Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine.

Frustrated Ryan Gosling GIF

From your own article.....

"On Monday, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, a fervent critic of Ukraine with close ties to Putin’s government,...."
It's a NATO foreign minister......Germany opposes it won't send missiles....Italy sent some arms but opposes use of long range weapons......NATO members openly criticizing America isn't good.
Never, never, never.....oooo one more time.
You posted something so incredibly asinine that I felt compelled to post a one line response directly from your own source that showed how incredibly Full Donny you've gone.

Congratulations.....I guess.

Though it's not the great victory you seemingly think it is.

You know for the future…..

You know you guys may be right about the missiles….i disagree but let’s say you are….a guy who knows he isn’t what he was urging a country to lower its draft age when he knows the entire strategy could change completely in less than two months is a piece of shit human: His son grifts the country their sons should die.

You know for the future…..

You know you guys may be right about the missiles….i disagree but let’s say you are….a guy who knows he isn’t what he was urging a country to lower its draft age when he knows the entire strategy could change completely in less than two months is a piece of shit human: His son grifts the country their sons should die.

Donny the day Biden passes

High Kick Happy Dance GIF by Vertigo Releasing
Not before this. This is a dick move. I have kids this age

You have this Biden hate boner that won't go away. You say the guy is basically a vegetable but every time some sort of policy decision comes out you think he suddenly becomes a Bond villian.

That being said, yeah it's crap that they should conscript 18 year olds to fight in a war. The problem is if they don't, no telling how bad this turns out for them if the Russians overrun the country. Fighting age males don't do very well when it comes to ethnic cleansing. There are no good answers here.

You know for the future…..

You know you guys may be right about the missiles….i disagree but let’s say you are….a guy who knows he isn’t what he was urging a country to lower its draft age when he knows the entire strategy could change completely in less than two months is a piece of shit human: His son grifts the country their sons should die.
It’s freaking war. You are so freaking brainwashed by Putin propaganda that you really believe that the Ukraine is stupid for defending themselves. Man the greatest generation must be rolling in their graves seeing so many Americans becoming cowards.
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It’s freaking war. You are so freaking brainwashed by Putin propaganda that you really believe that the Ukraine is stupid for defending themselves. Man the greatest generation must be rolling in their graves seeing so many Americans becoming cowards.
No I just think people that can’t remember when their own son died should be urging others to send theirs in wars they escalate as lame duck presidents. That doesn’t have anything to do with propaganda.
No I just think people that can’t remember when their own son died should be urging others to send theirs in wars they escalate as lame duck presidents. That doesn’t have anything to do with propaganda.
Nobody is urging anyone to go to war it’s just a fact that has to happen to defend your home. The escalation is all on Putin. Stop your bloodlust for Biden.