Those that voted for Trump the last time, who now practically deny even knowing who he is, love to espouse Biden’s mental acuity as compared to a three year younger old man. If you study Trump’s words he’s slurring speech, lying even more, claiming he beat Obama ….. he’s lost it!!! As far as I know Donnie boy doesn’t suffer from stuttering just lying. Everything the Republicans falsely claim the Democrats are doing, they are actually doing. It’s a pathetic strategy to put a criminal back in office who’ll prove instantly upon taking office that he, and only he, IS above the law, and the mister “only I can fix it”, will then declare himself king and his version of black and brown shirts will try to back him up. They’ll claim he wins regardless of the outcome. We can’t let that happen people, he and his lunatic fringe has already done so much damage to our republic that it will take years and years to repair the breach. TDS may just help save us from disaster. Join the club!