US continues to go backward...

Someone brought up gas taxes earlier.

Great point and great example. I think people would be shocked at how many people don’t own or lease their own vehicles and get a company car. To take that a step further there are many who not only get a company car but also have a P-card and the company pays for the gas.

Sure in some cases an amount is withheld from the employee’s check and there are certain ways the IRS tries to make a portion of that benefit reportable. But at the end of the day that person is getting a benefit that greatly reduces their overall PROPORTIONAL tax burden vs say a teacher or nurse or Walmart employee or construction employee.
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Exactly. And that's what needs to be fixed. You can make the rate 100% if you want but with all the loopholes and deductions they have access to, they can end up paying nothing.
We had multimillionaires during the gilded age and they were taxed at 90%. They can afford to pay more. Betsy Devos has nine yachts, how many more is needed to prove her wealth? How many homes and villas does anyone need. The rich write the rules, and buy our prostitute Congress with unlimited funds. How’s a commoner supposed to flourish as well? If corporations are treated as people now tax them like first responders.
Elon Musk paid income taxes for 7 seconds in 2024....after 7 seconds in Jan 1st 2024 he had hit the income tax limit

Zero way to say that is fair. 1% a month would be 100x 7 seconds...just 1%

Massachusetts enacted a 4% rate on millionaires to try to reduce some lunch costs in public school ....after 1 year EVERY kid in the state gets free lunch and they have an excess of money.....on 4%
Two questions;
1. What metric did Massachusetts use to determine who the millionaires are?
2. What is Massachusetts going to do when it runs out of millionaires?

And for the record, in 2021 Elon Musk paid the largest income tax bill in the history of the United States @$12 billion.
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We had multimillionaires during the gilded age and they were taxed at 90%. They can afford to pay more. Betsy Devos has nine yachts, how many more is needed to prove her wealth? How many homes and villas does anyone need. The rich write the rules, and buy our prostitute Congress with unlimited funds. How’s a commoner supposed to flourish as well? If corporations are treated as people now tax them like first responders.
Two questions;
1. What metric did Massachusetts use to determine who the millionaires are?
2. What is Massachusetts going to do when it runs out of millionaires?

And for the record, in 2021 Elon Musk paid the largest income tax bill in the history of the United States @$12 billion.
you can always tell the conservatives when they don't know how to do simple research...a quick Google search yielded this:

4% Surtax on Taxable Income Over $1,000,000

as well as this one: because of a loophole...shortly after the Millionaire's Tax was enacted, Massachusetts taxpayers quickly discovered a purported loophole under which married couples could legally report less income by electing to file their returns separately with the Commonwealth, and jointly at the federal level.

Massachusetts Estate Tax Law Changes – Millionaire’s Tax Loophole and Capital Gains

but wait, there's more:

Are millionaires leaving Massachusetts? Survey (by their accountants) says yes. Boston globe

elon musk paid anywhere from $11-$12 billion (total taxes, not just federal) in 2021...paid roughly 8.3B on 83B of increase on wealth...
he also paid $0 federal taxes in 2018, so there's that...

Elon Musk claps back at Elizabeth Warren claim that he paid 'zero' in taxes foxbusiness

Kansas businessman pleads guilty in case over illegal export of aviation technology to Russia

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas businessman has pleaded guilty to illegally exporting sensitive aviation technology to Russian companies in violation of U.S. sanctions.

Douglas Edward Robertson, who lives in the Kansas City suburb of Olathe, was the second Kansas business executive to plead guilty to charges after being accused of smuggling, money laundering, violating U.S. export regulations, submitting false or misleading information to export regulators and conspiring to commit crimes against the U.S., all for profit. Their arrests and the arrest of a Latvian associate in March 2023 came as the U.S. ramped up sanctions and financial penalties on Russia over its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Robertson, 56, entered his plea Tuesday before U.S. District Judge Daniel Crabtree in Kansas City. The judge set his sentencing for Oct. 3. Robertson pleaded guilty to four of the 26 counts against him and could face up to 20 years in prison for either the money laundering or export violations convictions.

According to prosecutors, starting in October 2020, the defendants sought to sell electronics that included threat detection systems and flight, navigation and communications controls, to two Russian aircraft parts distributors, a Russian aircraft repair firm and a Russian aircraft services company. They sought to hide their unlicensed activities by going through companies and using bank accounts elsewhere, including Armenia, Cyprus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates.

“Those who seek to profit by illegally selling sophisticated U.S. technology to our adversaries are putting the national security of our country at risk," Robert Wells, the executive assistant director of the FBI's National Security Branch, said in a statement.

One of Robertson's attorneys, Branden Bell, declined to comment when reached Wednesday.

U.S. export controls were meant to limit Russia’s access to computer chips and other products needed to equip a modern military. The indictment against Robertson said the electronics he and the other two men sought to export “could make a significant contribution” to another nation's military.

Robertson, a commercial pilot, and Cyril Gregory Buyanovsky, an aviation engineer from Lawrence, operated the KanRus Trading Co. together and worked with Oleg Chistyakov, a Latvian citizen who frequently traveled to the UAE, according to prosecutors.

Buyanovsky pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiring to launder money and one count of conspiring to commit crimes against the U.S., and his sentencing is set for Nov. 14. There is no indication of whether Chistyakov has been taken into custody, and he has yet to enter a plea, according to online court records.

The indictment charging the three men lists nine exports of aviation electronics to Russian companies from February 2021 through December 2022 and attempts to export electronics once in February 2022 and twice in March 2023.

Prosecutors have said the U.S. government seized $450,000 in electronics blocked from export the day before Buyanovsky and Robertson were arrested.

“Robertson’s guilty plea is reflective of the strong evidence gathered against him by federal investigators and the solid case presented by federal prosecutors,” Kate E. Brubacher, the chief federal prosecutor in Kansas, said in a statement.
you can always tell the conservatives when they don't know how to do simple research...a quick Google search yielded this:

4% Surtax on Taxable Income Over $1,000,000

as well as this one: because of a loophole...shortly after the Millionaire's Tax was enacted, Massachusetts taxpayers quickly discovered a purported loophole under which married couples could legally report less income by electing to file their returns separately with the Commonwealth, and jointly at the federal level.

Massachusetts Estate Tax Law Changes – Millionaire’s Tax Loophole and Capital Gains

but wait, there's more:

Are millionaires leaving Massachusetts? Survey (by their accountants) says yes. Boston globe

elon musk paid anywhere from $11-$12 billion (total taxes, not just federal) in 2021...paid roughly 8.3B on 83B of increase on wealth...
he also paid $0 federal taxes in 2018, so there's that...

Elon Musk claps back at Elizabeth Warren claim that he paid 'zero' in taxes foxbusiness
You might find this interesting.

Interesting…heavy conservative views…also looked at other articles by this editorial board and thought I was reading OAN…
Lol. At least your side is always consistent. Can’t argue the facts of the article? Always, and I mean every single time, label the author as a right wing extremist. I would say that you’re better than that but…

What other articles did you look at?
Always, and I mean every single time, label the author as a right wing extremist. I would say that you’re better than that but…
What are u talking about?

And a couple of doozy articles by wsj editorial board were:
The Maga Supreme Court doesn’t exist
Who’s afraid of Kamala Harris?
Lol. At least your side is always consistent. Can’t argue the facts of the article? Always, and I mean every single time, label the author as a right wing extremist. I would say that you’re better than that but…

What other articles did you look at?

It's a WSJ editorial. Editorials generally aren't trying to offer balanced journalism.

That being said, it shouldn't be much of a surprise that people who now have the flexibility to work from home have started looking for more affordable places to live. Cost of living has been a driver on moving for a while now. The first place I worked at, we had an employee relocate from California. He got a house on the lake which at the time was one of the best properties in town. He made so much selling his previous home that he had the cash to buy pretty much anything rural Minnesota had to offer. That was pre great recession too so prior to any current economic situation. In state, I've seen it quite a bit with people moving out of MSP and the suburbs for more rural locations.

The interesting thing about this migration is people tend to bring their politics with them.
An elected US congressman is spreading fake health scares about POTUS

Where are we as a country???


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White Nationalist parade in TN this weekend ...covered fac s..riot shields..racist chants

You know America has a problem with white bigotry when white nationalism boldly parades through our cities in plain sight—like they did this weekend in Nashville, Tennessee.

White Nationalist parade in TN this weekend ...covered fac s..riot shields..racist chants

You know America has a problem with white bigotry when white nationalism boldly parades through our cities in plain sight—like they did this weekend in Nashville, Tennessee.

If someone hadn't told everyone they were "good people" and verbally supported them, and instead had continued the same thing our society had done for 30+ years and had talked about them like they weren't right we wouldn't have this happening to nearly this extent. Yet another reason to hate Trump.