Oklahoma is going backwards

Someone on Twitter earlier called that graphic "false misinformation" because OK was actually ranked in the 30's not in the teens. Since that somehow makes being next to dead last not as bad... I guess...
CNBC in its annual top states for business survey has always given Oklahoma less than mediocre rankings for education. In 2011 it was 42. In 2024 it was 40. In between, most years stayed in the 40s. The highest it's gotten was 37 and lowest 50.

For best overall in its rankings for 2024, CNBC surprisingly ranked Oklahoma 26 up from 41 in 2023.

Oklahoma got it lowest ranking for quality of life at 47. What criteria does CNBC use to determine quality of life? According to CNBC:

"With unemployment low and workers still in short supply, companies are seeking to locate in states that can attract a broad array of talent. That makes quality of life an economic imperative. We rate the states on livability factors like per capita crime rates, environmental quality, and health care. We look at worker protections. We look at inclusiveness in state laws, including protections against discrimination of all kinds, as well as voting rights, including accessible and secure election systems. With studies showing that childcare is one of the main obstacles to employees returning to the workforce, we consider the availability and affordability of qualified facilities. And with surveys showing a sizeable percentage of younger workers would not live in a state that bans abortion, we factor reproductive rights in this category as well."
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With teacher pay consistently 47- 50th for many years on end, Oklahomans have gotten more than they’ve paid for. Politically, only ONE Republican was for public education: Henry Bellmon. He passed HB 1017 way back in 1990. Since then nada. We’ve had one decent Republican Superintendents of education IMO but other than Joy Hofmiester I can’t think of another. Stitt and Walters are a cancerous festering boil on public education and it’s dedicated teachers. Mary Fallon and Frank Keating were monsters. What’s coming down the pike from the tRump administration is the opposite of help. Does Project 2025 help public education? Does eliminating the DoE help insure that education is a priority for the success of the country? Oh they give lip service to education, but just like their claim of 100% pro-life , they’re really only pro-birth. If people voted on candidates based on what they’ve actually accomplished and not the lying fluff,we wouldn’t be in this situation. Trump means it when he says “I love the uneducated.”
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With teacher pay consistently 47- 50th for many years on end, Oklahomans have gotten more than they’ve paid for. Politically, only ONE Republican was for public education: Henry Bellmon. He passed HB 1017 way back in 1990. Since then nada. We’ve had one decent Republican Superintendents of education IMO but other than Joy Hofmiester I can’t think of another. Stitt and Walters are a cancerous festering boil on public education and it’s dedicated teachers. Mary Fallon and Frank Keating were monsters. What’s coming down the pike from the tRump administration is the opposite of help. Does Project 2025 help public education? Does eliminating the DoE help insure that education is a priority for the success of the country? Oh they give lip service to education, but just like their claim of 100% pro-life , they’re really only pro-birth. If people voted on candidates based on what they’ve actually accomplished and not the lying fluff,we wouldn’t be in this situation. Trump means it when he says “I love the uneducated.”
Well any reasonable human being would have to conclude that the DoE has been an unmitigated disaster. Let’s try something different and quit doubling down on stupid.

What sticks out is that, particularly in reading, there were never significant improvements over time in either category. At their peaks, math scores had risen 7% and reading scores had risen a mere 3%. Comparing the 1970s scores to those today, reading scores rose by less than 1% and math scores rose by 1.8%. To put that in context, since 1971, inflation-adjusted educational funding per student has risen by more than 245%.
Well any reasonable human being would have to conclude that the DoE has been an unmitigated disaster. Let’s try something different and quit doubling down on stupid.

What sticks out is that, particularly in reading, there were never significant improvements over time in either category. At their peaks, math scores had risen 7% and reading scores had risen a mere 3%. Comparing the 1970s scores to those today, reading scores rose by less than 1% and math scores rose by 1.8%. To put that in context, since 1971, inflation-adjusted educational funding per student has risen by more than 245%.
You can demean whatever you want, but the fact remains that race and socioeconomic class is most of the reason scores are what they are . Saw an increase in reading skills almost immediately when the lege changed the driving rules. Unless you passed the 8 th grade reading test you couldn’t get a drivers license . This state comes in mostly in the bottom two or three every year. I guess you expect top ten standing with 48 th funding. Is that you Kevin? I suppose you believe teachers should walk on water like our embarrassing Superintendent of Education. Call em woke a few thousand times more. Is that you Ryan? It’s easy to criticize what you don’t understand, but tell me what are your solutions to the problem. If you know how to send kids to school ready to learn, I’m all ears. But hungry, sleepy, abused, poor sleeping on the floor, trying to sleep through sirens and gunshots etc. is not conducive to learning. Please enlighten this sorry old retired teacher with 35 years in the trenches with your vast knowledge, wisdom, and SOLUTIONS. The trouble with you and many others in this state is you claim to know the price of everything but can’t comprehend the costs.
You can demean whatever you want, but the fact remains that race and socioeconomic class is most of the reason scores are what they are . Saw an increase in reading skills almost immediately when the lege changed the driving rules. Unless you passed the 8 th grade reading test you couldn’t get a drivers license . This state comes in mostly in the bottom two or three every year. I guess you expect top ten standing with 48 th funding. Is that you Kevin? I suppose you believe teachers should walk on water like our embarrassing Superintendent of Education. Call em woke a few thousand times more. Is that you Ryan? It’s easy to criticize what you don’t understand, but tell me what are your solutions to the problem. If you know how to send kids to school ready to learn, I’m all ears. But hungry, sleepy, abused, poor sleeping on the floor, trying to sleep through sirens and gunshots etc. is not conducive to learning. Please enlighten this sorry old retired teacher with 35 years in the trenches with your vast knowledge, wisdom, and SOLUTIONS. The trouble with you and many others in this state is you claim to know the price of everything but can’t comprehend the costs.
Yeah, I’m not demeaning anything just presenting the facts that the DoE has been a colossal failure and evidently throwing more money at it isn’t the answer. We’ve tried that. I think Stitt is a crook and I sure as heck have never once defended Walters. Knew it was a mistake to respond to you. Lesson learned.
We used to not have a DoE. I remember when it came into being. Teachers were proud that finally educating our nations children deserved a voice and a place in Washington. I haven’t always agreed with everything they’ve done over the years but having cabinet level input helps prevents the powers that be from doing the irrational. Until now. As a former leader in our local ACT and a long standing member of the NEA I can tell you I didn’t agree with them all the time either. But some ignorant people openly claimed the NEA(National Education Association) portrayed Christ in a test tube of urine. How dumb do the public school haters have to be to profess that as truth. That would be the National Endowment for the Arts. DUH but it spread like wildfire and cost education plenty. Trump loves the uneducated, and we don’t. Walters thinks all teachers are woke, and they are not. So pile on fanboys we’re tough enough to practically raise your children for you. If not, you just want the public schools monies to lower your private school tuition.
Still 49th in education. Our illustrious governor in his state of the state address hardly mentioned schools and the severe teacher shortages, but did praise the lawsuit designed to give public tax money to a Catholic school, even though he swore to uphold our state’s constitution that states clearly that not one dime will go to a church or clergyman. Why do oaths mean so little these days?
With teacher pay consistently 47- 50th for many years on end, Oklahomans have gotten more than they’ve paid for. Politically, only ONE Republican was for public education: Henry Bellmon. He passed HB 1017 way back in 1990. Since then nada. We’ve had one decent Republican Superintendents of education IMO but other than Joy Hofmiester I can’t think of another. Stitt and Walters are a cancerous festering boil on public education and it’s dedicated teachers. Mary Fallon and Frank Keating were monsters. What’s coming down the pike from the tRump administration is the opposite of help. Does Project 2025 help public education? Does eliminating the DoE help insure that education is a priority for the success of the country? Oh they give lip service to education, but just like their claim of 100% pro-life , they’re really only pro-birth. If people voted on candidates based on what they’ve actually accomplished and not the lying fluff,we wouldn’t be in this situation. Trump means it when he says “I love the uneducated.”
Gov. Stitt wants to lift the cap to private school vouchers. In effect, he wants to increase funding for private schools, while taking it away from public schools. With 44 out of 77 counties in Oklahoma having increased in population since 2020, I wonder whether, the funding needs have increased overall for public schools.
Agree with you. Walters just keeps digging his own political grave. This is the kind of division we need.
Hopefully they'll act as a voting bloc against the more egregious proposals that Walters puts forward (so basically all of them). Right now, there are only six members on the board that is supposed to be seven. I'm not sure what tiebreaker rules are on this board, but if they vote as a bloc they might be able to put a halt to the madness.

Of course, the three new appointees are subject to Senate approval and a State Senator refused to bring Stitt's seventh nomination to the Senate Floor. We might see more chicanery such as that ahead.
Hopefully they'll act as a voting bloc against the more egregious proposals that Walters puts forward (so basically all of them). Right now, there are only six members on the board that is supposed to be seven. I'm not sure what tiebreaker rules are on this board, but if they vote as a bloc they might be able to put a halt to the madness.

Of course, the three new appointees are subject to Senate approval and a State Senator refused to bring Stitt's seventh nomination to the Senate Floor. We might see more chicanery such as that ahead.
If they refuse to put the replacements to a vote does that mean the board can't form a quorum and therefore has no ability to do anything?