Oklahoma is going backwards

For doing his job ..but it wasn't the way Trump wanted it done

Oklahoma Republican Party approves resolution condemning Sen. James Lankford's work on border deal

After getting back from the 1/6 riot and voting against Trump's wishes, Lankford later won his senate election by a whopping 64%. So, I don't think this party resolution will have any significant effect on him for reelection. Besides that, it's a long time for his reelection. Plenty of time to forgive him.
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I recognize your antics. At one time I taught in junior high.
This is pretty rich from someone that throws pre-school level tantrums instead of just admitting he used a word incorrectly.
What is the correct word? So far not one of you forum wonders seem to be able to answer. If you can’t it’s just harassment from people who don’t like me as GratefulPoke stated. If he can’t, I doubt you can either.
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What is the correct word? So far not one of you forum wonders seem to be able to answer. If you can’t it’s just harassment from people who don’t like me as GratefulPoke stated. If he can’t, I doubt you can either.
Just stop.

You are embarassing yourself at this point.
Oh, no, not again. Once again, what is really badly needed and would be constitutional to do so is to put up a monument of Bill of Rights up inside and outside of the state capitol, considering how often legislators try to pass unconstitutional bills. The Bill of Rights are of far more historic significant to the founding of America than the Ten Commandments. So is the Declaration of Independence.

I wonder how many of churches that legislators go to have the 10 Commandments posted somewhere on church property, such as in every Sunday school room. If not, why not? And why make the state accountable for doing it if churches don't?

Senator's bill would resurrect Ten Commandments monument at Oklahoma State Capitol
Pushing a specific religious doctrine on the citizenry of Oklahoma is the near equivalence of establishing a state religion. Which religious beliefs will be left out? Hindu, Islam,Sikhs, Buddhist, Native American, Satanist, Scientologist do any of these believe these specific tenets? Just because the dominant religions in this state recognize the Ten Commandments does not give them more rights. They don’t have the right to force their beliefs down everyone’s collective throats.
It’s like prayer in public schools it’s got to be all or none. Otherwise, it’s what day do those Muslim clergy lead the prayer so I can keep my kids home. Next day different clergy and different religion and a different group absent. Like it or not our founders set up our country as secular while doggedly supporting the individuals right to practice their religion as they please. But to pretend our founders left the Church of England to set up a new state sponsored religion in this country is nonsense IMO
Same thing with spending taxpayer money on religious charter schools. Can’t wait till One of these minority state religions wants to start a school. Or Nazis, or white supremacy groups, oops sadly these would probably be ok in todays Oklahoma. Our government MUST not promote one group over another.
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More reason why a Bill of Rights Monument is needed at the State Capitol:

Oklahoma State Senator authors bill to limit freedom of the press

The legislators won't learn anything. Some years back, they had their pay cut for one year from the result of passing bills that were ruled unconstitutional.
Not that this will survive but I’d love to see the language and how this could be interpreted.

Is it video broadcast only or does it apply to radio/print/internet?

Does it apply to sports or entertainment like espn sports center or ENews?

Would Triple Play or the Sports Urinal be subject?

What about documentaries or real life events on streaming services?

What about sites like 247 or PistolsFiring?

Would it apply to local papers or school/University publications or broadcasts? Don’t some high schools have a “morning news” that they broadcast via intercom or video?

What about sites like this where people post links, embed videos or copy/paste?

I’m truly worn smooth by these knuckleF$&@%s coming up w these moronic ideas to “own” someone or to generate fundraising and they waste time and money.
Not that this will survive but I’d love to see the language and how this could be interpreted.

Is it video broadcast only or does it apply to radio/print/internet?

Does it apply to sports or entertainment like espn sports center or ENews?

Would Triple Play or the Sports Urinal be subject?

What about documentaries or real life events on streaming services?

What about sites like 247 or PistolsFiring?

Would it apply to local papers or school/University publications or broadcasts? Don’t some high schools have a “morning news” that they broadcast via intercom or video?

What about sites like this where people post links, embed videos or copy/paste?

I’m truly worn smooth by these knuckleF$&@%s coming up w these moronic ideas to “own” someone or to generate fundraising and they waste time and money.
You’ve put more thought into it than any Senator has!!!
POTUS super PAC using Ryan Walters as a campaign piece of Maga radicalism against education

Guess Ryan Walters made Oklahoma important in the 2024 POTUS election cycle....not sure for good reasons though

Well, on the good side of being a backward lead state, our housing prices (while significantly rising) are still really cheap relative to elsewhere. 1707059768568.png
Sec of education ladies and gents ....why is he making content mocking PETA?

Day 1 cowards in Sen GOP Leadership hang Lankford out to dry. Comments to Lankford’s social media posts are not kind at best and show the worst with what’s wrong with the US today.

Day 2 Walters drafts and sends letter to individual members of OK congressional delegation regarding the southern border and the debacle that just happened.

Day 3 a.m. Walters issues video of faux outrage to an easy target of most Oklahomans including those Center or center left.

Day 3 p.m. Walters’ letter from Day 2 is made public and it’s clear young Ryan is positioning himself in case Lankford doesn’t run or the Magastanians actually show enough strength against Lankford tht Walters thinks he has a chance.

Walters is a Marjorie Taylor Green who pees standing up. (I realize I’m out on a limb on this one as I could be wrong w the party of the 1st part or the party of the 2nd part).