Trump 2024 Run Thread

I'm not a legal scholar, but seems that a member of your legal team pleading guilty and agreeing to testify against you for the same indictment is a pretty big deal.

Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty in Georgia Trump Case​

Ms. Powell, a member of the Trump legal team in 2020, will cooperate with prosecutors seeking to convict the former president on charges related to his efforts to overturn his election loss in Georgia.

Sidney K. Powell, a member of Donald J. Trump’s legal team after he lost the 2020 election, pleaded guilty on Thursday morning to six misdemeanor counts instead of facing a criminal trial that was to begin next week. She was among 19 defendants, including Mr. Trump, who were indicted in August for their efforts to subvert the election results in Georgia.

The guilty plea was a blow to Mr. Trump, who faces the most charges of any defendant along with Rudolph W. Giuliani, his former personal lawyer. Both men face 13 counts. Significantly, it means that a member of the Trump legal team will cooperate with the prosecution as it pursues criminal convictions related to efforts to keep the former president in power after he lost the 2020 election.
Trump is being threatened with fines and jail for violating the judges Gag rule. After Trump refused to remove social media post attacking the judges court room works for 17 days after gag order was issued

They’d lock you or I up, and fine us into bankruptcy. Lock him up ! Muzzle the mutant!!
Those that voted for Trump the last time, who now practically deny even knowing who he is, love to espouse Biden’s mental acuity as compared to a three year younger old man. If you study Trump’s words he’s slurring speech, lying even more, claiming he beat Obama ….. he’s lost it!!! As far as I know Donnie boy doesn’t suffer from stuttering just lying. Everything the Republicans falsely claim the Democrats are doing, they are actually doing. It’s a pathetic strategy to put a criminal back in office who’ll prove instantly upon taking office that he, and only he, IS above the law, and the mister “only I can fix it”, will then declare himself king and his version of black and brown shirts will try to back him up. They’ll claim he wins regardless of the outcome. We can’t let that happen people, he and his lunatic fringe has already done so much damage to our republic that it will take years and years to repair the breach. TDS may just help save us from disaster. Join the club!
Lots of pitifully gullible people in this country believe everything that Trump says is true. Surely, Roger Stone, who Trump pardoned, still believes that Trump was the best president since Abraham Lincoln.
Don't need to vote ..per Trump. He already has enough votes. Don't even need to vote for him . Just need to watch those other people. He legit telling them he already has enough votes to win and they don't have to vote. But just make sure the other side isn't cheating cause that's the only way he can lose

Both in a speech and in a post Trump referred to AG James as “Peekaboo”

Why is this not getting more play on every news channel regardless of ideology. He is openly using a racist term from white nationalist/supremacist circles. There are no more dog whistles. No more running up to the line.
Both in a speech and in a post Trump referred to AG James as “Peekaboo”

Why is this not getting more play on every news channel regardless of ideology. He is openly using a racist term from white nationalist/supremacist circles. There are no more dog whistles. No more running up to the line.
Trump uses a lot of stupid and silly nicknames. He seems to have one for anyone he remotely disagrees or he perceives as a threat.

But I have no earthly idea how you leap to “peekaboo” being a racist term. I must have said and played peekaboo a thousand times when my daughters were babies.
Trump uses a lot of stupid and silly nicknames. He seems to have one for anyone he remotely disagrees or he perceives as a threat.

But I have no earthly idea how you leap to “peekaboo” being a racist term. I must have said and played peekaboo a thousand times when my daughters were babies.
Just like a number of words and phrases, peekaboo does have alternative and slang meanings. One of the meanings associated w calling somebody peekaboo comes from white nationalists and supremacists. It is a racist derogatory term associated w a middle to middle upper class African American.

Ironically it is used by white country club members to describe an African American they see playing golf like they are surprised (hence the term peekaboo) that that someone can afford to play golf at their country club.

I would not have known either except for a conversation w my 20something yo son who watches too much TikTok and YouTube and reads way too much Reddit.