ShhhhhhDemocrats ruled this state with an iron fist for its first 100 years.
ShhhhhhDemocrats ruled this state with an iron fist for its first 100 years.
* How in the world are you blaming Republicans for Oklahoma being ranked near the bottom of educated states?Umm, have you seen a ranking of the most and least educated states in the country and which states have a stranglehold on the bottom 10? Have you heard the way Republicans talk about teachers, saying they're indoctrinating kids with socialism, fascism, or imposing whatever sexual agenda of the moment on students? Did you watch what happened when Oklahoma teachers went on strike a few years ago? Have you seen Republicans playing the starve the beast game with public education while trying to incentivize private schools?
Have you ever taught in Oklahoma? If not, what makes you think you know something useful that none of us who have taught don’t know? Have you lived here for a considerable length of time? Like when Democrats were in the majority? If not, you don’t have the understanding or credibility I’d desire for honest debate. IMO if it weren’t for teachers unions we’d be receiving an apple a day and a chicken in the pot once a week. I’ve been credentialed to teach everything but K-6 as a teacher, and a principal for public schools and tech centers. Retired with 35 long years on the books. What are your credentials, or why such a passion for education reform?* How in the world are you blaming Republicans for Oklahoma being ranked near the bottom of educated states?
* Yes I watched what happened during the strike. And that was NOT a good thing. How are you blaming Republicans on that? You do realize which faction of teachers voted to strike (the group of teachers that block reforms and performance measures)…and it is not a secret which party they more likely align with….hint: it is not Republicans.
* I don’t agree with the method we are currently using for charter schools, but they do have successes nationwide. Trying to find alternate means to improve education should be applauded. And helping parent and students have more control and freedom in their education is a GOOD thing. But I am curious, what are you claiming that Republicans are doing that is starving public education?
* It is Walters and another idiot talking stupid stuff about sexual agenda. Other than putting pressure on Tulsa Public Schools to get rid of Dr. Gist (which was a massive win for Tulsa families)… that dude is an embarrassment. I agree with you about him.
Note: I would love to debate how to improve education. It is a passion of mine. There are soooo many to reduce administrative costs and move funding closer to students and teachers. But blaming problems of public education on a particular party is just being partisan and not addressing root causes.
You and I both know that if Lincoln were alive today he would not be a Republican. Not sure if you realize this because Oklahoma doesn’t want science teachers teaching about evolution but things change over time. The republicans of Lincoln’s era have more in common with modern day democrats than modern day republicans.If you don’t know general grant and president Lincoln. Which most social justice people don’t, then you let your moronics overwhelm you
Have I ever taught in Oklahoma? YesHave you ever taught in Oklahoma? If not, what makes you think you know something useful that none of us who have taught don’t know? Have you lived here for a considerable length of time? Like when Democrats were in the majority? If not, you don’t have the understanding or credibility I’d desire for honest debate. IMO if it weren’t for teachers unions we’d be receiving an apple a day and a chicken in the pot once a week. I’ve been credentialed to teach everything but K-6 as a teacher, and a principal for public schools and tech centers. Retired with 35 long years on the books. What are your credentials, or why such a passion for education reform?
Sounds like your knowledge and opinions are based on experience not complete speculation. IMO There are far too many that believe because they attended school they are expert in all things public education.Have I ever taught in Oklahoma? Yes
Have I lived here for a considerable time? Yes, most of my life.
Like when were Democrats in the majority? My entire life growing up (yours too if you lived in Oklahoma. Democrats controlled the House my entire life, and well before. 100% control from 1923 to 2004.
Also, Democrats controlled the Senate my entire life, and well before. 100% control from 1907 to 2007. If you also lived in Oklahoma, how in the world did you not know this? Should I question you credibility for an honest debate?
Why passionate? I grew up with a mom as a teacher. My wife is an educator and a former Oklahoma teacher of the year candidate. My sister is an Oklahoma teacher. My daughter just graduated from OSU in elementary education and now is a teacher. I have taught. I have been on school boards. I have been on school foundation boards.
It is the same people, the party name changed, the thought processes did not.Democrats ruled this state with an iron fist for its first 100 years.
No, even though you don’t agree with me 100% of the time I would not go after your retirement unless you were found guilty of a felony committed during your job duties. I’m fairly certain if you knew of a colleague doing sexual things with a student you would want to stomp a mudhole in them. I have faith in your decency.Coming out of a large suburban school district it was always apparent how few teachers were Republicans. Also surprising was how often they voted against their own pocket books. Our union kept us well informed. Most of the Republicans I knew were administrators and most of them went to the right church too. Hope @andylicious never advances to state superintendent he’d probably take away my retirement because I’m not just like him: willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Teachers are for the most part a well established Democratic voting block. That’s why the powers that be are against us at every turn.
What a quaint little 1950’s interpretation of rural public education .No, even though you don’t agree with me 100% of the time I would not go after your retirement unless you were found guilty of a felony committed during your job duties. I’m fairly certain if you knew of a colleague doing sexual things with a student you would want to stomp a mudhole in them. I have faith in your decency.
The republicans go after education has nothing to do with party. Education is a female dominated occupation and the basic idea is that it’s a nice second job for the family that fills the little woman’s winter months and summer is all about summer fun. It’s sexist and elitist as hell.
I didn’t say I agree, I can’t stand Keating or Walters.What a quaint little 1950’s interpretation of rural public education .
I don’t know how you can claim that the attacks on public education have nothing to do with the Republican Party. No offense, but you would have to be deaf and blind not to recognize that there is only one party striving constantly to commondeer public schools monies for a charter, homeschool, and religious private schools. The first in the nation. Even though our Stste Constitution states emphatically “ Not one dime of state monies shall go to religious school or preachers “ paraphrased. It’s straight forward and plain as day. Even Gentner Drummond is fighting the religious Catholic charter school. Apparently Gentner is one of the few Republicans who can read and comprehend. IMO this is just another scheme to put public monies into the hands of wealthy users of private schools. Essentially a tax cut for the rich. These clowns are going to be doing the backstroke when petitioners demand that Muslims, Athiest, Nazis, White Supremacy groups, etc. apply for these funds to start their own schools. The wording in our state Constitution is just as clear as the straight forward wording of the 14th amendment Section 3 of the US Constitution. But far too many Republicans these days act as though the rules don’t apply to them. We left England to escape stste sponsored religion, and Republicans it seems want to force a Christian Taliban upon everyone. My question is: what denomination of Christianity will be forced upon us? I don’t care too much for Baptist because I don’t think a church devoted to Christ should vote on whether or not to allow someone in as a member. The Catholics have just too much traditional pomp and circumstance for my taste, and IMO the Pope isn’t infallible. Is it simple majority rule? This is why, despite the lies, our founders created a secular society and not a religious one. Sadly when teachers fight these moves they and their unions are portrayed as godless willfully sinful groups that need to be punished at the very least and destroyed sooner rather than later. Ryan and Kevin and their matriarch Betsy Devos has long arms and deep pockets to reach into our state from Michigan, and tell her whipping boys their marching orders. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these people must believe that they are so much better than everyone else that they deserve the right to force every other American how to live, what to do with their own bodies, and how to worship their God. Teachers have been Republican scapegoats for years on end for every problem in society. If you can’t see it, you aren’t paying attention or you are so far down the rabbit hole you can’t see daylight.IMO
Frank Keating said “only one in ten teachers is deserving of a raise, and the rest are just a bunch of slugs.” Ryan Walters says we’re Woke and pushing porn on students. Nah, Republicans occasionally blurt out the truth about how they feel about public school teachers. Which side are you on?
If that’s all you gleaned out of that diatribe about Republican hatred of public schools, it’s the rabbit hole for you.I didn’t say I agree, I can’t stand Keating or Walters.
Okie dokieIf that’s all you gleaned out of that diatribe about Republican hatred of public schools, it’s the rabbit hole for you.
Piss poor management in the department![]()
State Seeks Repayment Of Errant Teacher Bonuses
Oklahoma’s Education Department awarded teachers life-changing bonuses — and created a nightmare for some by demanding it back. Story republished from Oklahoma Watch and StateImpact.www.news9.com
This is so messed up. Have people apply, approve them, give them life-changing money, and then say oops our bad. Give it back or we will turn you into collections. Just more mismanagement by our state government. Someone is trying to save their ass at the state department. Hopefully, these people don't have to pay a thing back because they didn't do anything wrong. Who am I kidding? They aren't rich, white males so they don't get their debts forgiven. Just need to pull themselves up by their boot straps, stop eating so much avocado toast, and pay the money back.
My theory why Oklahoma got to be so conservative starts in 1907 when it was required to enter the union as a dry state for 21 years. So that must have attracted a lot of Christian conservatives. The oil boom speculators came and left while the teetotalers stayed, though later on some of them, farmers, fled the state because of the dustbowl. In 1933 when prohibition was repealed Democrats responded in an odd and dishonest way. The only alcohol that was legalized was 3.2% beer labeled as a non-intoxicating beverage. So, Oklahoma continued to look very good to dry conservatives, looking for a new state to move to until 1959 when ban on alcohol sales was repealed. These days we seem to be dealing to some extent with the far-right conservative politics of their decedents.It is the same people, the party name changed, the thought processes did not.
Where’s the facepalmMy theory why Oklahoma got to be so conservative starts in 1907 when it was required to enter the union as a dry state for 21 years. So that must have attracted a lot of Christian conservatives. The oil boom speculators came and left while the teetotalers stayed, though later on some of them, farmers, fled the state because of the dustbowl. In 1933 when prohibition was repealed Democrats responded in an odd and dishonest way. The only alcohol that was legalized was 3.2% beer labeled as a non-intoxicating beverage. So, Oklahoma continued to look very good to dry conservatives, looking for a new state to move to until 1959 when ban on alcohol sales was repealed. These days we seem to be dealing to some extent with the far-right conservative politics of their decedents.
What do you mean? Come on, if you have a better, smarter theory to explain why Oklahoma is so conservative, let's hear it.Where’s the facepalm
Any theory is theory is better than that.What do you mean? Come on, if you have a better, smarter theory to explain why Oklahoma is so conservative, let's hear it.
Being from a farming, Baptist, conservative family that married into a conservative, Catholic farming family I can tell you there’s more of those families in Oklahoma than the speculator families. Is it changing some? Yes, but the generations that vote are predominated by those of us that grew up on the farm.My theory why Oklahoma got to be so conservative starts in 1907 when it was required to enter the union as a dry state for 21 years. So that must have attracted a lot of Christian conservatives. The oil boom speculators came and left while the teetotalers stayed, though later on some of them, farmers, fled the state because of the dustbowl. In 1933 when prohibition was repealed Democrats responded in an odd and dishonest way. The only alcohol that was legalized was 3.2% beer labeled as a non-intoxicating beverage. So, Oklahoma continued to look very good to dry conservatives, looking for a new state to move to until 1959 when ban on alcohol sales was repealed. These days we seem to be dealing to some extent with the far-right conservative politics of their decedents.