You lost. Good try though
FWIW, I caught for 46 years. As a GENERAL rule pitchers do not take pop ups, in particular one that are straight away. Taught the nuances of the position by Bobby Cox who coached OBU for about 100 years with a wagon full of awards and championships (how he is not in the OK Sports Hall of Fame escapes me)

Four reasons.
1. Pitcher has the worst vantage point for depth whereas a position player can see it from an angle.

2. Shallow, high fly balls have a backwards spin that draws the ball, it is not straight up and straight down. Think how a a catcher turns away from the field to get a pop up which is because the draw is pushing the ball into the field--same spin. As a result, if he has to back up, there is a high probability of tripping over the mound and, always run into a fly ball, not with it (when possible of course).

3. Pitchers are there to pitch, not field and make situational throws.

4. A fielder coming in from behind runners has insight to initial steps being made by any base runners.

Now, that being said, I did not see the play and just like crying, there are no absolutes in baseball.