Oklahoma is going backwards

Interesting. But is it a fake quote? I ask because the Oklahoma TV station I saw this on, I think it was Tulsa FOX 23 News, didn't carry the part of Sen. Mullin saying, "If we were in a relationship, I'd be the man in the relationship." Sen. Mullin was shown in the company of O'Brien at the time. So, I was looking forward to seeing if Mullin was really going to say that! I doubt the TV station would have suddenly ended the report if he did.
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Interesting. But is it fake? I ask because the Oklahoma TV station I saw this on, I think it was Tulsa 23 News, didn't carry the part of him saying, "If we were in a relationship, I'd be the man in the relationship."
Not fake

❗️HAPPENING TODAY- The Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Committee meets at 1:30pm. On the agenda are a
Covenant Marriage Bill, a bill to ban no-fault divorces, a bill to put the 10 commandments on capitol grounds, and a bill to charge women with homicide who have abortions. OKleg 🧵
❗️HAPPENING TODAY- The Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Committee meets at 1:30pm. On the agenda are a
Covenant Marriage Bill, a bill to ban no-fault divorces, a bill to put the 10 commandments on capitol grounds, and a bill to charge women with homicide who have abortions. OKleg 🧵
I look forward to seeing the satanic temple's statue on the capital steps.
I must stay in OK for at least 3 more years to take advantage of my retirement...if I were a younger person, I would not stick around this backwards state!...itś even embarrassing to say I´m from OK when I travel...wake the f**k up OK...this ain´t 1930!

edit: I´m staying...for now...

Deevers’ Covenant Marriage Bill voted down by committee KFOR
Hopefully, if any religious extremists and possibly their churches were thinking about moving to Oklahoma because of the bills put forth by Deevers, they won't now. Good to see these extremist bills rejected early during the first month of the session, so we won't have to worry about them passing clear to as long as May.
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I look forward to seeing the satanic temple's statue on the capital steps.
That won't happen until it gets through the U. S. Supreme Court. Surely that is the reason why Republicans are trying to revive the 10 Commandments monument again. Maybe they have a plan to keep undesirable religious monuments away.
❗️HAPPENING TODAY- The Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Committee meets at 1:30pm. On the agenda are a
Covenant Marriage Bill, a bill to ban no-fault divorces, a bill to put the 10 commandments on capitol grounds, and a bill to charge women with homicide who have abortions. OKleg 🧵

None of these made it out of committee. Did not expect them to get out of committee. As I posted on other occasions, people on this board need to quit getting their shorts in a wad every time Dusty Deevers writes up a bill. He is too far right wing even for Oklahoma politics.
Anyone hoping for a dramatic change at the top of the political hierarchy in the State of Oklahoma, needs to start contacting Dan Boren and encouraging him to run for governor. He is probably the only Democrat with any chance of being the next Governor of this state.
"According to DOGE figures, closing the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office in Broken Bow saves the federal government $30,612, and closing the BIA office in Carnegie amounted to $2,798 in savings."

It's not about saving money. It never was

So then what's this about? I can see them not being keen on BIA affairs but what's wrong with fish and wildlife in an area that gets tourism dollars through hunting and fishing? Do they want to increase illegal activity in this area, which long term will hurt tourism?
❗️HAPPENING TODAY- The Oklahoma Senate Judiciary Committee meets at 1:30pm. On the agenda are a
Covenant Marriage Bill, a bill to ban no-fault divorces, a bill to put the 10 commandments on capitol grounds, and a bill to charge women with homicide who have abortions. OKleg 🧵
Just what drives anybody in America, let alone, Oklahoma that makes some far-right Christian legislators want as much as the death penalty for women who get abortion? In committee hearing Deevers had it pointed out to his ignorance that the penalty for getting an abortion in Oklahoma before Roe v Wade was a misdemeanor.

It's hard to impossible to find a foreign country where women get the death penalty for abortion. At worst it's a long prison sentence. Some far-right Christian Right fanatics who want all abortion banned would say that women who died from their pregnancies died in the arms of Jesus. Deevers may very well strongly disagree with me, but I would hope a merciful Jesus would have said, "Let that woman live with an abortion. May her next pregnancy successfully bring forth life."
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Ryan Walters, OSDE looking to integrate Bible in elementary schools across Oklahoma
In a new request for proposal submitted Friday, state Superintendent Ryan Walters is looking to purchase Bibles for elementary school classrooms.

Interesting how Walters has come up with a new issue to irritate Stitt with. Walters is now asking for a $100,000,000 increase in the school budget even though Sitt wanted it flat. Last year, Walters suggested a small cut in education. I think Walters and his extremist buddy, Nathan Dahm, complained that it's too typical how schools have their hands out every year wanting more money. It's never enough.

Walters doesn't bring up private schools much. Would he require all private schools that take money from the state to accept a bible for every classroom? Would he also want to require private religious school classrooms that take state money to post the Ten Commandments? I have no idea how many do now. But it looks like trying to force those that don't would go against the First Amendment. Maybe a number of them just post a cross, possibly with the crucified Jesus, and don't want to hear from the government about anything else.
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