Oklahoma lawmakers calling for OU president to be fired after 'Crimson & Queens' drag show

I miss the days when men dressed as women and we didn't blink an eye...Klinger, Tootsie, Mrs. Doubtfire, the Church Lady (well isn't that special?!), Freddie Mercury and Queen (G.O.A.T.), David Bowie, Elton John, Kurt Cobain, Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, Boy George, Prince, Dennis Rodman!!
the good ole days...ha
Basically the early 80s
And 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, etc.

Milton Berle
Bob Hope
Tony Curtis
Jack Lemon
Tom Hanks
John Travolta
All of Monty Python
Flip Wilson
Patrick Swayzie
Wesley Snipes
John Leguizamo
Tim Curry
Christopher Walken
Eddie Murphy
And 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, etc.

Milton Berle
Bob Hope
Tony Curtis
Jack Lemon
Tom Hanks
John Travolta
All of Monty Python
Flip Wilson
Patrick Swayzie
Wesley Snipes
John Leguizamo
Tim Curry
Christopher Walken
Eddie Murphy
I was going more for the early 80s glam bands.
And 90s, 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, etc.

Milton Berle
Bob Hope
Tony Curtis
Jack Lemon
Tom Hanks
John Travolta
All of Monty Python
Flip Wilson
Patrick Swayzie
Wesley Snipes
John Leguizamo
Tim Curry
Christopher Walken
Eddie Murphy
and the USO tours during WWII

Vesta Tilley was a female British actress who worked in Male Roles and was famous for her Masculine acting and had a 45 year career that span the mid 1800's to late 1890's and was once the highest paid female actress in the world

Jule d'Aubigny was a female actress who fulfilled only male roles and was famous for her "Breeches" Role (women only wore dresses then) and her career ran from 1670 to 1707

in 1904 Nina Boucicault became the first woman cast in the Lead role of Peter in Peter Pan...and every major theatre production since (all 7 of them) has cast a female to play the lead of Peter Pan

Gregory Milyar dressed as a woman and played the char Baba Yaga in over 12 files dating back to 1940

Bart Simpson, Ben 10, Timmy Turner, Goku, Monkey Luffy, Ash from Pokémon, Cubert Farnsworth, Bobby Hill are all animated char voiced by different females that have been entertaining US and our kids for close to 30 years in these shows.

Japanese Kabuki theatre started in 1609 but by 1629 all female actors had been banned from the stage and Male only actors fulfilled all Male and Female roles until the 1860's...for 200+ YEARS Men playing the Roles of Women was simply the Norm for them.

The Yue Opera & Ballet in China is one of only 2 All Female theater groups known to still tour the world and it is the second most popular theatre group in China. Females have been portraying every female and male role in their performances since 1906

This is NOT new and is only an issue now because it is allowed to be used as a vehicle to discriminate or incite violence against LGBTQ+ communities.

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and the USO tours during WWII

Vesta Tilley was a female British actress who worked in Male Roles and was famous for her Masculine acting and had a 45 year career that span the mid 1800's to late 1890's and was once the highest paid female actress in the world

Jule d'Aubigny was a female actress who fulfilled only male roles and was famous for her "Breeches" Role (women only wore dresses then) and her career ran from 1670 to 1707

in 1904 Nina Boucicault became the first woman cast in the Lead role of Peter in Peter Pan...and every major theatre production since (all 7 of them) has cast a female to play the lead of Peter Pan

Gregory Milyar dressed as a woman and played the char Baba Yaga in over 12 files dating back to 1940

Bart Simpson, Ben 10, Timmy Turner, Goku, Monkey Luffy, Ash from Pokémon, Cubert Farnsworth, Bobby Hill are all animated char voiced by different females that have been entertaining US and our kids for close to 30 years in these shows.

Japanese Kabuki theatre started in 1609 but by 1629 all female actors had been banned from the stage and Male only actors fulfilled all Male and Female roles until the 1860's...for 200+ YEARS Men playing the Roles of Women was simply the Norm for them.

The Yue Opera & Ballet in China is one of only 2 All Female theater groups known to still tour the world and it is the second most popular theatre group in China. Females have been portraying every female and male role in their performances since 1906

This is NOT new and is only an issue now because it is allowed to be used as a vehicle to discriminate or incite violence against LGBTQ+ communities.


And it was perfectly acceptable for cartoons to expose children to this:

Dress Up Looney Tunes GIF by Cartoon Network Asia
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All of you are missing a key component of a lot of those. It was being used as comedy in most of that or truly to flip the bird at the establishment. There were some legit cross dressers though that didn’t have much or any backlash like boy George.
So you don't find this to be frivolous spending?
So, universities in the state should cease all entertainment programing on campus? If the drag show is frivolous then all campus entertainment is. OSU pays for speakers and entertainment from fees, everyone does if they can. We can become the state with no budget for any on campus activities at all "state funded" universities. I'm sure that'll sell. With the high school population cliff coming, Dallas area schools literally conspiring to recruit Oklahoma students (Oklahoma students get a special pricing at many like UNT) and Arkansas doing all it can to steal our students, yeah, lets just becoming the most anti-everything at all of our universities.

How about to ensure we aren't being frivolous that we check every piece paper printed on university printers which are generally no additional costs and funded by fees, to make sure it is a necessary printing? Perhaps charge the students for university paper not turned into the professor?

Then again, as so many Oklahoma politicians believe everything should be run like a business, I don't believe the state of Oklahoma has a meaningful share in OU or OSU, as direct state funds is less than 10% of each institutions' budget. So, I don't know why they think they should have an opinion.