Trump 2024 Run Thread

When the f have you ever been reasonable? I can’t believe I’m saying this but Pokey was right about you. You contribute nothing of substance to any post, just drop in with half ass insults. That bs just reeks of someone who’s very insecure. Bad day lawyering’ in the boonies?

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Touched a nerve, I see.

Not one ”half ass insult” in this exchange between you and I until now. You’re the one engaging in “half assed insults” towards me because you’ve been put in a box and that’s all you have.

A very Trumpian answer non-answer from you. One that really does reek of insecurity.

Which is fine, because everyone reading knows the answer and has been calling you out for it.

The fact is you do not similarly question a tiny bit anything bad said about Biden or other liberals. You don’t question it a single bit. You never give Biden or liberals the “benefit of the doubt” that you consistently and endlessly extend to Trump and his cohorts.

You think you’re being clever. In fact, you are incredibly transparent in doing so.

Slightly more opaque/clever than Pokey and his mirror image gogetum, but only slightly so.
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When the f have you ever been reasonable? I can’t believe I’m saying this but Pokey was right about you. You contribute nothing of substance to any post, just drop in with half ass insults. That bs just reeks of someone who’s very insecure. Bad day lawyering’ in the boonies?

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NOOOOO! If you type his name he magically appears for 15 posts with the same posts and pitiful insults. No one has every openly agreed with him, it may be 100 posts for this sin. Don’t you know the natural law of message boards?
Touched a nerve, I see.

Not one ”half ass insult” in this exchange between you and I until now. You’re the one engaging in “half assed insults” towards me because you’ve been put in a box and that’s all you have.

A very Trumpian answer non-answer from you. One that really does reek of insecurity.

Which is fine, because everyone reading knows the answer and has been calling you out for it.

The fact is you do not similarly question a tiny bit anything bad said about Biden or other liberals. You don’t question it a single bit. You never give Biden or liberals the “benefit of the doubt” that you consistently and endlessly extend to Trump and his cohorts.

You think you’re being clever. In fact, you are incredibly transparent in doing so.

Slightly more opaque/clever than Pokey and his mirror image gogetum, but only slightly so.
Oh God! You guys are killing this.

Trump Shows Love To 'Hannibal Lecter' In Killer Blunder At Iowa Rally​

Former President Donald Trump ate up alleged support from “Hannibal Lecter” in a terrifying slip-up at an Iowa rally.

The former president criticized open border policies on Saturday and claimed people were coming to America from “insane asylums” before bringing up “The Silence of the Lambs.”

“Hannibal Lecter, how great an actor was he?” said Trump in a mix-up between the fictional character’s name and Anthony Hopkins, the actor who played the cannibal in the 1991 film.

“You know why I like him? Because he said on television on one of the – ‘I love Donald Trump.’ So I love him. I love him. I love him. He said that a long time ago and once he said that, he was in my camp, I was in his camp. I don’t care if he was the worst actor, I’d say he was great to me.”


On that one ….he is correct. S&P reached 3,380 on Feb 10, 2020 (at the time an all-time high) before COVID and hit 3,465 in Oct 2020.

You can certainly argue how much Trump’s policy played in getting the stock market back above pre-COVID levels (that is an opinion), but a fact is the “stock market was actually higher than pre-COVID”.
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Robert De Niro’s full statement on Trump. Plea

I’ve spent a lot of time studying bad men. I’ve examined their characteristics, their mannerisms, the utter banality of their cruelty. Yet there’s something different about Donald Trump. When I look at him, I don’t see a bad man. Truly.

I see an evil one.

Over the years, I’ve met gangsters here and there. This guy tries to be one, but he can’t quite pull it off. There’s such a thing as “honor among thieves.” Yes, even criminals usually have a sense of right and wrong. Whether they do the right thing or not is a different story — but — they have a moral code, however warped.

Donald Trump does not. He’s a wannabe tough guy with no morals or ethics. No sense of right or wrong. No regard for anyone but himself — not the people he was supposed to lead and protect, not the people he does business with, not the people who follow him, blindly and loyally, not even the people who consider themselves his “friends.” He has contempt for all of them.

We New Yorkers got to know him over the years that he poisoned the atmosphere and littered our city with monuments to his ego. We knew first hand that this was someone who should never be considered for leadership. We tried to warn the world in 2016.

The repercussions of his turbulent presidency divided America and rattled New York City beyond imagination. Remember how we were jolted by crisis in early 2020, as a virus swept the world. We lived with Donald Trump’s bombastic behavior every day on the national stage, and we suffered as we saw our neighbors piling up in body bags.
The man who was supposed to protect this country put it in peril, because of his recklessness and impulsiveness. It was like an abusive father ruling the family by fear and violent behavior. That was the consequence of New York’s warning getting ignored. Next time, we know it will be worse.

Make no mistake: the twice-impeached, 4-time indicted Donald Trump is still a fool. But we can’t let our fellow Americans write him off like one. Evil thrives in the shadow of dismissive mockery, which is why we must take the danger of Donald Trump very seriously.
So today we issue another warning. From this place where Abraham Lincoln spoke — right here in the beating heart of New York — to the rest of America:
This is our last chance.

Democracy won’t survive the return of a wannabe dictator.

And it won’t overcome evil if we are divided.

So what do we do about it? I know I’m preaching to the choir here. What we’re doing today is valuable, but we have to take today into tomorrow – take it outside these walls. We have to reach out to the half of our country who have ignored the hazards of Trump and, for whatever reason, support elevating him back into the White House. They’re not stupid, and we must not condemn them for making a stupid choice. Our future doesn’t just depend on us. It depends on them.

Let’s reach out to Trump’s followers with respect. Let’s not talk about “democracy.” “Democracy” may be our holy grail, but to others it is just a word, a concept, and in their embrace of Trump, they’ve already turned their backs on it. Let’s talk about right and wrong. Let’s talk about humanity. Let’s talk about kindness. Security for our world. Safety for our families. Decency. Let’s welcome them back. We won’t get them all, but we can get enough to end the nightmare of Trump, and fulfill the mission of this “Stop Trump Summit.”
On that one ….he is correct. S&P reached 3,380 on Feb 10, 2020 (at the time an all-time high) before COVID and hit 3,465 in Oct 2020.

You can certainly argue how much Trump’s policy played in getting the stock market back above pre-COVID levels (that is an opinion), but a fact is the “stock market was actually higher than pre-COVID”.
Not an opinion at all. Easy credit and free money does that in the short term. The issue is that it morgages the future to do so.

His actions (and Biden's) caused inflation--which has lead to our current situation.
If he goes to jail because of all the crimes he is accused of, remember he was doing it for you and is going to jail to save America :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Gag order was issued yesterday and Trump was told he couldn't speak about the trial or the prior involved....lasted less than 24 hrs before he broke it
Someone please muzzle the madman. He makes a mockery of everything. If any other person in this nation had done what he does, they’d be in jail already. Equal justice under the law ? Rich and infamous one set of rules, the rest of us another.
HAHA he is setting up yet ANOTHER excuse if he loses. His presence at this trial is 100% voluntary and he COULD be out on the campaign trail if he wanted to. However, he is trying to make is seem that the NY AG and this trail are interfering with his election campaign and keeping him from campaigning and that is a 1000% false Narrative.

Donald Trump Complains About 'Wasting a Lot of Time' Attending Fraud Trial Instead of Campaigning​

HAHA he is setting up yet ANOTHER excuse if he loses. His presence at this trial is 100% voluntary and he COULD be out on the campaign trail if he wanted to. However, he is trying to make is seem that the NY AG and this trail are interfering with his election campaign and keeping him from campaigning and that is a 1000% false Narrative.

Donald Trump Complains About 'Wasting a Lot of Time' Attending Fraud Trial Instead of Campaigning​

He needs more grifting time to persuade the gullible into paying for his multiple defenses. Tithing to Trump is probably his next scam for his faithful worshippers and followers.