Harris 2024 election thread

Lol😂😂😂😂. She was the single most liberal Senator in the Senate. Left of Bernie Sanders. She talks about “snatching patents”, price controls, equal outcomes, etc… She’s telling you who she is and you clowns are lapping it up. Again, have you considered the possibility that she might be a communist?
And the dog returns to his own vomit.🤢🤮
You can say, or makeup, or repeat any far right MAGAstanie report you desire to try and prove that you worship the Donald if you want. But as for me and my family we will not vote for a perpetually lying Felonious Trump. The man will do or say anything to stay out of jail. Up to and including over throwing our democracy and eliminating the Constitution. And YOU have the audacity to accuse Harris of being a communist. Your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were a small child. What a gigantic troll.
You can say, or makeup, or repeat any far right MAGAstanie report you desire to try and prove that you worship the Donald if you want. But as for me and my family we will not vote for a perpetually lying Felonious Trump. The man will do or say anything to stay out of jail. Up to and including over throwing our democracy and eliminating the Constitution. And YOU have the audacity to accuse Harris of being a communist. Your mother must have dropped you on your head when you were a small child. What a gigantic troll.
I’m sure it will be (D)ifferent this time.
I'm excited about Kamala's plan to reduce grocery prices. Biden should have gone after the grocers in 21'. Their greed is disgusting. Kamala is going to put them in their place!
What about this did you not understand?
So you won't vote for him then given that the things being said are "rightful?" Because, the things being said are clearly being said of someone unworthy of being the CIC.

And, this would be much easier if you just said what you believe in actual sentences instead of expecting all of this to make sense from an adjective in one sentence.
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So you won't vote for him then given that the things being said are "rightful." Because, the things being said are clearly being said of someone unworthy of being the CIC.

And, this would be much easier if you just said what you believe in actual sentences instead of expecting all of this to make sense from an adjective in one sentence.
Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.
Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.

You do exactly what you say. Very few hear are acting like Harris is some amazing candidate. We state what she does that we agree with, and state what she does that we don't agree with. You, OTOH, say you are not a Trump fan but then refused to criticize Trump at the time he does things that are worthy of criticism from ALL Americans.

And, as far as the "four good years followed by incompetence" you are blinded to reality.

Trump spent government (OUR!) money like a drunken sailor while the economy was going gangbusters and did not need him to do so. NOBODY has done that before. That put us in a huge bind when the catastrophe hit and instead of having deficit reduction during good times (like Clinton) before the dot com crash and GFC we had huge deficits during good times heading into the pandemic. And, those were only four good years if you don't care about fellow Americans. He divided people. He fomented hate. I've been a doc for 31 years and NEVER have I had patients treat me like they did starting with the pandemic and the MAGA BS that we were trying to hurt them. Even worse if someone was an immigrant, disabled, or all of the other people that don't fit nicely into the Trump demographic.

So, sure, he wasted money to give us a good economy, divided us during a time of national need, and then you didn't mention tried to throw away elections and become our first unelected president. But other than all that and the hate speech that he tweeted daily that you expect all to of us to ignore, he did pretty well.

Harris is more liberal than me. But, I can handle a stupidly done tax hike if it comes along. I can't handle a narcissist in obvious cognitve decline and his loyal minions dividing us to civil war.
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Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.
Flip flopping when convenient. Hands down, the worst candidate is Donald J. Trump. Period. Never had a convicted felon run for the presidency. Never had a candidate say they’d suspend the Constitution. Never had a candidate promise to turn the DOJ into a retribution bureau. Never had a candidate so totally demean military service. Never had a LOSER try to stay in office by force. Never had a president think his vice president deserved hanging. Never had a candidate embrace dictators. Never had a candidate say they’ll be no need for voting ever again if elected. Never, never, never ever. The list of lies and wrongdoings this man has done will probably not be discovered for years on end. His wrongdoing is voluminous. You need professional help if you believe Harris is the worst political candidate ever.
Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.
trump was a bad president…would a company rehire a bad employee that they fired previously? If he coached football at a power five in 2016, he’d be coaching DII now…
Wouldn’t it also be easier if you would just read what I clearly typed instead of knee jerk posting? I’ve stated over and over that I’m not a Trump fan and I prayed for a different candidate. He says stupid things….constantly. Here’s the thing, I’ve had 4 years of Trump and honestly, if you could just tune him out, most reasonable people would have to admit they were 4 pretty good years. Now we’ve had almost 4 years of a compliant media and Democratic politicians lying to us every single day about an administration that was completely incompetent. Joe was demented and mentally incompetent the day he was elected and proved it over and over . I’ve been saying it for 4 years and everyone finally had to admit it when he got his pants pulled down at the debate. So what do we do now? We’ve got the DEI hire over here that is a complete disaster but we can’t get around her because of the campaign war chest and the fact that we’ll lose even more of the black vote than we’re already losing. Now all of the Dems are in a 24/7 siege to put lipstick on that pig. She’s still a pig. Nobody wants her and if they ever put her in front of actual journalists interested in doing their job (they won’t) she will self destruct. So we’re stuck with two candidates that nobody really wants. You can take heart in the fact that Trump will probably keep running his mouth until he loses to the hands down worst candidate in the history of politics.
Trigger Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Lol😂😂😂😂. She was the single most liberal Senator in the Senate. Left of Bernie Sanders. She talks about “snatching patents”, price controls, equal outcomes, etc… She’s telling you who she is and you clowns are lapping it up. Again, have you considered the possibility that she might be a communist?
So government pays for work and then company maintains the patent... you think the gov shouldn't be able to own the patent? Same basic thing happens in defense industry. Contracts specify gov owned or industry owned information. Why can't this apply to that industry as well? Otherwise it's just gov handout to an industry paying them to do internal research and development. If it's legitimately her threatening to take patents that had no gov funding to support development then that would be a very bad precedent to set, but I doubt that's what she's talking about.

That's not communism. You keep using that word but I don't think it means what you think it means.