2024 Presidential Election

I watched a little bit of her Howard Stern interview and felt the same way. Just have a chill, human to human conversation and stop being a politician for a few minutes.
I tend to agree, but this is also the problem with everything right now. We're asking 1 person to stop "being a politician" and "have a chill conversation", while shrugging off the other one swaying to music for 45 minutes and being a full blown racist. The different standards for these 2 people is quite honestly shocking.
I tend to agree, but this is also the problem with everything right now. We're asking 1 person to stop "being a politician" and "have a chill conversation", while shrugging off the other one swaying to music for 45 minutes and being a full blown racist. The different standards for these 2 people is quite honestly shocking.
It's not just different standards for two people, it's different standards for two parties. When you have no media apparatus to hold Republicans accountable for the things they say and do, you get Donald Trump's insanity. And Matt Gaetz sending a public payment for sex with an underage girl and nothing coming of it. And Lauren Boebert giving handies on camera during the Music Man and having no consequences. And on and on.
I tend to agree, but this is also the problem with everything right now. We're asking 1 person to stop "being a politician" and "have a chill conversation", while shrugging off the other one swaying to music for 45 minutes and being a full blown racist. The different standards for these 2 people is quite honestly shocking.
Can you imagine the response and Outrage if Kamala Did or Said the following

Blasted White immigrants and threatened to deport LEGAL White Immigrants

Claimed White Immigrants were eating pets and put out photos of White Immigrants claiming they were going to come take over your aparment complex if Trump Wins.

Made MULIPLE and EXTREMELY RACISTS post against White People on social Media and Shared and Spoke negative about the White Race.

Stood on a stage and played music for 40 Min and danced while refusing to take any questions and Told everyone they could not Leave at a Town Hall Event

Claimed that the GOP and all registered Republicans were all Nazi's and Fascists and threaten to send the National Guard or the US military after them on Election Day

Blasted US Auto Workers while saying a child could do their job

Been Arrested and charged with and found GUILTY on 34 Felonies

Made claims she would NOT support our Allies if she is elected and would give Putin What ever the Hell he Wants

Started making claims the only way she can lose the 2024 election is if Republicans cheat

Called our US Military Generals Weak and said she would replace them all with Generals Loyal to Her

Claimed the United States is NOT a great country and make a claim the United States of America is at this very moment a 3rd World country

Could Not get Carter or Obama or Clinton to Back her and Specifically have them REFUSE to support her

Have the POTUS, Sec of State, Sec of the Treasury, Sec of Defense, Attorney General, etc etc etc...all go on National TV and Make the Claim that Kamala is NOT FIT for office and is a danger to Democracy

I mean, These alone would get her kicked off the Dem Ticket.

It is insane and extremely embarrassing for the different standard that Trump is held to. It is a Microcosm of the entire USA really. The Super Rich White Guy gets to do and say what ever he wants to without ANY consequences.....Even when it is VERY clear he is struggling with Cognitive issues and won't release his medical records....... while the Minority Woman is held to a MUCH different Standard and constantly eyed for ANY sign of a Slip to be pounced on and make claim she is not FIT for the job.

In America, those two people are the same in the eyes of the Public.......when they are clearly NOT
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It's not just different standards for two people, it's different standards for two parties. When you have no media apparatus to hold Republicans accountable for the things they say and do, you get Donald Trump's insanity. And Matt Gaetz sending a public payment for sex with an underage girl and nothing coming of it. And Lauren Boebert giving handies on camera during the Music Man and having no consequences. And on and on.
It's not just media accountability. It gets shown to some extent, but their constituants and others in the party don't care. If the party punished them, or they lost reelection it would be one thing, but that doesn't happen.
It's not just different standards for two people, it's different standards for two parties. When you have no media apparatus to hold Republicans accountable for the things they say and do, you get Donald Trump's insanity. And Matt Gaetz sending a public payment for sex with an underage girl and nothing coming of it. And Lauren Boebert giving handies on camera during the Music Man and having no consequences. And on and on.
It was Beetlejuice-The Musical, but….yeah. 🤪
It's not just different standards for two people, it's different standards for two parties. When you have no media apparatus to hold Republicans accountable for the things they say and do, you get Donald Trump's insanity. And Matt Gaetz sending a public payment for sex with an underage girl and nothing coming of it. And Lauren Boebert giving handies on camera during the Music Man and having no consequences. And on and on.
Do you have @Polds4OSU on ignore?
Can you imagine the response and Outrage if Kamala Did or Said the following

Blasted White immigrants and threatened to deport LEGAL White Immigrants

Claimed White Immigrants were eating pets and put out photos of White Immigrants claiming they were going to come take over your aparment complex if Trump Wins.

Made MULIPLE and EXTREMELY RACISTS post against White People on social Media and Shared and Spoke negative about the White Race.

Stood on a stage and played music for 40 Min and danced while refusing to take any questions and Told everyone they could not Leave at a Town Hall Event

Claimed that the GOP and all registered Republicans were all Nazi's and Fascists and threaten to send the National Guard or the US military after them on Election Day

Blasted US Auto Workers while saying a child could do their job

Been Arrested and charged with and found GUILTY on 34 Felonies

Made claims she would NOT support our Allies if she is elected and would give Putin What ever the Hell he Wants

Started making claims the only way she can lose the 2024 election is if Republicans cheat

Called our US Military Generals Weak and said she would replace them all with Generals Loyal to Her

Claimed the United States is NOT a great country and make a claim the United States of America is at this very moment a 3rd World country

Could Not get Carter or Obama or Clinton to Back her and Specifically have them REFUSE to support her

Have the POTUS, Sec of State, Sec of the Treasury, Sec of Defense, Attorney General, etc etc etc...all go on National TV and Make the Claim that Kamala is NOT FIT for office and is a danger to Democracy

I mean, These alone would get her kicked off the Dem Ticket.

It is insane and extremely embarrassing for the different standard that Trump is held to. It is a Microcosm of the entire USA really. The Super Rich White Guy gets to do and say what ever he wants to without ANY consequences.....Even when it is VERY clear he is struggling with Cognitive issues and won't release his medical records....... while the Minority Woman is held to a MUCH different Standard and constantly eyed for ANY sign of a Slip to be pounced on and make claim she is not FIT for the job.

In America, those two people are the same in the eyes of the Public.......when they are clearly NOT
You know, I try to let most things go on here because I think most of it is just funny and I'm busy and none of it is making the slightest difference in the big scheme of things. But you guys have got to be seriously trolling now. Turn on your TV and just blindly punch any channel and you will find nothing but Republican bashing 24/7. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Most of you don't have any credibility left anyway but if you want to push the narrative that somehow MSM isn't pushing for the Dems you are in serious danger of losing what little credibility you have left. Absolutely hilarious.
I'm not saying that there isn't a left-leaning media apparatus to attempt to hold Republicans accountable. I'm saying that the conservative media apparatus has created a bubble so thick for Republicans that they can literally do and say anything they want with zero repercussions.
You are 100% correct. Change the parties around and you are still 100% correct.

The US no longer has a functioning press. Things that would have had reporters all over them digging to find the truth are being completely ignored but we get daily updates on the quantity of baby oil Diddy owns.

The United States Office of Education was created in 1867 by Andrew Johnson (Lincoln's Replacement)​

In 1939 the office was moved to the Federal Security Agency and renamed the Office of Education

The United States Department of Education was established in 1980 by Jimmy Carter.

This guys claim that the Dept was only created to allow "Little Black Girls" be go to integratred schools in the south in the 50's and 60's is plain Ignorant and Wrong.

Montana GOP Senate Candidate Says Dept. Of Education Is Meant To 'Indoctrinate And Enslave'

Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy of Montana wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education, claiming it is meant to “indoctrinate and enslave” students across the country, according to The Daily Montanan.

“We have a Department of Education, which I don’t think we need anymore,” Sheehy said at a campaign stop in Billings earlier this year, according to audio clips obtained by the outlet. “It should go away. That’ll save us $30 billion right there.”

“We formed that department so little Black girls could go to school down South and we could have integrated schooling. We don’t need that anymore,” he added.

The Education Department was elevated to a Cabinet-level agency in 1979 by then-President Jimmy Carter, more than 20 years after school segregation was decreed unlawful and integration efforts began. Today, roughly 90% of students in kindergarten through 12th grade attend public school in Montana, totaling about 150,000 children. The agency enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination and ensures equal access to education for every individual.

Conservatives have long pushed to abolish the department in favor of local control of education and block grants to states. Former President Donald Trump also vowed to eliminate the agency if he returns to the White House to “stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s youth with all sorts of things that you don’t want to have our youth hearing,” referencing accommodations and nondiscrimination protections for transgender students.

Sheehy, a wealthy GOP businessman seeking to oust Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) in November, has used similar language to criticize women who fear the loss of their reproductive rights.

“They’ve been indoctrinated for too long,” Sheehy said at another campaign stop last year. “Abortion is their No. 1 concern. It’s all they want to talk about. They are single-issue voters.”

Montana is one of the biggest targets for Republicans seeking to win back control of the Senate next year. Tester, a three-term incumbent, is facing an uphill battle in a state that has grown redder in recent years and where Trump is overwhelmingly popular. His odds of winning another term hinge on ticket-splitting voters who like Trump but can’t quite stomach Sheehy, a former Navy SEAL with a deeply conservative record on issues including public lands and health care.

Tester slammed his GOP opponent and vowed to protect the public school system on Tuesday.

“Tim Sheehy doesn’t give a damn about our public schools. I’m a proud product of Montana’s public schools and a former public school teacher—and I’ll fight to protect them with all I’ve got,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.
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Who is the conservative media apparatus?
Off the top of my head:
FoxNews, New York Post, National Review, Washington Examiner

For the fringe, reaching a smaller audience Newsmax and OAN.

Yes, both sides fail to cover negative reports on their preferred politicians, and the Republican party seems to consider everything that isn't FoxNews or to the right of it as way left, which isn't the case. There is still significant middle ground reporting. I do wish they dug more into both sides, but it only appears to have consequences to the one side.
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I'm not saying that there isn't a left-leaning media apparatus to attempt to hold Republicans accountable. I'm saying that the conservative media apparatus has created a bubble so thick for Republicans that they can literally do and say anything they want with zero repercussions.
Your last sentence is correct. It is also correct if said this way: “I'm saying that the liberal media apparatus has created a bubble so thick for Democrats that they can literally do and say anything they want with zero repercussions.”

Anyone who denies both are correct is probably someone living in that particular bubble.
Your last sentence is correct. It is also correct if said this way: “I'm saying that the liberal media apparatus has created a bubble so thick for Democrats that they can literally do and say anything they want with zero repercussions.”

Anyone who denies both are correct is probably someone living in that particular bubble.
Few politicians in the last decade that were pushed to resign by the Dem party.

Sen Al Fraken forced to resign over sexual harrasment. Covered by CNN and other sites in 2017, prior to resignation.
Rep Katie Hill forced to resign over "inappropriate relationship with campaign staffer before being in office". I'm unsure of initial coverage prior to resignation.
Sen Bob Menendez forced to resign after bribery conviction. Story covered across the board throughout trial and charges.

Do you want a similar list for GOP not pushed out? Hey at least the NY Rep conman got forced out after a couple years.