Harris 2024 election thread

He's trying to justify his bigoted commentary by saying that anything not overly positive about her is racist.
Ah. Careful now. You’re dealing with someone who uses the Advanced Hermanian Tactic. Any claims you make against him will come back to haunt you.

This is also known as the Rubber and Glue Rebuttal or IKYABWAI Interrogative. It utilizes circular reasoning and projection in a highly sophisticated argument that perplexes simple bullies and the greatest debaters alike. Avoid getting caught up in the irrational loop they create. Also, avoid running into him at biker bars that serve tequila as well as adult theaters.

Thank me later.
Ok, fine. A misunderstanding.

So I went over to the thread that you pointed me to in order to find your post denouncing his horrific disrespect of our most honored vets.

I couldn't find it.
You also won’t find one defending him for it. There’s not exactly a shortage of posters criticizing Trump over there and I really don’t think they need my input. It seems to be a daily contest to see who gets to be the middle man in that circle jerk.
I know how you libs love the echo chamber. For your trouble:

I know how you love to claim anyone other than a Trumper/NeoCon is a lib. I was a Republican until 2020. I voted for Evan McMullin in 2016. Biden was the first Democrat presidential candidate I voted for since Jimmy Carter, when my 1st grade class took a vote. I vote split ticket every time now. Especially state and local offices. It requires research and education beyond partisan rhetoric. It’s kinda novel, I know.
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You also won’t find one defending him for it. There’s not exactly a shortage of posters criticizing Trump over there and I really don’t think they need my input. It seems to be a daily contest to see who gets to be the middle man in that circle jerk.
There are plenty of posters that you call "libs" criticizing Harris for some of her proposals. Yet, given the softball of criticizing Trump for horribly denigrating MOH recipients, you take a pass. Welp, that tells me all that we need to know about you as a person. A verified partisan, even to the point of being on the side of pure scum.

And, yea, you are on a poltical board. This is where you put your polticial opinions. If you are asked to put a political opinion about subject that is not convoluted and difficult and you refuse, that is giving a political opinion. We know you support him. We know that despite him saying the most vile public thing about our most honored heroes that has ever been said by a politician in the history of our nation, you still want him to be the commander in chief. THAT is the opinion you are giving by whining about "circle jerks" and non-sense for a paragraph instead of a few simple words of condemnation of a truly dispicable person.

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There are plenty of posters that you call "libs" criticizing Harris for some of her proposals. Yet, given the softball of criticizing Trump for horribly denigrating MOH recipients, you take a pass. Welp, that tells me all that we need to know about you as a person. A verified partisan, even to the point of being on the side of pure scum.

And, yea, you are on a poltical board. This is where you put your polticial opinions. If you are asked to put a political opinion about subject that is not convoluted and difficult and you refuse, that is giving a political opinion. We know you support him. We know that despite him saying the most vile public thing about our most honored heroes that has ever been said by a politician in the history of our nation, you still want him to be the commander in chief. THAT is the opinion you are giving by whining about "circle jerks" and non-sense for a paragraph instead of a few simple words of condemnation of a truly dispicable person.

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Avoiding echo chamber/circle jerks is exactly why I’m no longer a Republican. Like I said, he projects.
What's the context? Gov funding goes to pharmaceutical companies to develop medications and then they hold the patent and jack up prices conplainimh about research costs. She might be talking about that. Patents for things developed with gov funding.
It’s funny that it only shows her saying we will snatch it. I’m sure the sentences before that actually give the context to what she is saying and it would fit their narrative just like the Fox News edits of Obama “you didn’t build that” took all context so mouth breathers like Gogetum can justify their fake out rage. I don’t know if that’s what she was talking about but you got me thinking. With grants like that how about we make it a loan if you want all of the profits.
There are plenty of posters that you call "libs" criticizing Harris for some of her proposals. Yet, given the softball of criticizing Trump for horribly denigrating MOH recipients, you take a pass. Welp, that tells me all that we need to know about you as a person. A verified partisan, even to the point of being on the side of pure scum.

And, yea, you are on a poltical board. This is where you put your polticial opinions. If you are asked to put a political opinion about subject that is not convoluted and difficult and you refuse, that is giving a political opinion. We know you support him. We know that despite him saying the most vile public thing about our most honored heroes that has ever been said by a politician in the history of our nation, you still want him to be the commander in chief. THAT is the opinion you are giving by whining about "circle jerks" and non-sense for a paragraph instead of a few simple words of condemnation of a truly dispicable person.

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What about this did you not understand?

He’s getting rightfully killed for it in the Trump thread. I think you’ve wandered into the wrong thread.
It’s funny that it only shows her saying we will snatch it. I’m sure the sentences before that actually give the context to what she is saying and it would fit their narrative just like the Fox News edits of Obama “you didn’t build that” took all context so mouth breathers like Gogetum can justify their fake out rage. I don’t know if that’s what she was talking about but you got me thinking. With grants like that how about we make it a loan if you want all of the profits.
Right... or restrictions on profit rate/cost for duration of patent.
It’s funny that it only shows her saying we will snatch it. I’m sure the sentences before that actually give the context to what she is saying and it would fit their narrative just like the Fox News edits of Obama “you didn’t build that” took all context so mouth breathers like Gogetum can justify their fake out rage. I don’t know if that’s what she was talking about but you got me thinking. With grants like that how about we make it a loan if you want all of the profits.
Ooor….she might just be a straight up communist 🤷‍♂️. And FYI, I rarely breathe through my mouth and I’m a long ways from being outraged.
Right... or restrictions on profit rate/cost for duration of patent.
Lol😂😂😂😂. She was the single most liberal Senator in the Senate. Left of Bernie Sanders. She talks about “snatching patents”, price controls, equal outcomes, etc… She’s telling you who she is and you clowns are lapping it up. Again, have you considered the possibility that she might be a communist?