US continues to go backward...

Why are Elected GOP officials in the House fighting this guys Legal Battles for him ? What OTHER Citizen could get this kind of protection from the House of Representatives ??

Bannon legit went in his shoe and flat out called Mike Johnson "disgusting" in the past.

House Republicans Launch Effort To Keep Bannon Out Of Jail​

WASHINGTON — House Republicans will intervene in Steve Bannon’s court case as the former Donald Trump adviser faces prison for defying a congressional subpoena.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) announced Wednesday morning that the House would weigh in with the federal court considering Bannon’s appeal of his four-month prison sentence.

Bannon defied a subpoena from the bipartisan House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on Congress, by a rioting mob of Donald Trump supporters. The Justice Department prosecuted him for contempt of Congress and a jury found him guilty.

Bannon’s attorneys argued the committee wasn’t legitimate, partly because it only had two Republican members, and the House, which was then under Democratic control, defended itself in a 2022 brief. Johnson said in an emailed statement the House amicus brief would simply “withdraw certain arguments made by the House earlier in the litigation.”

At the same time, Republicans are demanding the Justice Department respect their subpoena for the recording of President Joe Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur, who investigated Biden’s mishandling of classified documents after he left the vice presidency. The Justice Department gave lawmakers a transcript of the interview, but refused to hand over the audio.

Johnson announced the House would sue the Justice Department on Monday.

“There’s been admission that they edited the transcript in some ways and we need to know in what ways,” Johnson said Wednesday at a press conference.

In a court filing in a separate case seeking the audio, the Justice Department said the transcript was accurate but that “filler” and repeated words were omitted by the “trained professional court reporter” who made the transcript, not an administration official.

The transcript showed that at one point during the interview, Biden seemed unable to recall what year his son Beau died of brain cancer without prompting from aides, reinforcing concerns about Biden’s age.

The White House has said Republicans only want the audio to make attack ads, while Republicans have suggested the Justice Department edited the already embarrassing transcript to protect Biden somehow.

In addition to taking the Justice Department to court, some Republicans support a resolution by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) to revive the House’s long-dormant “inherent contempt” power, which has been used in the past to actually arrest administration officials for defying subpoenas. Luna said she would force a vote on the resolution on Friday. It’s likely the House would table the resolution.

HuffPost asked House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) ― who also refused a Jan. 6 committee subpoena ― if it was odd for Republicans to dismiss Bannon’s subpoena while insisting Garland obey their own.

“No, because the Jan. 6 committee was such a joke,” Jordan said.

Bannon has asked the Supreme Court to delay his prison sentence last week while a lower court works out his appeal. If the court declines to do so, he’s supposed to turn himself in next month.
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Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs says that by putting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, "teachers are not going to be raping kids any more." Well, it's obviously worked in churches!

Right-wing group gets Anne Frank's Diary and other Holocaust books taken from Texas school

Pastor Luis Cabrera and his conservative group threatened to shut down school board meetings if a superintendent of a school district in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas did not heed their demands to ban a wide array of books, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported.

In the end, Superintendent Carol Perez agreed to the demands to remove 676 books, including a number of books that address the Holocaust and antisemitism.

"In Mission, the long list of books on the chopping block includes a recent illustrated adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary; both volumes of Art Spiegelman’s Holocaust graphic memoir 'Maus'; 'The Fixer,' Bernard Malamud’s novel about a historical instance of antisemitic blood libel; and 'Kasher in the Rye,' a ribald memoir by Jewish comedian Moshe Kasher," the report said.

The list of 676 books is the same one used by the far-right group "Moms for Liberty," which “rates” books on its own scale and is known for seeking to remove books that include Jewish themes.

Pastor Cabrera purports to be an advocate of Israel.

Most of the books the pastor's group, Citizens Defending Freedom, were deemed objectionable for how they deal with race, sexuality and gender.

Pastor Cabrera was contacted by activist Martha Garza-Johnson in May with the list of books she called “very sexually explicit” and “filthy and evil." He immediately pressed that the books be removed.

“We are here to work with you,” Garza-Johnson wrote. “We are advocating for our children because we want to protect them from these extremely vulgar and offensive books that have no business in our schools.”

The report explained that school districts often require a formal challenge for each book. That didn't happen in this case.

"Five minutes after receiving the demands, [Superintendent] Perez agreed to them," said the report.

“We will certainly check to see if we have those books to remove them,” she wrote. “Thank you!”

Her deputy then followed up with another message saying she would “begin working with Library Services to track the books on the system and have them removed from the libraries.”

Perez was ultimately placed on administrative leave just 10 days later. The report said that the removal of the books didn't appear to have anything to do with her removal, however. Local reports say there was a conflict over the terms of her contract.
Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs says that by putting the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, "teachers are not going to be raping kids any more." Well, it's obviously worked in churches!
But I wonder what is the percentage of churches that have the The Commandments posted somewhere. I didn't see them posted anywhere at the Stillwater church Walters spoke at. I didn't look in the Sunday school rooms, though. Probably Republicans will never use the 1st Amendment to tell churches how they must worship God.
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DEI is being killed in University's and Nazism is on the rise on University campuses


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I prefer B.

A: Tackling America’s debt problem will require either tax hikes or cuts to benefits, such as social security and health insurance programs, said Karen Dynan, former chief economist at the US Treasury and now professor at the Harvard Kennedy School. (from cnn article)

B: What is also clear is that, at a time of heightened insecurity and gross economic disparities, Congress should not be cutting or sunsetting social safety net spending or taking from hardworking people like Ms. Garcia. Our elected officials should close tax loopholes, collect the billions owed by the ultra-rich, and seek to increase their taxes, especially for those who grew exponentially richer in recent years while the rest of the country struggled. There is something wrong with having most of the country's wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, and there is something even worse about those individuals holding our government hostage.

Ultra-rich Americans don't just game the system, they rig it to their advantage, and hoard their wealth through access to tax loopholes and preferential policies enforced by lawyers, accountants, wealth advisers, and the politicians they've bought. While the vast majority of Americans are one unfortunate event away from disaster, the ultra-rich—individuals who have $40 million or more in assets or earn at least $2 million per household in annual income—must pay what they owe. (from newsweek article)
I prefer B.

A: Tackling America’s debt problem will require either tax hikes or cuts to benefits, such as social security and health insurance programs, said Karen Dynan, former chief economist at the US Treasury and now professor at the Harvard Kennedy School. (from cnn article)

B: What is also clear is that, at a time of heightened insecurity and gross economic disparities, Congress should not be cutting or sunsetting social safety net spending or taking from hardworking people like Ms. Garcia. Our elected officials should close tax loopholes, collect the billions owed by the ultra-rich, and seek to increase their taxes, especially for those who grew exponentially richer in recent years while the rest of the country struggled. There is something wrong with having most of the country's wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, and there is something even worse about those individuals holding our government hostage.

Ultra-rich Americans don't just game the system, they rig it to their advantage, and hoard their wealth through access to tax loopholes and preferential policies enforced by lawyers, accountants, wealth advisers, and the politicians they've bought. While the vast majority of Americans are one unfortunate event away from disaster, the ultra-rich—individuals who have $40 million or more in assets or earn at least $2 million per household in annual income—must pay what they owe. (from newsweek article)
It is certainly easy to be generous with someone else’s money.

So should the Top 1% pay more than the 40% of income taxes they already pay? How much is too much and when are people going to realize we have a spending problem that cannot be supported?
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IMO, cutting taxes is not a serious proposal if one is talking about addressing the deficit. One must cut expenditures and keep revenue the same to start paying down on it.

Plus, most of our budget cuts in the last 8 years have been cuts to future spending increases, not what you or I would consider an actual budget cut.

Personally, I think they will end up trying to print their way out of this since the amount of debt is so large at this point.
It is certainly easy to be generous with someone else’s money.
so you would choose A.? Carefully read the following again from option B (or read for first time) and tell me which part is wrong or which part you disagree with...

Ultra-rich Americans don't just game the system, they rig it to their advantage, and hoard their wealth through access to tax loopholes and preferential policies enforced by lawyers, accountants, wealth advisers, and the politicians they've bought. While the vast majority of Americans are one unfortunate event away from disaster, the ultra-rich—individuals who have $40 million or more in assets or earn at least $2 million per household in annual income—must pay what they owe. (from newsweek article)
so you would choose A.? Carefully read the following again from option B (or read for first time) and tell me which part is wrong or which part you disagree with...

Ultra-rich Americans don't just game the system, they rig it to their advantage, and hoard their wealth through access to tax loopholes and preferential policies enforced by lawyers, accountants, wealth advisers, and the politicians they've bought. While the vast majority of Americans are one unfortunate event away from disaster, the ultra-rich—individuals who have $40 million or more in assets or earn at least $2 million per household in annual income—must pay what they owe. (from newsweek article)
I would not cut SS. I would cut discretionary spending.

And no, I would not look to soak others that already pay WAY more in taxes than other citizens.
just one small example: trump paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 & 2017...I paid WAY more than he did...
I had an argument with somebody when Romney was running. He paid think it was 13% in taxes. I paid 18% in taxes. Yes he paid more total, but I paid the higher percentage and made .00001 percent of what he made that year. It’s very disingenuous to use total amount of money. But that’s not surprising who was talking about.