Gundy Not in Trouble….restructuring

We are taking about firing someone who has been to more consecutive bowl games than we had in our total history prior to his arrival after one bad year. I don't think low fan expectations is a selling point right now.
I don't think he will be fired, although I do think his contract will and needs to be restructured, ending the automatic rollover and raise. However, if firing him is on the table it isn't just because of one bad season.
I don't think he will be fired, although I do think his contract will and needs to be restructured, ending the automatic rollover and raise. However, if firing him is on the table it isn't just because of one bad season.
Exactly. The people trotting out the "one bad season" line are blinded by their allegiance to Gundy. He has done good things for OSU, generally, but he is not equipped to take us any further. He is reluctant to change in an era that is defined by change. He melts down with the slightest hint of pressure. He says and does really dumb stuff from a PR, marketing, and branding standpoint. He values money in his bank more than winning. He resents the fans. He hates the media. Seemingly doesn't related well to the players. And he's won a single conference championship in 20 years.

All of this after being given more resources than any coach in OSU history and coaching in a weak conference.

If OSU wants to regain relevance, it'll have to be with someone else leading the football team. I don't think Gundy is incapable. I think he's unwilling to do the things needed to elevate us further.

I'd still be surprised if he's fired, and agree that it may not benefit us to do so. But major changes need to happen, including within Gundy himself.
It sound like the rumors may be true.
Some need to realize that coaches out there pay attention to the way things are handled. You’re sending a very bad message when you fire a guy who has done what Gundy has over the last 20 years. He's definitely made mistakes, been stubborn and made some bad choices but you have to give him the chance to make it right before taking this step. Just a complete shit show this has turned into.
The institution is bigger than one person, particularly one that is arrogant enough to insult the supporters.

What he was willing to say publicly in the midst of presiding over a disaster of his making shows terrible judgment, at the least, and leaves a reasonable person with plenty of questions about whether he’s too far out over his skis.

You can bet that some of the other coaches are saying ‘what a dumba$$’.
Accept this pay cut or get fired!

No, pay me the buyout.

Accept this restructuring of your contract or get fired!

No, pay me the buyout.


Other coaches are watching this!

Other coaches want to get pay millions too.


The only financial incentive Gundy would have for accepting anything is if cause exists to fire him, and without knowing the specific contract details, it’s impossible to comment intelligently on that point.
The institution is bigger than one person, particularly one that is arrogant enough to insult the supporters.

What he was willing to say publicly in the midst of presiding over a disaster of his making shows terrible judgment, at the least, and leaves a reasonable person with plenty of questions about whether he’s too far out over his skis.

You can bet that some of the other coaches are saying ‘what a dumba$$’.
It definitely is bigger than 1 person I totally agree.

I’ll be honest, Gundy shouldn’t have said what he said publicly but he wasn’t wrong. Our society today is exactly what he stated. People sit around and gripe about things constantly just to be griping. They make no effort to be apart of change or make things better. We’re a society of “what have you done for me now” and instant gratification. We were literally in the Big 12 championship game last season and 2 season prior to that with Ou and Texas still in the conference. I wish we had won more championships just like everyone else does but the fact of the matter is that winning championships is damn hard, especially with 2 premier blue blood programs in your conference. People were all over him and I’m sure his family for the results of this season and he blew up. I’m not going to hold that over his head and wish him to be fired and turn a blind eye to what he’s built here.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about 3-9 or find it acceptable. But guess what, he feels the same way if not worse than we all do believe it or not. He deserves the chance to make it right. Period.
...he wasn’t wrong. Our society today is exactly what he stated. People sit around and gripe about things constantly just to be griping.
Do you think the same things weren't said 40 years ago? The only change is that there is world wide outlet for people to express their opinions.
Do you think the same things weren't said 40 years ago? The only change is that there is world wide outlet for people to express their opinions.
I can’t say for sure.

My opinion is no, it wasn’t like this. Social media has intensified it. You can see it in nearly everything anymore. But that’s just my opinion and why I feel the way I do about this situation.

I’ll also say this, if the BOR presented Gundy a fairly compensated contract, with a pay deduction with that money being dispersed to allow him to hire better staff member/NIL or whatever to give him a better chance to succeed and he in return refuses, then I think he’s making a mistake and it’s on him.
I guess I missed where schools can now give money towards NIL. If not, I don't understand how AD money that would have gone to Gundy can now go to NIL.
It definitely is bigger than 1 person I totally agree.

I’ll be honest, Gundy shouldn’t have said what he said publicly but he wasn’t wrong. Our society today is exactly what he stated. People sit around and gripe about things constantly just to be griping. They make no effort to be apart of change or make things better. We’re a society of “what have you done for me now” and instant gratification. We were literally in the Big 12 championship game last season and 2 season prior to that with Ou and Texas still in the conference. I wish we had won more championships just like everyone else does but the fact of the matter is that winning championships is damn hard, especially with 2 premier blue blood programs in your conference. People were all over him and I’m sure his family for the results of this season and he blew up. I’m not going to hold that over his head and wish him to be fired and turn a blind eye to what he’s built here.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about 3-9 or find it acceptable. But guess what, he feels the same way if not worse than we all do believe it or not. He deserves the chance to make it right. Period.
Dear god man, do you comprehend the arrogance it took to say that??? That’s as big a part of this as the 3-9.
This is a pretty intense situation. I'm not sure I can see this continuing with all the bad blood. It feels like this may be more of a song and dance to negotiate the buyout. Even if that is not what is intended by the administration that may ultimately be what it turns into.
This is a pretty intense situation. I'm not sure I can see this continuing with all the bad blood. It feels like this may be more of a song and dance to negotiate the buyout. Even if that is not what is intended by the administration that may ultimately be what it turns into.
It almost seems like they're bluffing by threatening him with firing for cause when they may not have any. This is ugly, and will be very interesting in the next few hours.
If you knew me in person, you’d know I’m the complete opposite of arrogant. I understand you have a different view and that’s completely fine. I respect your stance.
I’m talking about Gundy’s statement, to clarify, not yours. Your statement seems rather dismissive of the impact that his statement had.

I also feel like this isn’t aboutwhat he deserves’, it’s about what the school, players and supporters deserve first.
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