Stillwater Townie
CNBC in its annual top states for business survey has always given Oklahoma less than mediocre rankings for education. In 2011 it was 42. In 2024 it was 40. In between, most years stayed in the 40s. The highest it's gotten was 37 and lowest 50.Someone on Twitter earlier called that graphic "false misinformation" because OK was actually ranked in the 30's not in the teens. Since that somehow makes being next to dead last not as bad... I guess...
For best overall in its rankings for 2024, CNBC surprisingly ranked Oklahoma 26 up from 41 in 2023.
Oklahoma got it lowest ranking for quality of life at 47. What criteria does CNBC use to determine quality of life? According to CNBC:
"With unemployment low and workers still in short supply, companies are seeking to locate in states that can attract a broad array of talent. That makes quality of life an economic imperative. We rate the states on livability factors like per capita crime rates, environmental quality, and health care. We look at worker protections. We look at inclusiveness in state laws, including protections against discrimination of all kinds, as well as voting rights, including accessible and secure election systems. With studies showing that childcare is one of the main obstacles to employees returning to the workforce, we consider the availability and affordability of qualified facilities. And with surveys showing a sizeable percentage of younger workers would not live in a state that bans abortion, we factor reproductive rights in this category as well."
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