Oklahoma is going backwards

Not recogizing authority would mean they wouldn't seek out positions of authority and an ancharist wouldnt use goverment to smite their political oposition. They would disband it altogether.

Do you recognize the difference?
Your version sounds more like nihilism.
Both anarcho-capitalists (ancaps) and anarcho-communists believe in abolition of the state. That is a very basic core anarchist tenant.

Nihilism? It sounds like that is another word you don't know the definition of.
Well great and powerful OZ I’m sorry if you are offended by my usage of a word. Hope you scrutinize others grammatical usage with as much enthusiasm. In the meantime I’m quite sure this won’t be the last time that you enter some knit picky grammatical response instead of dealing with the subject at hand. IMO right or wrong I’ll utilize Webster’s definition. It’s good enough for board games and normal people.
Well great and powerful OZ I’m sorry if you are offended by my usage of a word. Hope you scrutinize others grammatical usage with as much enthusiasm. In the meantime I’m quite sure this won’t be the last time that you enter some knit picky grammatical response instead of dealing with the subject at hand. IMO right or wrong I’ll utilize Webster’s definition. It’s good enough for board games and normal people.
Grammar? Lol.....wow.

Words have meaning. If you read the definition of a girrafe and still call one a monkey after reading it, that is your perogative. Which is exactly what you have done here Don't get butthurt when you get called out on it.
Grammar? Lol.....wow.

Words have meaning. If you read the definition of a girrafe and still call one a monkey after reading it, that is your perogative. Which is exactly what you have done here Don't get butthurt when you get called out on it.
Doesn’t giraffe have one r and two f’s? Is Pokey talking politics or religion? The last board game I played had nihilism as a religious class?!?
Grammar? Lol.....wow.

Words have meaning. If you read the definition of a girrafe and still call one a monkey after reading it, that is your perogative. Which is exactly what you have done here Don't get butthurt when you get called out on it.
I’m not butt hurt I don’t take your definition as fact. One of the clowns in the OP was losing an argument then diverted to my spelling gray grey. I’m an F1 fan and might even throw in a tyre occasionally. Most people find it funny or quaint. But since you are convinced of your grammatical prowess please explain how people can twist the plain text of Article 14 Section 3 of the US Constitution into meaningless garbage when it comes to Trump. I’d greatly appreciate endeavoring to comprehend your MENSA like powers over the English language.
Boy the trolls are bored and busy this evening. I watched Cowboy Basketball and Wrestling, while you clowns sat around and played with your devices.
Thanks Andy for catching the great and powerful Oz’s spelling error. Classic, well done . 😂😝😜😂😝😜😂😝😜😂😝
@GratefulPoke I’m sorry but your misspelling of giraffe is hilarious considering the authority you strived to exert over word usage. When a self righteous English teacher screws up, every student belly laughs. Here’s me laughing at you 😂. Webster’s should be good enough. I’m too old to carry around and study an unabridged dictionary just so I can argue word usage in a meaningless forum, that’s apparently your gig. How does it spell giraffe? 🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒
Have a nice day. It happens….

If you don’t see me for awhile it’s because GratefulPoke can dish it out but cannot take it. Watch your back Andy.😎
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@GratefulPoke I’m sorry but your misspelling of giraffe is hilarious considering the authority you strived to exert over word usage. When a self righteous English teacher screws up, every student belly laughs. Here’s me laughing at you 😂. Webster’s should be good enough. I’m too old to carry around and study an unabridged dictionary just so I can argue word usage in a meaningless forum, that’s apparently your gig. How does it spell giraffe? 🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒🦒
Have a nice day. It happens….

If you don’t see me for awhile it’s because GratefulPoke can dish it out but cannot take it. Watch your back Andy.😎
Boy the trolls are bored and busy this evening. I watched Cowboy Basketball and Wrestling, while you clowns sat around and played with your devices.
I should sit this out... but.... you used the word similar to its meaning but not really its meaning. That's OK. NOBODY is expected to know every single word in the language precisely. I used to mess up "literally" all the time and say "literally (something that could not possibly be literal)."

Are you just so accustomed to arguing with everyone on a message board that you simply can't say something like, "Oops, good point. That isn't quite anarchy, but I really think it is bad" and move on? What is the harm in simply admitting that you misused a word a little bit?
I should sit this out... but.... you used the word similar to its meaning but not really its meaning. That's OK. NOBODY is expected to know every single word in the language precisely. I used to mess up "literally" all the time and say "literally (something that could not possibly be literal)."

Are you just so accustomed to arguing with everyone on a message board that you simply can't say something like, "Oops, good point. That isn't quite anarchy, but I really think it is bad" and move on? What is the harm in simply admitting that you misused a word a little bit?
Please enlighten me as to which single word would apply to Trump striving to overturn a legitimate election, giving marching orders to Proud Boy type sycophants, losing the election then lying and claiming he didn’t. Now he says he’ll overturn what ever parts of the Constitution he disagrees with. Vowing to be a dictator on day one (only, wink wink), and genuinely believing he’s above the law. Vowing to throw out any office holder who he believes opposes him and replace them with his stooges. If he returns to office the anarchy will begin from the inside out. Once in office the destruction of our form of government will begin, and be sustained by his delusional cult members, and that’s the END of our country as we know it. IMO. PANDEMONIUM ? No. CLUSTER F… Absolutely, what one word adequately describes the above MESS? Please someone give me a clue as to that perfect non curse word.
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I should sit this out... but.... you used the word similar to its meaning but not really its meaning. That's OK. NOBODY is expected to know every single word in the language precisely. I used to mess up "literally" all the time and say "literally (something that could not possibly be literal)."

Are you just so accustomed to arguing with everyone on a message board that you simply can't say something like, "Oops, good point. That isn't quite anarchy, but I really think it is bad" and move on? What is the harm in simply admitting that you misused a word a little bit?
You are stepping into a big old bowl of crazy.

Good luck.

I’ll say a little prayer for you.