Oklahoma is going backwards

Oklahoma Democrats? Absolutely. Democrats in Oklahoma, in my experience, tend to be more moderate and reasonable. Republicans in this state, at least in the leadership, has become more about the spectacle and performance than actually governing the state.
My late father, who is in the OSU Educators Hall of Fame, said repeatedly to friends: “Republicans are great at getting elected but are piss poor at governance.” Now nationwide they have become a minority party who will lie, cheat, and steal to stay in power, because they have no intention of changing their policies and platform if they even have one (they don’t).
Oklahoma Democrats? Absolutely. Democrats in Oklahoma, in my experience, tend to be more moderate and reasonable. Republicans in this state, at least in the leadership, has become more about the spectacle and performance than actually governing the state.
I can’t argue that Republicans in Oklahoma have more extremists in the Capitol than Democrats. But although vocal they are small in numbers.
But what have Democrats done to improve the lives of teachers? We just had a Democrat as State Suoerintendent. Other than not say embarrassing things like Walters, what did she do to improve public education?
I can’t argue that Republicans in Oklahoma have more extremists in the Capitol than Democrats. But although vocal they are small in numbers.
But what have Democrats done to improve the lives of teachers? We just had a Democrat as State Suoerintendent. Other than not say embarrassing things like Walters, what did she do to improve public education?
Hoffmeister wasn’t a democrat? She switched to democrat just so she could run against Stitt. She was a Republican the whole time she was the state superintendent
In 2018 she got a raise for teachers and staff. She eliminated EOI testing as a mandate except in History. She made the ACT or SAT free of charge for juniors in high school. She beat Baresi! I retired in 2012 so that’s all I can remember as it didn’t affect me.
In 2018 she got a raise for teachers and staff. She eliminated EOI testing as a mandate except in History. She made the ACT or SAT free of charge for juniors in high school. She beat Baresi! I retired in 2012 so that’s all I can remember as it didn’t affect me.
So she gets credit for the raise? Does that mean you credit Walters for the 2023 raise?

I credit neither of them.
So she gets credit for the raise? Does that mean you credit Walters for the 2023 raise?

I credit neither of them.
I’ve always understood if it happens on your watch, it’s yours. Credit who you want. I was responding to a Hofmiester query. I’ve got pages of Walters crap you can read.
I've met a lot of teachers in my day (tend to when you are one) and I've never met one who didn't notice this. We all have college degrees. We are educated enough to notice this s***. Maybe in the more rural areas, this is the case?
Yep I'm from rural Oklahoma so definitely a rural experience. Mom and sister were both teachers who didn't pay much attention to politics and voted R because they weren't aware Republicans are completely against public education at this point.
Are you implying Democrats are better for teachers than Republicans? If so, why do you think that?
Umm, have you seen a ranking of the most and least educated states in the country and which states have a stranglehold on the bottom 10? Have you heard the way Republicans talk about teachers, saying they're indoctrinating kids with socialism, fascism, or imposing whatever sexual agenda of the moment on students? Did you watch what happened when Oklahoma teachers went on strike a few years ago? Have you seen Republicans playing the starve the beast game with public education while trying to incentivize private schools?
Umm, have you seen a ranking of the most and least educated states in the country and which states have a stranglehold on the bottom 10? Have you heard the way Republicans talk about teachers, saying they're indoctrinating kids with socialism, fascism, or imposing whatever sexual agenda of the moment on students? Did you watch what happened when Oklahoma teachers went on strike a few years ago? Have you seen Republicans playing the starve the beast game with public education while trying to incentivize private schools?
Democrats ruled this state with an iron fist for its first 100 years.
Because history will end up repeating itself
Some of the rabid Republicans I know have stated on numerous occasions that civil war is coming. I think most of the problem is rooted in white supremacy, and a minority party willing to do or say anything to stay in power.