Harris 2024 election thread

It's a weird situation.

I was OK with Kamala Harris as attorney general in California ( I live in Los Angeles) no real negative opinion.

when she was a senator, I felt her Kavanaugh questions were grandstandy, performative and weird. Even for Congress

When she ran for president, and Tulsi Gabbard ended her in a debate (the same one she called Joe Biden a racist) She had to reset herself on national TV. She wound up dropping out of the race before the Democratic Primary despite having the largest bankroll (outside of Michael Bloomberg)

She took the VP job, which I don't fault her for. It's weird how Biden used her gender and ethnicity to somewhat token her. I don't blame her for that. It was an out of touch move by an out of touch dude. It seems like Biden clearly wasn't the president, and whatever her responsibilities were, she didn't come off great in them.

Her interviews were awkward and meandering. "We're at the border right now" "The future is unburdened by the past" Claiming she smoked weed in college while listening to Snoop and 2Pac (She graduated law school in 1990, 2Pac's debut was in 1991, Snoop's 1993)

The Democrats ensuring there was no primary in 2024, Fixing the 2020 primary so Biden wouldn't have to face Bernie and not campaigning. threatening candidates who ran against Biden and canceling primaries in a few states.

It's weird, she has no major accomplishments. other than a great theatric performance in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing. It would be different if you're looking at Andy Brashear, Gretchen Whitmer, or Gavin Newsom (Democratic governors of Kentucky, Michigan and California)

She's a prosecuting attorney, and she was good at that. She's good at performative stuff. She doesn't exude a lot of confidence and has no major policy or campaigning experience.

It feels she's just the DNC's choice. Which concerns me even more.

It's obvious the RNC doesn't love Trump, but they at least acknowledge that the voters prefer Trump over establishment candidates.

I'm in California, it's not like my vote matters. I'm partially Jewish and I'd still vote for Kanye over her.

EDIT: It's also weird when Democrats have said the Republicans want to dismantle the democracy over voting rules. It's not the same thing, because it is internally a Democrat thing vs. a General Election, but it is weird behavior.

I'm a Democrat on most social issues, I'm more leftist than Democrat on financial issues.
I'm not anti- Republican, I look at issues individually, I just tend to lean leftist, Democrat more often
I liked the Democrats a lot more when they valued Organized Labor instead of Organized Banks.

"A weird situation" is somewhat of an understatement.
Well, this job is called President of the United States of America, leader of the free world.........it's not an (arguable) unelected VP

When Kamala was running the above job, she was only able to gather 2% of the Dem voters as the then potential Presedential candidate. So the other 98% moved in lock step firmly behind her? Her accomplishments since then have been almost nothing, apart from her words starting the war in Ukraine I can't think of anything else.............
Well, this job is called President of the United States of America, leader of the free world.........it's not an (arguable) unelected VP

When Kamala was running the above job, she was only able to gather 2% of the Dem voters as the then potential Presedential candidate. So the other 98% moved in lock step firmly behind her? Her accomplishments since then have been almost nothing, apart from her words starting the war in Ukraine I can't think of anything else.............
Well, supposedly, she wrote some expansion of voter eligibility proposals that were promptly shut down...
The concept of bail is to ensure a person shows up to face their charges. This organization removes that incentive. So yes, there should be some responsibility taken if that money bails out a bad one.
I would add a caveat - if it bails out someone who then later doesn't show. If the program had a lower than average recidivism rate you could make the case it's a very worthy cause. Almost everyone deserves bail.

I can't stress that 'almost' enough.
It's a weird situation.

I was OK with Kamala Harris as attorney general in California ( I live in Los Angeles) no real negative opinion.

when she was a senator, I felt her Kavanaugh questions were grandstandy, performative and weird. Even for Congress

When she ran for president, and Tulsi Gabbard ended her in a debate (the same one she called Joe Biden a racist) She had to reset herself on national TV. She wound up dropping out of the race before the Democratic Primary despite having the largest bankroll (outside of Michael Bloomberg)

She took the VP job, which I don't fault her for. It's weird how Biden used her gender and ethnicity to somewhat token her. I don't blame her for that. It was an out of touch move by an out of touch dude. It seems like Biden clearly wasn't the president, and whatever her responsibilities were, she didn't come off great in them.

Her interviews were awkward and meandering. "We're at the border right now" "The future is unburdened by the past" Claiming she smoked weed in college while listening to Snoop and 2Pac (She graduated law school in 1990, 2Pac's debut was in 1991, Snoop's 1993)

The Democrats ensuring there was no primary in 2024, Fixing the 2020 primary so Biden wouldn't have to face Bernie and not campaigning. threatening candidates who ran against Biden and canceling primaries in a few states.

It's weird, she has no major accomplishments. other than a great theatric performance in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing. It would be different if you're looking at Andy Brashear, Gretchen Whitmer, or Gavin Newsom (Democratic governors of Kentucky, Michigan and California)

She's a prosecuting attorney, and she was good at that. She's good at performative stuff. She doesn't exude a lot of confidence and has no major policy or campaigning experience.

It feels she's just the DNC's choice. Which concerns me even more.

It's obvious the RNC doesn't love Trump, but they at least acknowledge that the voters prefer Trump over establishment candidates.

I'm in California, it's not like my vote matters. I'm partially Jewish and I'd still vote for Kanye over her.

EDIT: It's also weird when Democrats have said the Republicans want to dismantle the democracy over voting rules. It's not the same thing, because it is internally a Democrat thing vs. a General Election, but it is weird behavior.

I'm a Democrat on most social issues, I'm more leftist than Democrat on financial issues.
I'm not anti- Republican, I look at issues individually, I just tend to lean leftist, Democrat more often
I liked the Democrats a lot more when they valued Organized Labor instead of Organized Banks.

I agree with 99% of this except that line about the RNC not loving Trump. Dude - Trump IS the RNC now. He is the party.
Well, this job is called President of the United States of America, leader of the free world.........it's not an (arguable) unelected VP

When Kamala was running the above job, she was only able to gather 2% of the Dem voters as the then potential Presedential candidate. So the other 98% moved in lock step firmly behind her? Her accomplishments since then have been almost nothing, apart from her words starting the war in Ukraine I can't think of anything else.............
The job is called President and it's the one she is running for. She still needs to be voted on by the electorates of the states. I personally think she'll get thumped.

"Her words starting the war in Ukraine"....oooookay. That's a new one. Lay some propaganda on us. Roll that beautiful Putin's beans footage.
I have nothing but contempt for anybody who would burn the US flag but I will defend vehemently that what that flag stands for allows them to do it.
Couldn't agree more. I find it abhorrent. But I do agree they have a right to do it.

Remember when we used to hate things in this country but understood that being free comes with the big-boy responsibility of not legislating everything you disagree with?

Liberty is expensive. But it's a price I'm willing to pay.
Dude, no one is saying Stallings rioted. He had a gun at the riots on day 4 of the riots and shot at people. Why you continue to support that is beyond me.
Answer this: Do you feel Rittenhouse was also “acting as a citizen should?”
Are you sayihg that, like Rittenhouse, Stallings drove to another city for a riot or was he in his own city. If you are going to make comparisons, make it fair.

Yes, if I am a legal gun owner and there are riots in my city and I went outside I would take my weapon to defend myself against unmarked vans full of rioters shooting at me.

Why you continue to think the second amendment doesn't apply to black men is beyond me. Well, honestly, I've seen your posts, is makes perfect sense to me.
It’s never a good look supporting people arrested for violent acts while “protesting” ..especially after telling people to never stop.
Now we have two Presidential candidates that are fair game for the opposition party to claim they supported riots.
Fortunately, that line of reasoning would only work on people with absolutely no critical thinking skills.
I would add a caveat - if it bails out someone who then later doesn't show. If the program had a lower than average recidivism rate you could make the case it's a very worthy cause. Almost everyone deserves bail.

I can't stress that 'almost' enough.
Well there is an entire industry built up around providing bail for most people who can't afford it.
Are you sayihg that, like Rittenhouse, Stallings drove to another city for a riot or was he in his own city. If you are going to make comparisons, make it fair.

Yes, if I am a legal gun owner and there are riots in my city and I went outside I would take my weapon to defend myself against unmarked vans full of rioters shooting at me.

Why you continue to think the second amendment doesn't apply to black men is beyond me. Well, honestly, I've seen your posts, is makes perfect sense to me.
Rittenhouse also had a firearm his mother purchased for him illegally...as he was 17 and too young to buy

Stallings was full legal on purchase and license
Rittenhouse also had a firearm his mother purchased for him illegally...as he was 17 and too young to buy
Is that a state law?

May a parent or guardian purchase firearms or ammunition as a gift for a juvenile (less than 18 years of age)?​

Yes. However, persons less than 18 years of age may only receive and possess handguns with the written permission of a parent or guardian for limited purposes, e.g., employment, ranching, farming, target practice or hunting.
[18 U.S.C. 922(x)]

Issues surrounding bail and Harris should be seen as a positive to most I would think as not only has she reversed her stance on cash bail from when she was in Cali but she did it when a camera wasn't in front of her face after she was already elected to the senate and crossed the aisle to work with Rand Paul who I think we all agree doesn't align with her on most policy to make changes.

I guess there are cash bail is a good thing hardliners but if you look at the whole picture and history hers is very favorable to me.
Are you sayihg that, like Rittenhouse, Stallings drove to another city for a riot or was he in his own city. If you are going to make comparisons, make it fair.

Yes, if I am a legal gun owner and there are riots in my city and I went outside I would take my weapon to defend myself against unmarked vans full of rioters shooting at me.

Why you continue to think the second amendment doesn't apply to black men is beyond me. Well, honestly, I've seen your posts, is makes perfect sense to me.
Race seems VERY VERY important to you. Why do you feel that you need to treat people differently due to race?
I think I am starting to understand you better.
Ah the non-answer. Not surprised. Why can’t or won’t you answer why a person’s skin color matters to you?
Because you are the one doing it. Sorry that my answer that said that was not written in a way that you could understand.
The job is called President and it's the one she is running for. She still needs to be voted on by the electorates of the states. I personally think she'll get thumped.

"Her words starting the war in Ukraine"....oooookay. That's a new one. Lay some propaganda on us. Roll that beautiful Putin's beans footage.
All I know is what I saw with my own eyes..........she and Joe wanted and lobbied for Ukraine into NATO, then the day after she announced in Ukraine that NATO would come to Ukraine's defense if they were invaded, Putin came in the next day. She poked at the Bear and it poked back, what do you expect? Exactly want you wanted in the first place. Kamala is a war hawk for sure and forgive me for not wanting this particular woman in the White House, the soldiers feel the same way which is why we now have a draft once again.........no confidence in the US Gov't.

The reason this war ends quickly and the body count can stop at +300,000 casualties, is because Trump will tell Putin to get out if we never propose Ukraine as NATO again, he will cut them and let them drift as they always have, drifted. Run by a non-democratic CIA installed puppet government, much like ours is.