It definitely is bigger than 1 person I totally agree.
I’ll be honest, Gundy shouldn’t have said what he said publicly but he wasn’t wrong. Our society today is exactly what he stated. People sit around and gripe about things constantly just to be griping. They make no effort to be apart of change or make things better. We’re a society of “what have you done for me now” and instant gratification. We were literally in the Big 12 championship game last season and 2 season prior to that with Ou and Texas still in the conference. I wish we had won more championships just like everyone else does but the fact of the matter is that winning championships is damn hard, especially with 2 premier blue blood programs in your conference. People were all over him and I’m sure his family for the results of this season and he blew up. I’m not going to hold that over his head and wish him to be fired and turn a blind eye to what he’s built here.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about 3-9 or find it acceptable. But guess what, he feels the same way if not worse than we all do believe it or not. He deserves the chance to make it right. Period.