in some regards at least a portion of the $60B if not the majority will by transitive property be spent in the US by manufacturing replacement and upgraded weapons (which is another discussion regarding the military industrial complex).

All of this without 1 US troop. I guess the way I see it (1) Putin and Putin alone is to blame for this. (2) Today he is weaker bc of the Ukrainian will and US and NATO support. How is that a bad thing for the US?
I realize that a bunch of perceived liberals on a message board won’t change your line of thinking but I would suggest finding some non partisan research and information on Ukraine/Russia.

If you are on X there are some really good accounts that provide good information on the war.

Russia is running out of hardware and tanks.

They have had to turn to North Korea for certain types of ammo/weapons systems.

Some accounts estimate they have lost over 1/3 of their Black Sea fleet.

They have lost over 350,000 soldiers.

They are stalemated on certain fronts w no hope of advancing.

If I understand correctly, the last $60B provided by the us was in part weapons and technology that was going to be “graveyarded” by the US. So in some regards at least a portion of the $60B if not the majority will by transitive property be spent in the US by manufacturing replacement and upgraded weapons (which is another discussion regarding the military industrial complex).

All of this without 1 US troop. I guess the way I see it (1) Putin and Putin alone is to blame for this. (2) Today he is weaker bc of the Ukrainian will and US and NATO support. How is that a bad thing for the US?
If you think Ukraine can beat Russia or that Russia will run out of resources before Ukraine, you're simply wrong. I prefer live Ukrainians over dead ones but I get it, you prefer them dead, cool...to each his own
Found this by Sen Murphy from CT on Harris.

Won’t change any minds but it’s interesting. It can be argued it’s not enough or it’s not the wall/fence. But it goes to the point that one party whether you agree or not w what they do is at least offering solutions. The other party tells its congressional leaders to not do anything and to wait.

VP Harris was not made "border czar". That's made up.

She WAS put in charge of addressing the root causes of migration from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. A targeted but important task.

1/ And I got my hands on some data about the results that you need to see.

2/ First, what did VP Harris do? She created something called The Partnership for Central America, and convinced 56 companies to invest more than $5 billion to bolster Central American economies to address the causes of economic migration.

3/ She regularly met with leaders from Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries to slow down the human trafficking cartels and invest in public safety in areas where high crime drove migrants to the U.S.

4/ Here are Harris's results.

From 2021-23:

- Hondurans encountered at the border dropped by 50%

- El Salvadorian encounters dropped by even more - 60%

- Migration from Guatemala dropped by 50%.

- And even Mexican migration - the steadiest flow - dropped by 6%.

5/ Vice President Harris was given a nearly impossible task, and in just two years she helped drive a massive decrease in migration from Central America, and a meaningful decrease from Mexico.