2024 Presidential Election

Two key swing states—Georgia and North Carolina—saw a record turnout on their first day of early voting this election cycle. Over 310,000 votes were cast in the Peach State on Tuesday, and by Friday, over 1 million voters had sent in their decision either in person or by mail. In North Carolina, election officials said more than 353,000 ballots were cast on the first day of early voting on Thursday. (newsweek)
I wonder how many dems are waiting to vote in person because the GOP has constantly railed about how cheating goes on with mail-in and early voting. Interesting that maga would be flooding the early voting, even though they know it's all bogus and cheating.
I wonder how many dems are waiting to vote in person because the GOP has constantly railed about how cheating goes on with mail-in and early voting. Interesting that maga would be flooding the early voting, even though they know it's all bogus and cheating.
Trump has pushed early voting this year. Most likely so they can get out to a lead and claim victory on election night.
Trump has pushed early voting this year. Most likely so they can get out to a lead and claim victory on election night.

Depends on the state though. Michigan and Pennsylvania don't start counting those until the polls close. It's going to be interesting to see them try and spin it if Harris jumps out to an early lead and nothing really shifts when they start counting the mail ins.
Including here because he's campaigning with Trump. Musk recommends people to stop worrying about being able to afford kids and just start having them. Easy to say when you're worth over $200 billion. Telling people to not family plan is super irresponsible.

Including here because he's campaigning with Trump. Musk recommends people to stop worrying about being able to afford kids and just start having them. Easy to say when you're worth over $200 billion. Telling people to not family plan is super irresponsible.

this dude would fit right in with trump administration...interesting thought, was talking to some young adults recently and many shared that they don't want to have kids because of cost, but more importantly, because they feel Americans overall don't give a $h!t about fixing our 'world' and so why would they want to bring up kids in this mess...
I don't understand the concept of creating the illusion of an early lead. If I'm a voter in a swing state I'd be more willing to get out and vote if my preference was down a poll point rather than up. Possibly people would just rather side with a winner?? I don't know.
I don't understand the concept of creating the illusion of an early lead. If I'm a voter in a swing state I'd be more willing to get out and vote if my preference was down a poll point rather than up. Possibly people would just rather side with a winner?? I don't know.
If Trump is up early and loses he'll use that to back up his claims of fraud again... "they packed the boxes once they knew how many votes they needed." It's repeat of 2020.

I don't think states put out actual vote results prior to polls closing for that reason. There's no known lead until you can't vote any more. You can assume results based on voter registrations but not actual results.
I posted the below just because it goes along with the conversation above. Personally, I believe EVs have a place. They will come and go at the will of the people as well as investments in infrastructure. Signing a piece of paper mandating these in increments isn't real world.

As far as the election goes, the article below mentions it's a factor, I'm not sure it is. Democrats have swept the issue under a rug and Trump isn't pulling it out because Elon is on his Team.


Georgia’s Republican secretary of state finds just 20 noncitizens registered to vote out of 8.2 million

A review of the millions of registered voters in Georgia found just 20 noncitizens were registered to vote, Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Wednesday.

Those 20 people were removed from the state’s voter rolls – which total 8.2 million – and have been referred to local law enforcement, he said. Of the 20, only nine actually ever cast a ballot.

The findings underscore how rare it is for people who are not US citizens to register to vote. It’s illegal in federal elections and those who do register risk incarceration or deportation.

“Georgia is a model when it comes to preventing noncitizen voting,” Raffensperger said at a news conference, adding, “We need to remain constantly vigilant.”

Because of the criminal investigation, the secretary of state’s office said it could not dislose when those nine people voted.

Former President Donald Trump and his conservative allies have latched onto the issue this election season, claiming it’s a widespread problem and that Democrats are relying on noncitizens to swing the election in their favor in November.

“There’s no proof that there is this overwhelming number of noncitizens on the rolls,” Gabriel Sterling, the chief operating officer in the secretary of state’s office said Wednesday. “Because, the reality is, if you’re a noncitizen and you’re a legal resident and you’re on a path to citizenship, if you try to register to vote, you will never get to be a citizen. It is very high risk, very low reward.”

Raffensperger said his office has opened case files on another 156 individuals whose citizenship status requires additional human investigation.

Speaking to reporters, Sterling also knocked back some of the misinformation floating around the critical battleground state, including a false claim amplified by Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that voting machines were changing votes.

“There is zero evidence of a machine flipping an individual’s vote,” he said. “Are there elderly people whose hands shake and they probably hit the wrong button slightly, and it didn’t review their ballot properly before they printed it – that’s the main situation we have seen.”

Sterling added: “There is literally zero – and I’m saying this to certain congresspeople in the state – zero evidence of machines flipping votes. And that claim was a lie through 2020, it is a lie now.”
DOJ reportedly warns Elon Musk over $1 million daily election payouts

The letter from federal election law enforcement officials comes amid Musk's growing stature as a Trump political supporter and donor.

I wonder who else Musk would like to tempt or bribe with his money.
I wonder who else Musk would like to tempt or bribe with his money.

Every time I think of Musk now

Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF

Are we ever going to be able to get foreign influence out of our social media and "news"?

I'm so tired of increased division in this country. And a lot seems to come from foreign countries stoking it and certain politicians using it for personal political gain while knowing it's fake.

Are we ever going to be able to get foreign influence out of our social media and "news"?

I'm so tired of increased division in this country. And a lot seems to come from foreign countries stoking it and certain politicians using it for personal political gain while knowing it's fake.
We are never going to get it out of social media.

Especially when one candidate has a huge supporter that is one of the biggest offenders out there with regards to the dissemination of foreign influence on social media.
certain things enter our lives/society and never leave, and we wonder why we ever invited them to this 'party of life'...social media is one of those...it is frustrating/exhausting to read misinformation on facebook and then reading responses makes me think, 'wow, they are a LOT of ignorant people in this country.'...I just hope and pray there are more 'educated' independent voters than 'ignorant' ones...especially in WI, MI, and PA...