Harris 2024 election thread

Treason requires aiding an enemy. Does this aide an enemy? It's a stupid annoying protest... in very poor taste but again constitutionally protected.
I guess that depends on if we now consider terrorists an enemy.
Doesn't say, but supporting any organization that posts bond for repeat felons isn't a very good choice. I would hope she would research before giving support.
I would hope so too. But not sure what happened between 2020 and 2022 in that organization.
I would hope so too. But not sure what happened between 2020 and 2022 in that organization.
Nothing much has changed, she still helps raise funds for it, and they're still posting bond for repeat felons, including rapists.
The fund was started by U of Minn. business students to post bond for people arrested at protests but has apparently expanded.

Every Democrat I know feels a sense of relief and hope after Biden dropped out. Kamala broke all kinds of records for fundraising this week. Republicans saying Dem votes were stolen or suppressed when Biden dropped out are just like white progressives being offended for Latino people and insisting everyone call them Latinx.

The only ones complaining are voting for Trump. That tells you what their opinion is worth.

Trumpers are big mad that they can't complain about the "old man" anymore. Lotta copium in this thread.
Nothing much has changed, she still helps raise funds for it, and they're still posting bond for repeat felons, including rapists.
The fund was started by U of Minn. business students to post bond for people arrested at protests but has apparently expanded.

she encouraged people to donate during Floyd protests in 2020...a program to help people with bail who cannot afford it...
she encouraged people to donate during Floyd protests in 2020...a program to help people with bail who cannot afford it...
"but the group only used a small fraction of that bounty—$210,000—to bail rioters out of jail. The remaining funds helped post bail for violent criminals such as Christopher Boswell, a twice-convicted rapist who was freed from jail in 2020 pending kidnapping and sexual assault charges after the Minnesota Freedom Fund paid $350,000 for his release."
"but the group only used a small fraction of that bounty—$210,000—to bail rioters out of jail. The remaining funds helped post bail for violent criminals such as Christopher Boswell, a twice-convicted rapist who was freed from jail in 2020 pending kidnapping and sexual assault charges after the Minnesota Freedom Fund paid $350,000 for his release."

I was going to read the article but when I clicked on it I got this:


Got a feeling there may be a touch of fascist bias in it...
I didn't get into the article. I saw the pop up and noped right out of there. I didn't want to say conservative bias because nothing about this election is conservative.
My apologies for not posting from MSM, they surprisingly didn't care about rapists being bonded out by a non-profit.
"but the group only used a small fraction of that bounty—$210,000—to bail rioters out of jail. The remaining funds helped post bail for violent criminals such as Christopher Boswell, a twice-convicted rapist who was freed from jail in 2020 pending kidnapping and sexual assault charges after the Minnesota Freedom Fund paid $350,000 for his release."
I’m not gonna try to fact check your stats, I’ll just say that the freedom fund is a way to post bail for people who can’t afford it…seems like a good cause to me, with the whole presumed innocent thing, and when you help thousands of people you’re bound to “help” out a few rotten ones. If I were to encourage people to donate to this or even donated myself, I shouldn’t be responsible for that rare occasion of bailing out a bad one…JMO…