I know you are, but what am I?Lol. She was the single most liberal Senator in the Senate. Left of Bernie Sanders. She talks about “snatching patents”, price controls, equal outcomes, etc… She’s telling you who she is and you clowns are lapping it up. Again, have you considered the possibility that she might be a communist?
That’s just the end of the supply chain. It looks like they’re talking about suppliers. I saw one article that singles out consolidation in the meat industry. Don’t we have someone in the meat industry in here? Or did he not come over from OP?
Trump's fourth year was far from pretty good, due to covid. He was so busy making himself look like a fool over it, probably a lot of people had to tune him out. But maybe you loved Trump so much back then you forgave him for his fourth year. 2020 was pretty bad no matter who was president. Trump's 3 other years were good but were only a continuation of Obama's 8 overall good years. And it remained that way until COVID. Trump wanted his policies to very well outdo Obama's by growing the GDP by 6%, but it never happened. Far from it. The economy was trending weaker later in the year before COVID hit. In response, Trump got the Fed to reduce interest rates that were already low. Nobody knows if the economy would have avoided recession had COVID not hit.Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.
You should probably brace yourself for November. Kamala is a dud and even your own party knows it. She’s had a nice little honeymoon but they can’t keep her hid out forever and unless Trump continues to help her out she loses BIGGLY. It’s true that Trump is divisive but coming from the party that is on tv 24/7 screaming that he will be the end of democracy is comical . As far as deficits go I can’t help but notice that you don’t mention the deficits we’ve been running under Biden/Harris. I guess that’s (D)ifferent?You do exactly what you say. Very few hear are acting like Harris is some amazing candidate. We state what she does that we agree with, and state what she does that we don't agree with. You, OTOH, say you are not a Trump fan but then refused to criticize Trump at the time he does things that are worthy of criticism from ALL Americans.
And, as far as the "four good years followed by incompetence" you are blinded to reality.
Trump spent government (OUR!) money like a drunken sailor while the economy was going gangbusters and did not need him to do so. NOBODY has done that before. That put us in a huge bind when the catastrophe hit and instead of having deficit reduction during good times (like Clinton) before the dot com crash and GFC we had huge deficits during good times heading into the pandemic. And, those were only four good years if you don't care about fellow Americans. He divided people. He fomented hate. I've been a doc for 31 years and NEVER have I had patients treat me like they did starting with the pandemic and the MAGA BS that we were trying to hurt them. Even worse if someone was an immigrant, disabled, or all of the other people that don't fit nicely into the Trump demographic.
So, sure, he wasted money to give us a good economy, divided us during a time of national need, and then you didn't mention tried to throw away elections and become our first unelected president. But other than all that and the hate speech that he tweeted daily that you expect all to of us to ignore, he did pretty well.
Harris is more liberal than me. But, I can handle a stupidly done tax hike if it comes along. I can't handle a narcissist in obvious cognitve decline and his loyal minions dividing us to civil war.
Deficits and debt are only questioned when Democrats are in office. Republicans run it up and Democrats work to bring it down. Hell Reagan said deficit’s don’t matter. Selective memory much Cimarron? Oops GOGETUMPOKEYou should probably brace yourself for November. Kamala is a dud and even your own party knows it. She’s had a nice little honeymoon but they can’t keep her hid out forever and unless Trump continues to help her out she loses BIGGLY. It’s true that Trump is divisive but coming from the party that is on tv 24/7 screaming that he will be the end of democracy is comical . As far as deficits go I can’t help but notice that you don’t mention the deficits we’ve been running under Biden/Harris. I guess that’s (D)ifferent?
Biden’s deficits threaten economic doom - Washington Examiner
The latest grim news on the exploding federal government deficit testifies to the recklessness and incompetence of President Joe Biden. He isn’t responsible for the whole problem, but he has made it much worse. On July 13, the Treasury Department said the deficit for the first nine months of the...www.washingtonexaminer.com
The deficit and debt should be a big topic of debate during the 2024 election, and one that probably wouldn’t redound to Ms. Harris’s benefit. For one thing, she could be forced to defend the spending binge that has taken place on President Biden’s watch, as well as the 9.1% year-over-year inflation that his policies helped to ignite.
Despite taking over as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Ms. Harris keeps talking like it’s her job to finish Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, promising a future of “affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave,” courtesy of Uncle Sam. How much will all of this cost? How does she propose to pay for it? Has she even thought about it?
No one seems much inclined to make her answer these questions. Ms. Harris isn’t sitting for interviews with even friendly journalists who might pry out some details of how she intends to govern. And Donald Trump seems more interested in demanding credit for his tax-free-tips brainstorm (see nearby), while claiming that Ms. Harris is faking pictures of her rallies. “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?” Mr. Trump asked. “There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd.’”
Politicians can look away from the spending problem, but the fiscal math can’t be escaped.
4 packers -Cargill, Tyson, National, and JBS - Will slaughter 85% of all the cattle killed in the US every day. We have a packers and stockyards act that was passed in 1923 that neither party wants to enforce and two of the four (National and JBS) are Brazilian companies. They collude and steal from producers and during the pandemic they were making around $1,000 per head for a short while. Fast forward to today- we have the highest cattle market in history and the cattle coming out of the feedlot this week are losing around $110 per head to the cattle feeder and the packers have been running in the red on the cattle side of their business for months. Meanwhile Mrs. Joe Lunchbucket can’t afford hamburger for her family. Kamala’s got her work cut out for her.That’s just the end of the supply chain. It looks like they’re talking about suppliers. I saw one article that singles out consolidation in the meat industry. Don’t we have someone in the meat industry in here? Or did he not come over from OP?
What is the profit margin on groceries?
It’s like they’ve almost got one whole brain between them.A massive 1.4% - 1.9%
You should probably brace yourself for November. Kamala is a dud and even your own party knows it. She’s had a nice little honeymoon but they can’t keep her hid out forever and unless Trump continues to help her out she loses BIGGLY. It’s true that Trump is divisive but coming from the party that is on tv 24/7 screaming that he will be the end of democracy is comical . As far as deficits go I can’t help but notice that you don’t mention the deficits we’ve been running under Biden/Harris. I guess that’s (D)ifferent?
Biden’s deficits threaten economic doom - Washington Examiner
The latest grim news on the exploding federal government deficit testifies to the recklessness and incompetence of President Joe Biden. He isn’t responsible for the whole problem, but he has made it much worse. On July 13, the Treasury Department said the deficit for the first nine months of the...www.washingtonexaminer.com
The deficit and debt should be a big topic of debate during the 2024 election, and one that probably wouldn’t redound to Ms. Harris’s benefit. For one thing, she could be forced to defend the spending binge that has taken place on President Biden’s watch, as well as the 9.1% year-over-year inflation that his policies helped to ignite.
Despite taking over as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Ms. Harris keeps talking like it’s her job to finish Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, promising a future of “affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave,” courtesy of Uncle Sam. How much will all of this cost? How does she propose to pay for it? Has she even thought about it?
No one seems much inclined to make her answer these questions. Ms. Harris isn’t sitting for interviews with even friendly journalists who might pry out some details of how she intends to govern. And Donald Trump seems more interested in demanding credit for his tax-free-tips brainstorm (see nearby), while claiming that Ms. Harris is faking pictures of her rallies. “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?” Mr. Trump asked. “There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd.’”
Politicians can look away from the spending problem, but the fiscal math can’t be escaped.
Once again, Harris should be able to win the race barring a sudden collapse in the economy or Biden makes a colossal blunder such as on foreign policy. There is still plenty of time left for Harris to be interviewed or hold press conferences. If anybody in the race is a dud, it's Trump. If he was truly a great president, he would be like Reagan and still be president now. But unfortunately, Trump said he learned a lot from Tricky Dicky Nixon, rather than from Reagan. I cried after Reagan's unsuccessful assassination attempt. I sure as heck didn't feel like crying when the same thing happened to Trump.You should probably brace yourself for November. Kamala is a dud and even your own party knows it. She’s had a nice little honeymoon but they can’t keep her hid out forever and unless Trump continues to help her out she loses BIGGLY. It’s true that Trump is divisive but coming from the party that is on tv 24/7 screaming that he will be the end of democracy is comical . As far as deficits go I can’t help but notice that you don’t mention the deficits we’ve been running under Biden/Harris. I guess that’s (D)ifferent?
Biden’s deficits threaten economic doom - Washington Examiner
The latest grim news on the exploding federal government deficit testifies to the recklessness and incompetence of President Joe Biden. He isn’t responsible for the whole problem, but he has made it much worse. On July 13, the Treasury Department said the deficit for the first nine months of the...www.washingtonexaminer.com
The deficit and debt should be a big topic of debate during the 2024 election, and one that probably wouldn’t redound to Ms. Harris’s benefit. For one thing, she could be forced to defend the spending binge that has taken place on President Biden’s watch, as well as the 9.1% year-over-year inflation that his policies helped to ignite.
Despite taking over as the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, Ms. Harris keeps talking like it’s her job to finish Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, promising a future of “affordable health care, affordable child care, and paid family leave,” courtesy of Uncle Sam. How much will all of this cost? How does she propose to pay for it? Has she even thought about it?
No one seems much inclined to make her answer these questions. Ms. Harris isn’t sitting for interviews with even friendly journalists who might pry out some details of how she intends to govern. And Donald Trump seems more interested in demanding credit for his tax-free-tips brainstorm (see nearby), while claiming that Ms. Harris is faking pictures of her rallies. “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?” Mr. Trump asked. “There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd.’”
Politicians can look away from the spending problem, but the fiscal math can’t be escaped.
Ah. Careful now. You’re dealing with someone who uses the Advanced Hermanian Tactic. Any claims you make against him will come back to haunt you.
This is also known as the Rubber and Glue Rebuttal or IKYABWAI Interrogative. It utilizes circular reasoning and projection in a highly sophisticated argument that perplexes simple bullies and the greatest debaters alike. Avoid getting caught up in the irrational loop they create. Also, avoid running into him at biker bars that serve tequila as well as adult theaters.
Thank me later.
He’s definitely fully invested in Trump winning.That seems more complicated than troll and gaslight, which seems to be all he is capable of.
What is the profit margin on groceries?
Facts be damned! You’re going to fit in nicely here.Way too much. Their greed is starving people and it has to be stopped.
circular arguments. Is GOGETUMPOKE really just a Cimarron sock? Is that you Cim?
I haven’t figured out who changed their avatar from the OP. Could be NotOnTv also. But the circular arguments are a Cim classic. I’d like to know. @cowboyinexile thank for the laugh, my wife heard me laughing from the other end of the house.Cim got lost in the Capitol basement on Jan 6th and has been running around in tunnels under DC ever since. He's been living off his fear of undocumented migrants voting for Biden like some MAGA force user. Rumor has it when Biden decided not to run again his screams were heard all the way from Boston to Atlanta.
This is the post of the year!!!Seeing the same people who support school vouchers complain about her plan to help home buyers bc it'll make homes more expensive is quite the class in irony.
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