Sunday Doldrums: Some Thoughts


New member
Apologies- Long post ahead

Obviously, yesterday was not great. In many respects, we gave the game away. We had a good plan defensively, were getting stops, but we just couldn't get our offense to operate. So where do we go from here?

First, I want to quote myself. I thought this comment was 100% true then, and likely to still be true today:
Bowman is going to be key. He was invaluable from a leadership perspective last year, but he was too inconsistent mechanically for a player of his age and experience. When his mechanics broke down, his release drops and he misses high. If he can clean that up and just reduce interceptions, we're going to win a lot of games. We don't need a ton more out of him, just much fewer turnovers.
We're going to win a lot of games this season. Bowman is also going to cost us games, particularly the big ones. He played a part in our inability to do anything offensively yesterday. What's more concerning is that he has lost his deep ball accuracy. People were calling out Stribling for that first deep pass miss, saying he has to get off the jam quicker, but he actually did an alright job. That pass was never going to be complete without heroics from the WR. Bowman still has issues mechanically, as a result is inconsistent with delivery showing a tendency to miss high, and still has moments where his brain just seems to turn off. On the whole, however, he's not going to play badly enough to permanently lose his spot and he is going to be a part of the reason why this team wins 9+ games.

Another concerning note on the QB front is that by all accounts from those who watched offseason practice, Gundy is yet again missing the mark on playing the right QB. Zane Flores looked like QB2 all offseason. He was more accurate, quicker with reads, and after redshirting last season, had experience in the offense. It's disheartening to see Rangel trot out there in place of Bowman and fall apart. It would be one thing if we were trying to protect Flores redshirt, but that's over and done with. Look- I'm not sitting here trying to say that I know more than Gundy and the coaching staff. I don't. I am not in practice. I just read the reports. I do, however, try to look at things logically. If Rangel were the future at the position, you play him last year instead of playing the QB roulette like we did through the first 3 games. He played pretty equally to Bowman and Gundy. He's not, however, which is why they went with Bowman. I get wanting to be loyal, but you have a talented RS Freshman on your bench that you can hardly afford to lose. You couldn't play him last year, so why not see what you have in him? Lord knows, it couldn't be worse than what we saw in the first half of the game yesterday.

Last point on offense: We will never win a Big 12 Championship with Dunn at OC or Dickey at O-line. These guys are both in year 5 of their roles, and we've seen zero progression. Dunn's gameplans often look lost out there. I struggle with how much of our problems were with Bowman and how much were with Dunn, but to be honest, Dunn has been around longer and it's a problem that I feel like we've had for quite some time.
  • 2023: 55th scoring offense
  • 2022: 50th scoring offense
  • 2021: 45th scoring offense
  • 2020: 52nd scoring offense
  • 2019: 36th scoring offense
  • 2018 (Gleeson): 13th scoring offense
  • 2017 (Yurcich): 4th scoring offense
Obviously, Yurcich had Rudolph in his last year, so that skews things in his favor. I was mostly adding it for context. Gleeson had Cornelius at QB, and Dunn had Sanders for half of his run as OC. My point is simply that- we've gotten worse. We're not getting any better. Call it whatever you want- failure in recruiting, in developing, in health, whatever. Einstein would call it insanity because we're trying to do the same thing over and over in the name of "program" and "culture" while expecting different results. Dunn has got to go, and Dickey along with him. We have the most experienced offensive line in the entire country and we can't run block better than just average.

The defense. First off, Gundy made a pretty solid point in his post game presser yesterday. The defense looked like a bunch of leaders out there. They weren't perfect, and they were outmuscled/outleveraged a few times in the beginning, but no one let their heads down. They just kept getting up and getting us stops. I thought they did really well and hats off to them and Coach Nardo. Nardo had a great game plan and showed that he knows how to best utilize the talent we have, which really is quite stacked. We also have to remember that we're playing without two key components on that side of the ball- Oliver and Justin Wright. We have those two and this defense looks even more impressive.

Nardo dialed up some pressure early on and it worked beautifully. This defense was always going to be high risk, high reward, so it wasn't perfect. It was working yesterday, though. The guys were also just absolute units out there. That was some hard hitting football and they kept us in the game for as long as they could. At one point, after the first INT early on, I actually felt pretty confident that we were going to win the game. I didn't think Bowman and Dunn would crap down their legs for as long as they did and if we get one score- going up 10-0 early, I thought that would've been enough. Instead we go 3 and out.

To be honest, this board is kind of exhausting to read sometimes. There is a very vocal group that love to hate on Nardo and the 3-3-5, and it's clear that they've never stepped foot onto a football field. Nardo and the defense coached/played a game worthy of a Big 12 Championship yesterday. Hats off to them. Was it perfect? Of course not. Was it enough to win? Absolutely. Our 17th year QB and OC dropped the ball.

Last thought. Gundy. He's done so much for this program that honestly, he doesn't get even close to the recognition he deserves nationally. I've had problems with him and his agent, yes. I also have problems with him and sticking to clearly ineffective ideas/philosophies. That said, he took an all-time sub .500 program and turned it into a perennial 8-10 win program with an above .500 winning percentage and a bowl game record over the past 20 years that not many schools out there can match. This is in no way calling for his job, because he's the reason we're here. He's also the reason we'll never achieve what he's set us up to achieve. The fact that he's won one single Big 12 championship with the success he's had is mind blowing. It's on par with the Packers winning one Super Bowl with Rodgers, one of the all time greats. It's sad, but it's also the truth. We're here thanks to him. We're also going to be limited because of him. Personally, I'm just adjusting my expectations accordingly. I'm not going to buy into offseason hype anymore. I'm just going to expect an 8-10 win season, where every once in a while we have a positive outlier and I'll be pleasantly surprised and then even less often, a 2022-type negative outlier.
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Next week will be a big 12 championship elimination game. If we drop the next one this season will be just like 2017. High expectations, serious disappointment, and complete reset the next year. I worry next year will be a disaster with the lack of talent returning via graduations and likely transfers.
Nothing personal, but your screen name gives me a migraine. šŸ˜³
Next week will be a big 12 championship elimination game. If we drop the next one this season will be just like 2017. High expectations, serious disappointment, and complete reset the next year. I worry next year will be a disaster with the lack of talent returning via graduations and likely transfers.
Yeah, you're not wrong. We went all-in on this year with regards to development. However, last year was also a "reset" type year and we did alright. I actually have high hopes for the defense next year. The offense will continue to be more of the same. We'll have a better QB, finally. Not that I expect Dunn to do much with that, though.
Apologies- Long post ahead

Obviously, yesterday was not great. In many respects, we gave the game away. We had a good plan defensively, were getting stops, but we just couldn't get our offense to operate. So where do we go from here?

First, I want to quote myself. I thought this comment was 100% true then, and likely to still be true today:

We're going to win a lot of games this season. Bowman is also going to cost us games, particularly the big ones. He played a part in our inability to do anything offensively yesterday. What's more concerning is that he has lost his deep ball accuracy. People were calling out Stribling for that first deep pass miss, saying he has to get off the jam quicker, but he actually did an alright job. That pass was never going to be complete without heroics from the WR. Bowman still has issues mechanically, as a result is inconsistent with delivery showing a tendency to miss high, and still has moments where his brain just seems to turn off. On the whole, however, he's not going to play badly enough to permanently lose his spot and he is going to be a part of the reason why this team wins 9+ games.

Another concerning note on the QB front is that by all accounts from those who watched offseason practice, Gundy is yet again missing the mark on playing the right QB. Zane Flores looked like QB2 all offseason. He was more accurate, quicker with reads, and after redshirting last season, had experience in the offense. It's disheartening to see Rangel trot out there in place of Bowman and fall apart. It would be one thing if we were trying to protect Flores redshirt, but that's over and done with. Look- I'm not sitting here trying to say that I know more than Gundy and the coaching staff. I don't. I am not in practice. I just read the reports. I do, however, try to look at things logically. If Rangel were the future at the position, you play him last year instead of playing the QB roulette like we did through the first 3 games. He played pretty equally to Bowman and Gundy. He's not, however, which is why they went with Bowman. I get wanting to be loyal, but you have a talented RS Freshman on your bench that you can hardly afford to lose. You couldn't play him last year, so why not see what you have in him? Lord knows, it couldn't be worse than what we saw in the first half of the game yesterday.

Last point on offense: We will never win a Big 12 Championship with Dunn at OC or Dickey at O-line. These guys are both in year 5 of their roles, and we've seen zero progression. Dunn's gameplans often look lost out there. I struggle with how much of our problems were with Bowman and how much were with Dunn, but to be honest, Dunn has been around longer and it's a problem that I feel like we've had for quite some time.
  • 2023: 55th scoring offense
  • 2022: 50th scoring offense
  • 2021: 45th scoring offense
  • 2020: 52nd scoring offense
  • 2019: 36th scoring offense
  • 2018 (Gleeson): 13th scoring offense
  • 2017 (Yurcich): 4th scoring offense
Obviously, Yurcich had Rudolph in his last year, so that skews things in his favor. I was mostly adding it for context. Gleeson had Cornelius at QB, and Dunn had Sanders for half of his run as OC. My point is simply that- we've gotten worse. We're not getting any better. Call it whatever you want- failure in recruiting, in developing, in health, whatever. Einstein would call it insanity because we're trying to do the same thing over and over in the name of "program" and "culture" while expecting different results. Dunn has got to go, and Dickey along with him. We have the most experienced offensive line in the entire country and we can't run block better than just average.

The defense. First off, Gundy made a pretty solid point in his post game presser yesterday. The defense looked like a bunch of leaders out there. They weren't perfect, and they were outmuscled/outleveraged a few times in the beginning, but no one let their heads down. They just kept getting up and getting us stops. I thought they did really well and hats off to them and Coach Nardo. Nardo had a great game plan and showed that he knows how to best utilize the talent we have, which really is quite stacked. We also have to remember that we're playing without two key components on that side of the ball- Oliver and Justin Wright. We have those two and this defense looks even more impressive.

Nardo dialed up some pressure early on and it worked beautifully. This defense was always going to be high risk, high reward, so it wasn't perfect. It was working yesterday, though. The guys were also just absolute units out there. That was some hard hitting football and they kept us in the game for as long as they could. At one point, after the first INT early on, I actually felt pretty confident that we were going to win the game. I didn't think Bowman and Dunn would crap down their legs for as long as they did and if we get one score- going up 10-0 early, I thought that would've been enough. Instead we go 3 and out.

To be honest, this board is kind of exhausting to read sometimes. There is a very vocal group that love to hate on Nardo and the 3-3-5, and it's clear that they've never stepped foot onto a football field. Nardo and the defense coached/played a game worthy of a Big 12 Championship yesterday. Hats off to them. Was it perfect? Of course not. Was it enough to win? Absolutely. Our 17th year QB and OC dropped the ball.

Last thought. Gundy. He's done so much for this program that honestly, he doesn't get even close to the recognition he deserves nationally. I've had problems with him and his agent, yes. I also have problems with him and sticking to clearly ineffective ideas/philosophies. That said, he took an all-time sub .500 program and turned it into a perennial 8-10 win program with an above .500 winning percentage and a bowl game record over the past 20 years that not many schools out there can match. This is in no way calling for his job, because he's the reason we're here. He's also the reason we'll never achieve what he's set us up to achieve. The fact that he's won one single Big 12 championship with the success he's had is mind blowing. It's on par with the Packers winning one Super Bowl with Rodgers, one of the all time greats. It's sad, but it's also the truth. We're here thanks to him. We're also going to be limited because of him. Personally, I'm just adjusting my expectations accordingly. I'm not going to buy into offseason hype anymore. I'm just going to expect an 8-10 win season, where every once in a while we have a positive outlier and I'll be pleasantly surprised and then even less often, a 2022-type negative outlier.
Your point on Dunn is completely relevant. The numbers donā€™t lie. And Dickeyā€™s had more than enough time to show something.
Dunn and Dickey took an offense that was firing on all cylinders and put it back where it was when we played USA. Thereā€™s no excuse for wasting Gordon and it looks like weā€™ve done it to protect Bowman with declining returns.

I agree that Flores or the other qb are the future. Rangel just doesnā€™t have ā€œitā€ and you canā€™t develop that.
QB developmentā€¦
Please someone list our last 15-20 QB recruits? They have been atrocious minus 2-3 of them. Terrible recruiting.
Weeden fell in our lap as a 27yo that one doesnā€™t count. Walsh & CornDog above avg. Rudolph elite. Thatā€™s been about it minus Zach who was a product of Fedoras aggressive offense & NFL talent around him. It feels like we have missed on 80%+ of our QB recruits. Not to mention his loyalty to the lesser of the talented QBs because theyā€™re ā€œolderā€. What a joke. Will always be MGs downfall as a coach.

Also besides Teven when was the last OL to sniff an NFL camp? OL recruiting has been terrible and nonexistent the past 5 yrs. Goes hand in hand.
Dunn and Dickey took an offense that was firing on all cylinders and put it back where it was when we played USA. Thereā€™s no excuse for wasting Gordon and it looks like weā€™ve done it to protect Bowman with declining returns.

I agree that Flores or the other qb are the future. Rangel just doesnā€™t have ā€œitā€ and you canā€™t develop that.
Yep. The Wildcat was apparently our single innovation for the biggest game of the year, at home.

Wait, I forgot the stack where we asked the QB to throw a screen from the far hash. 3 defenders & 2 blockers-what could possibly go wrong?šŸ¤”

We consistently fail to even attempt to throw the ball on short routes between the numbers, and apparently have zero interest in a delayed drag route for a TE.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is huge in game planning. The simple fact is that Bowman isnā€™t tremendously accurate a fair amount of the time, so dial up something easier to execute and stop with all of the throws outside of the numbers.
I think any good coach that brings a team with similar talent will beat us with gundy. We have to really just be more talented to win. We will never win the big game.

Yes, we beat OU but letā€™s be honest that wasnā€™t the game that mattered it was the big 12 championship game. We wonā€™t win that game again because there will always be a team with similar talent and be more prepared. We will hold on to Dunn until gundy retires and he doesnā€™t care. I hope I am wrong but I think it was all confirmed.

I think we have an 8-9 win team. We have the talent to compete for the big 12 but coaching and preparation wonā€™t allow it.

Yea we won in 2011 but it took the best QB and WR in school history. We struggle to get good QBs and when they get here they get Kasey Dunn to be the OC which hampers the ability to win against good teams with similar talent level.
Anyone with a brain and the slightest bit of objectivity knows that itā€™s Zane Flores time! In fact, the first game of the season shouldā€™ve been Zane Flores time, but we have to make that change immediately if we are going to salvage this season and our future!
Next week will be a big 12 championship elimination game. If we drop the next one this season will be just like 2017. High expectations, serious disappointment, and complete reset the next year. I worry next year will be a disaster with the lack of talent returning via graduations and likely transfers.
Last point on offense: We will never win a Big 12 Championship with Dunn at OC or Dickey at O-line. These guys are both in year 5 of their roles, and we've seen zero progression. Dunn's gameplans often look lost out there. I struggle with how much of our problems were with Bowman and how much were with Dunn, but to be honest, Dunn has been around longer and it's a problem that I feel like we've had for quite some time.
Presuming that we do go on to have a lower than expectations season with a total reset coming, there is no more obvious time to do some major house cleaning in the coaching ranks.
Confession: I donā€™t really like watching us play anymore. Itā€™s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didnā€™t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.
Confession: I donā€™t really like watching us play anymore. Itā€™s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didnā€™t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.
I think we need 2 things. A better oline coach, QB, and new OC

I wouldnā€™t be opposed to letting Cale Gundy take over as the OC and have him train Brandon Weeden as QB coach.

I also wouldnā€™t be opposed to finding a good recruiter who was an assistant coach from the nfl or SEC to be the new oline coach
Confession: I donā€™t really like watching us play anymore. Itā€™s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didnā€™t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.
Amen, why are we stuck with this ugliness?
Bowman couldn't win the job outright last year in camp. That says something. I had hoped that after all of the experience last season plus going through spring and fall as the #1 he'd progress, but he's still streaky and has hit his ceiling.

This reason rests on him though.

I understand the angst with Dunn, but I also see WRs running free and the QB not hitting them. So, the play calling is getting WRs open. The players have to execute.
Confession: I donā€™t really like watching us play anymore. Itā€™s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didnā€™t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.
I actually enjoy watching good defense. I guess Iā€™m a bit of a sicko that way. I absolutely loathe watching our offense. Itā€™s so predictable and well, as you said, boring. I feel like I could turn off the TV and still call out every one of our plays.
QB developmentā€¦
Please someone list our last 15-20 QB recruits? They have been atrocious minus 2-3 of them. Terrible recruiting.
Weeden fell in our lap as a 27yo that one doesnā€™t count. Walsh & CornDog above avg. Rudolph elite. Thatā€™s been about it minus Zach who was a product of Fedoras aggressive offense & NFL talent around him. It feels like we have missed on 80%+ of our QB recruits. Not to mention his loyalty to the lesser of the talented QBs because theyā€™re ā€œolderā€. What a joke. Will always be MGs downfall as a coach.

Also besides Teven when was the last OL to sniff an NFL camp? OL recruiting has been terrible and nonexistent the past 5 yrs. Goes hand in hand.
OSU has had three QBs taken in the NFL since 2009 which isnā€™t bad!!! Chelf was a gamer but wasnā€™t NFL material! I donā€™t think Sanders skill set lent him to being an NFL QB but he could do well in the CFL up in Canada much like his backup in 2019 Drew Brown who has had success up there! I had hopes for Shane Illingworth as he was a ā€œfour starā€ coming out of High School but got impatient and didnā€™t want to sit behind Sanders and I donā€™t know what has happened to him since he portaled out after 2021! Rangel probably isnā€™t the answer but we havenā€™t seen Flores or the true freshman from California in Maeli Smith! I guess you are saying Tim Rattay isnā€™t cutting the mustard when it comes to QB development since he is responsible! šŸ˜
Confession: I donā€™t really like watching us play anymore. Itā€™s so boring.

I used to live for Saturdays because I knew you most likely had to score 42 to be in the game with us. Most weeks scoring predictions would be somewhere between 45-52 for us and it was like clockwork. We had a chance in every single game, didnā€™t matter if the other team had better players. We knew the offense would give us a chance. It made us relevant.

Now it sucks.
LOLOLOL, I used to say the same thing when Eddie would beat OU and old Sampson in a 49-47 slugfest!!! No offense!!! But then the stifling Iba defense he employed was pretty amazing to watch especially when they would deny passes into the paint and force a bunch of outside shots! God I miss Coach Sutton and those days!!! šŸ„²
Gundy's post-game press conference was rough to watch. He looked and sounded terrible. Seemed very frustrated... Odd that he says that our game plan for attacking their defense wasn't very good. Seems like he should be more involved if he doesn't think our plan was good.

He also mentions that its positive that our offense "stayed the course" and that "we haven't changed things around here for 10 years".

He's so reluctant to change things, even after a loss like this. I don't get it. If it doesn't work, why keep doing it?