Trump 2024 Run Thread

The Speaker of the House of Representatives was there yesterday bad mouthing the judiciary. “ You’ve come a long way baby, to get where you’ve got to today.” I can’t believe how many continue down the anti democratic Trumpist rabbit hole . It’s a cult.
Is there any way back out of this hole?

Only way I see it is if we cut off the FoxNews, OAN, etc that keep supporting it... but that gets into government control of media and that's a REALLY slippery slope that I don't want the country to go down. Same thing needs to happen with foreign influence... also not sure how to quell that one.
Is there any way back out of this hole?

Only way I see it is if we cut off the FoxNews, OAN, etc that keep supporting it... but that gets into government control of media and that's a REALLY slippery slope that I don't want the country to go down. Same thing needs to happen with foreign influence... also not sure how to quell that one.
Unfortunately the only action that will solve this problem is to vote them out of office, and pray our delusional friends and family members see the light before it’s too late. The misinformation and lies swirling around seem to be the only food they devour. To me they’re like anarchist, willing to destroy everything (rules, traditions, laws, free and fair elections and the Constitution) for the sake of retaining and gaining power. When evangelicals choose a constant liar and an adulterous hero over truth and decency prayer may be our only weapon. But I’ll state openly that I am beyond sick and tired of being told these people are Christians or patriots. My late father was a tail gunner in WW2, I’m truly thankful he died before seeing what’s happening to our country. There’s a reason that when Christ returns in His glory, that judgement begins in the house of God.
Unfortunately the only action that will solve this problem is to vote them out of office, and pray our delusional friends and family members see the light before it’s too late. The misinformation and lies swirling around seem to be the only food they devour. To me they’re like anarchist, willing to destroy everything (rules, traditions, laws, free and fair elections and the Constitution) for the sake of retaining and gaining power. When evangelicals choose a constant liar and an adulterous hero over truth and decency prayer may be our only weapon. But I’ll state openly that I am beyond sick and tired of being told these people are Christians or patriots. My late father was a tail gunner in WW2, I’m truly thankful he died before seeing what’s happening to our country. There’s a reason that when Christ returns in His glory, that judgement begins in the house of God.
Hard to vote people out of office when they are so well supported by foreign influence campaigns and "news" media. When a HUGE chunk of the population believes these politicians are the only group looking out for them and that if you're a true American you have to vote for these people. We have to negate that to get them voted out... just don't know how.
Media member said he personally sit in the court room yesterday and watched Trump hand edit scripts for his surrogates to say to the media and then watched as those surrogates...Mike Johnson etc ...deliver word for word the script Trump was editing and changing in the court room

The Speaker of the House of Representatives was there yesterday bad mouthing the judiciary. “ You’ve come a long way baby, to get where you’ve got to today.” I can’t believe how many continue down the anti democratic Trumpist rabbit hole . It’s a cult.
Trump Called Out For Accidentally Admitting To Major Part Of Hush Money Scheme
During a rant outside the courtroom about the Stormy Daniels NDA, Donald Trump may have accidentally admitted to a major claim of the prosecution.

The fact that the prosecution's star witnesses are a convicted liar and a porn star bode well for a conviction. I'm sure they've got eeem' this time!!
The fact that the prosecution's star witnesses are a convicted liar and a porn star bode well for a conviction. I'm sure they've got eeem' this time!!
Please tell me Einstein how they are worse than Trump? Or are you one of those that thinks Trump should be dictator and above the law? Have you looked at the documents? The man is a criminal. Practically everyone that worked for him says he’s unfit for office. Change your media sources once in a while and maybe you won’t be such a cultist fanboy.
Please tell me Einstein how they are worse than Trump? Or are you one of those that thinks Trump should be dictator and above the law? Have you looked at the documents? The man is a criminal. Practically everyone that worked for him says he’s unfit for office. Change your media sources once in a while and maybe you won’t be such a cultist fanboy.
What law did he break in this case? I honestly can’t keep up.
You know what... I have trouble keeping up as well. He breaks so many laws it really is tough keeping g the cases straight. I attached a link in my previous post to all the charges so you can read it and get back up to speed on the charges in this one.
It’s about time to convict him of something don’t ya think? I mean if he’s worthy of 90+ felony charges surely something will stick right ? The election is in November. Time is of the essence. Tick Tock
It’s about time to convict him of something don’t ya think? I mean if he’s worthy of 90+ felony charges surely something will stick right ? The election is in November. Time is of the essence. Tick Tock
Yeah all these separate grand jurys recommending charges have all been paid off or blackmailed by Biden. It's crazy, that's the real conspiracy right..? I mean there's no way Trump has actually done anything illegal and definitely no way there's evidence that was shown to all of them that warranted recommendations of felony charges in each case.
You know what... I have trouble keeping up as well. He breaks so many laws it really is tough keeping g the cases straight. I attached a link in my previous post to all the charges so you can read it and get back up to speed on the charges in this one.
Yes, it is like Baylor defense under Art Briles. Simply committ pass interference on most pass plays knowing that the refs aren't going to keep calling it every time.
It’s about time to convict him of something don’t ya think? I mean if he’s worthy of 90+ felony charges surely something will stick right ? The election is in November. Time is of the essence. Tick Tock

Seems you haven't been keeping up.
He is being prosecuted in multiple courts. His tactic is to delay as much as possible. He knows the SCOTUS and/or right leaning federal judges are going to allow him to delay as much as possible. If he can delay and wins, then the whole thing turns.

Let me turn the question on you. If he knows he is innocent, why is he delaying constantly instead of proving his innocence prior to the election.

And, to the others, I already know there is no possible way GGP is gonna give a straight, honest answer to that, it was mainly rhetorical.
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