Short stop.
You’re talking about “who” has to own the situation. Of course it’s the SS. That doesn’t mean everyone else stands back to watch Brown try to make a play. And you said “Never” catches a pop fly and that’s just wrong. Especially if he’s never called off.
Decisions like this really make you wonder what Josh and Rob think heading into midweek games. I understand using a ton of pitchers but what the hell is going on?
You’re talking about “who” has to own the situation. Of course it’s the SS. That doesn’t mean everyone else stands back to watch Brown try to make a play. And you said “Never” catches a pop fly and that’s just wrong. Especially if he’s never called off.
Are you serious with this?
Probably too busy arguing over whether pitchers should catch a simple pop up or not. Ya know, the stuff that really matters, at least more than winning the game for sure.