US continues to go backward...

ohh look one of Kari Lake's supported hopefuls​

Arizona Republicans Demand GOP Candidate Withdraw Over Bogus Military Claims

An Arizona Republican has been urged to drop out of the race for a seat in the state's House of Representatives after allegedly misrepresenting his military record.

The Navajo County Republican Committee asked Steve Slaton, who is running to represent Legislative District 7, to end his campaign for falsely claiming that he was a Vietnam War veteran and that he had been awarded multiple military medals.

A veterans group said Slaton trained as a helicopter repairman, not as a helicopter pilot, and he was stationed in Korea in 1974. Slaton also did not join the U.S. Army until June 1973 — three months after the final U.S. troops pulled out of Vietnam, the Arizona Republic reported.

The Navajo County Republican Committee said he altered military discharge papers to falsely claim combat veteran status and showed "qualifications and awards which you have not earned." Slaton denied the accusations as a "left wing smear campaign."

In its letter to Slaton, the Navajo County Republican Committee said the accusations against Slaton "cast a shadow of dishonesty on your campaign, and by extension, on the Republican Party organizations in LD-7.

The group added: "While we believe in due process, you have canceled numerous opportunities to speak to constituents in LD-7 to address and defend these concerns.

"Furthermore, you have silenced and served cease-and-desist letters to some who wish to verify your military records.

"For these reasons, we respectfully request, for the good of the Republican Party, the conservative movement in general, military service members, and veterans, that you withdraw from the Republican Primary race for Representative of Legislative District 7."

The Navajo County Republican Committee doesn't endorse candidates in Republican primaries. However, during a monthly meeting on June 20, a vote was made by the committee to unanimously call on Slaton to withdraw from the LD-7 race.

In a statement posted on X, Slaton said: "I am a Vietnam combat veteran—no left wing smear campaign will ever deny that fact.

"These people doing this are doing to me what the liberals did to my fellow Vietnam veterans decades ago when they returned - spitting on them and mocking them."

Slaton's statement was fact-checked by X's "readers added context" feature, which posted evidence from the Stolen Valor veterans groups suggesting he never served in Vietnam and altered his DD214 papers.

Slaton has been contacted for further comment via email.

He also accused the Navajo County Republican Committee of being a "bunch of "RINO [Republican in name only] hacks."

"It is about 10 losers with no real power to do anything. They get everything wrong and are about as irrelevant as the paper their phony letter is printed on," Slaton added.

The Navajo County Republican Committee responded to Slaton's statement online.

"Steve, it's nice to finally hear from you. We would love to clear this up. Perhaps you can respond and provide evidence instead of attacking and blocking those who are questioning," the group posted. "Is this how you will legislate?"

Slaton has been endorsed in the LD-7 race by Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers and Senate hopeful Kari Lake.
LISTEN: Trump ally Jeff Durbin, a leader of the Republican opposition to the Arizona measure to protect abortion rights, says women deserve to be executed if they have an abortion.
LISTEN: Trump ally Jeff Durbin, a leader of the Republican opposition to the Arizona measure to protect abortion rights, says women deserve to be executed if they have an abortion.
What drives some Republicans to be so evil minded, hateful and vengeful? Are they psychotic against women from having the mental illness of schizophrenia? It's the opposite of being pro-life. It's hard, maybe even impossible, to find a foreign country in which women must be given the death penalty who get abortions.
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What drives some Republicans to be so evil minded, hateful and vengeful? Are they psychotic against women from having the mental illness of schizophrenia? It's the opposite of being pro-life. It's hard, maybe even impossible, to find a foreign country in which women must be given the death penalty who get abortions.
"Christian" Taliban. Just like the normal Taliban, women don't matter to them... not real people.
IMO, older generation ẃacko´ ¨christians¨ are driving younger generations away from Christianity (well, that, and all the sexual abusers)...were these people not taught about compassion and loving all and what you do to the least of these you do to me??!! wtf...

@steross Speaking of Dr. Ronny Jackson​

Ethics office: ‘Substantial reason to believe’ 2 Texas Republicans used campaign funds at social clubs

The Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) has found “substantial reason to believe” that Reps. Wesley Hunt (R-Texas) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) improperly utilized campaign funds at two social clubs in Texas.

In two separate reports released Monday, the OCE — an independent, nonpartisan entity that reviews allegations of misconduct regarding lawmakers and staff members — found that Jackson and Hunt spent thousands of campaign dollars at two private Texas social clubs in a way that it said violates ethical standards.

Campaign finance laws forbid lawmakers from putting campaign funds toward personal use, which includes dues or fees paid at a country club, unless they are for a specific fundraising event.

The OCE recommended that the Ethics Committee further investigate the allegations, and the panel said it would review them, according to statements from the chair and ranking member on Monday. Attorneys for both lawmakers have argued that the funds spent at the social clubs were for official purposes.

In the case of Hunt, the OCE found that his campaign — Hunt for Congress — spent $74,525.60 in fees, meals and other services at the Oak Room, a private social club at the Post Oak Hotel in Houston, between April 2022 and January 2024.

Part of that sum— $5,412.50 — went toward dues and fee payments in 2022 and 2023. There were two disbursements for $2,706.25 each, with one labeled “Membership” in April 2022 and another for “Food/Beverages” in April 2023, according to the watchdog.

The OCE said Hunt provided some emails and text messages that “demonstrated his use of the club for some campaign-related meetings,” but added that the congressman’s “refusal to certify the completeness of his production to the OCE called into question whether there were other documents demonstrating use of the Oak Room for any personal purpose.”

Hunt, his wife, his chief of staff and his field representative all refused to sit for an interview with the OCE, it said.

“[W]ithout cooperation, the OCE could not determine the extent to which Rep. Hunt may have taken advantage of the Oak Room’s unique events or any hotel parking or room discount benefits,” the report adds.

In a lengthy statement addressed to the Ethics Committee, Chris Gober, Hunt’s counsel, contended that his client “has never used the Post Oak Club membership paid for by Hunt for Congress for any personal purpose.”

Gober also noted that Hunt “does not maintain a campaign office,” arguing the cost of a membership at the Oak Room “would be a more prudent use of campaign funds.”

The OCE also zeroed in on two large payments Hunt’s campaign made to the Post Oak Hotel. The entity said the campaign made a payment of $43,626.52 to the Post Oak Hotel on Nov. 4, 2022, for “Facility Rental/Catering,” followed by a $4,132.44 payment on Nov. 7, 2022.

It noted, however, that it could not determine if the payments were made “for legitimate campaign purposes” because the congressman would not sit for an interview.

Gober, Hunt’s attorney, said those funds were for an election night party.

“OCE’s position on these expenditures shows a casual disregard for common sense, context, and the documents that the Congressman provided,” Gober wrote, pointing out that one of the emails handed over to the entity said the campaign would be hosting an “Election Night Party” at the hotel on Nov. 7, 2022.

“The costs that OCE singled out were obviously for the Congressman’s victory party,” he wrote. “Needless to say, the costs of an election night party are legitimate campaign expenses.”

Jackson’s OCE report, meanwhile, is a continuation of a previous probe the watchdog conducted into the congressman.

The entity alleged that Jackson’s campaign — Texans for Ronny Jackson — utilized campaign funds to pay for unlimited access at the Amarillo Club, a private dining club in Amarillo, Texas. According to the group, Jackson’s campaign has spent $11,928.27 on dues, fees, meals and other services at the Amarillo Club between October 2020 and January 2024.

The OCE’s report released Monday follows a separate report made available to the public in May 2022, which, similarly, said the watchdog had “substantial reason to believe” that the congressman used campaign funds for membership dues and other services at the Amarillo Club.

In Monday’s report, the OCE said it opened another probe into Jackson’s use of campaign funds after not learning any new information about the payments in question from the Ethics Committee, and finding that Jackson has continued to use campaign funds at the Amarillo Club.

“In the period of time since the OCE’s December 17, 2021 referral, the Committee has continued to review the OCE’s referral pursuant to Committee Rule 18(a) and has offered no additional guidance on Rep. Jackson’s membership payments or enjoyment of the private club. In this time, Rep. Jackson has continued to make payments to the club undeterred,” the OCE wrote.

“In light of the enduring use of campaign funds for this purpose, the OCE opened this review,” it added.

The OCE said Jackson has refused to cooperate with the current probe. The congressman’s counsel told the watchdog “that a response would not be provided because — in their view — the present inquiry was merely an extension of the previous investigation that Rep. Jackson intended to reassert all of the arguments made in his official response to the proper OCE matter,” according to the report.

In a statement responding to the May 2022 OCE report, Jackson’s attorney Justin Clark said the Texas Republican bought a membership at the Amarillo Club so he could utilize meeting rooms at the facility “for internal and external meetings, including but not limited to fundraising events” and other campaign purposes.

The OCE, however, said without cooperation from Jackson — both he and the Amarillo Club declined to sit for interviews as part of the latest inquiry — the watchdog “could not determine to what extent his use of the club and the campaign committee’s food and beverage spending at the club was campaign related.”

“Regardless, the campaign committee’s payment of monthly dues implicates the prohibition against personal use of campaign funds,” the report adds.
THis WEEK I had a family member argue with me that Biden was on some Cognitive enhancement super drug so he could outperform Trump in this rebate

I then asked them what kind of drug this was because there are millions of Dementia patients and Alzheimer's patients in the world that could use it too since apparently it "cures" Biden's dementia

They then argued that drug was developed for those patients but the Dems are purposely keeping it secret to support Biden to beat Trump

....I was honestly just stumped...I had to leave

The president is off “experimenting” with various stimulants ahead of Thursday’s debate, Fox News and MAGA folk have convinced themselves.

"Christian" Taliban. Just like the normal Taliban, women don't matter to them... not real people.
No doubt, lots of Oklahoma women are behind standing up for the Christian Taliban. What else explains why they helped Sen. Mullin win his senate election by 61% after running a primary ad that clearly indicated that he was pro-life with no exception. Mullin has also indicated that he supports a nationwide ban on abortion.

So, such women voters would surely support their pregnant daughters and granddaughters with difficult pregnancies being put under hospice care while hoping they can get far along enough so that a c-section could save the unborn baby. Otherwise, an abortion to save their lives would be counter to God's will. But it's all based on morally sick evil to me. What if the pregnant woman near death has a bunch of children at home? I'm a Christian, but I would not want my very ill pregnant wife to be placed under hospice care. Do Oklahoma anti-abortion laws indicate that no ill pregnant woman would ever have to be placed under hospice care? I'm not sure.
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