That’s 3750 units per state per year. That will not happen.Here’s something…
My only source is Unusual Whales I guess.
No new taxes….you can keep your doctor…:Mexico will pay for the wall…3 million houses
That’s 3750 units per state per year. That will not happen.Here’s something…
My only source is Unusual Whales I guess.
"While many Texans are on “fixed rate” electricity plans that insulate them from market swings, others pay rates tied to the spot price of wholesale electricity, which skyrocketed during the storm.Texas power companies never did that. And Texas power prices are capped. The public utilities rules and ERCOT rules are public.
There were companies that charged customers an monthly fee and then one received the publically available at all times that update every 5 minutes wholesale clearing price that chose poorly during Uri but those people also got paid to use electricity during negative prices and they go negative more than they hit the cap.
Power prices in every interconnection in the country are regulated and the rules are public. The markets may be deregulated at the consumer level but the generation and pricing are regulated.
I agree with you. My point is our politicians have moved overall to the right over the last 20 years. What moderate Democrates have proposed is what republicans used to propose. The ACA was a heritage foundation policy before they abandoned it when Obama put it out there.Republicans have never in modern history given a single crap about middle class tax cuts. They say they do but they never actually do anything about it, the closest they've come is very (very very) moderate short term cuts for the middle class that is paired with massive windfalls for corporations and the extraordinarily wealthy. That's why Trump increased the deficit by a ton even if you exclude covid.
That’s 3750 units per state per year. That will not happen.
No new taxes….you can keep your doctor…:Mexico will pay for the wall…3 million houses
Right so I am correct. First off $9/k market cap iwas established before and independently of Abbot. I hate Abbot he is a POS but the pricing wasn’t on him. Secondly they make it sound like PUCT is what made it go to 9K. Supply and demand did that. There was not enough generation so the price reflected the maximum price. The PUCT ruled in favor of small companies over the large ones that if the scarcity is real the price must reflect the need. And there is still litigation ongoing about that. No single company can set the wholesale price and the larger ones actually have restrictions that keep them from pricing even a single MW at the cap. The equation for the price is public…this reporter is too dumb or lazy to do the math. The equation said I need x amount and it wasn’t there so it went to its max per design and the way it’s been for years before the storm."While many Texans are on “fixed rate” electricity plans that insulate them from market swings, others pay rates tied to the spot price of wholesale electricity, which skyrocketed during the storm.
As the bad weather bore down, it froze natural gas production and wind turbines, choking off the supply of electricity as demand skyrocketed. In response, the Public Utility Commission, appointed by Abbott, let the wholesale market price of electricity rise to $9 per kilo-watt hour, a 7,400% increase over the average 12 cents per kilo-watt hour."
Texans blindsided by massive electric bills await details of Gov. Greg Abbott's promised relief
Electric bills are likely to rise for everyone, experts and consumer advocates say, but some Texans on variable rate contracts have been hit with immediate, massive price spikes. Lawmakers and the governor have promised to help, but haven't said
Sorry for the wrong math I’m zoning out on a zoom. 3M divided by 4 is 750K a year divided by 50 is 15k my bad. The government isn’t doing that. If she made this her only initiative it would take 6 months for the first dollar to get approved….another 3 minimum to flow if for no other reason than republicans will do all they can to stop it… there goes 20% of the schedule. And that’s if there is no litigation. Government funded projects move slow….:real slow. The only chance this would have would be if they were all large multi unit complexes built by the largest companies. It’s just pretty to say it. To get 3 million units targeted towards first time owners in four years with government money is a pipe dream. It takes 6 months to fix a pothole.Who taught you math. Also that’d actually be below the average housing starts. Either way the numbers weren’t really the big news there it was the tax incentives for construction companies. My point was offering incentives for producers is preferable to capping consumer prices.
Sorry for the wrong math I’m zoning out on a zoom. 3M divided by 4 is 750K a year divided by 50 is 15k my bad. The government isn’t doing that. If she made this her only initiative it would take 6 months for the first dollar to get approved….another 3 minimum to flow if for no other reason than republicans will do all they can to stop it… there goes 20% of the schedule. And that’s if there is no litigation. Government funded projects move slow….:real slow. The only chance this would have would be if they were all large multi unit complexes built by the largest companies. It’s just pretty to say it. To get 3 million units targeted towards first time owners in four years with government money is a pipe dream. It takes 6 months to fix a pothole.
TLDR: It would be great if they could pull it off….but if they can why haven’t they done 1/1000th if that in Hawaii in three years…..or after Katrina…
Did I mention Abbott? Don't think I did. All I did was Google an article about high prices during the storm, this is one of a bunch, i didnt care enough to look up an article from years later. Glad they didn't end up having to pay.Right so I am correct. First off $9/k market cap iwas established before and independently of Abbot. I hate Abbot he is a POS but the pricing wasn’t on him. Secondly they make it sound like PUCT is what made it go to 9K. Supply and demand did that. There was not enough generation so the price reflected the maximum price. The PUCT ruled in favor of small companies over the large ones that if the scarcity is real the price must reflect the need. And there is still litigation ongoing about that. No single company can set the wholesale price and the larger ones actually have restrictions that keep them from pricing even a single MW at the cap. The equation for the price is public…this reporter is too dumb or lazy to do the math. The equation said I need x amount and it wasn’t there so it went to its max per design and the way it’s been for years before the storm.
The consumer plans there was a very small segment of users with wholesale + plans the main one was a company called griddy. It was an innovative idea that blew up in a storm that was worse than any in recorded history. The same evil PUCT also forgave all the bills of all those customers and placed them on ERCOT member companies based on load ratio share. So the people with the volatile plans didn’t even pay. But those people signed up for those willingly and greatly benefited from them until the storm. For example the prior month power around the clock averaged less than $40 so they payed less than $0.04/kw…..or 25% of the national average… cleared $21 this April so you could have paid $0.021/kw…..most everyone reading this pays over $0.10/kw so it was a good and well intended idea that blew up catastrophically. No company that offered such plans own generation or transmission resources they are all strictly retail providers they could in no way impact price by flooding or withholding. It’s a lazy story. It doesn’t cover any of the needed bases. If you really want to know what happened you can literally see every offer/bid/schedule/forced outage/derate/rule of what happened during the storm. Anyone with an interconnection or RFI can get it all.
I brought up Abbot because the story did. They are misrepresenting the rules and events….the part you quoted makes it sound like Abbot appointed a commission that ran prices up….that is not what happened…..they are making the story more political than it was. The rules….which also must be compliant with FERC fed standards in many cases were a decade old. You also said power companies raised the price 1000x during the storm which absolutely did not happen price is set by the reliability coordinator which is a not for profit. Also the price capping you are referring to is why the state has announced an energy fund to incentivize thermal generation stations because the moved the cap too low after the storm and no one will build anything thermal in ERCOT now.Did I mention Abbott? Don't think I did. All I did was Google an article about high prices during the storm, this is one of a bunch, i didnt care enough to look up an article from years later. Glad they didn't end up having to pay.
You realize you just defended my position of gov should prevent exorbitant prices in emergency and certain other situations? That was my original point.
And with that I am done derailing the conversation with talk of Texas' failed power grid.
You’re not missing anything. She’s appealing to her low IQ voting base and hoping nobody crunches the numbers. It would be more honest if she said that she was going to wreck 3 million homes. News Flash: She’s an idiotAm I missing something? There were 1.4 million new units started in 2023. 945,000 of those were single family. And that was like a 10% decrease from 2022. It’s actually a low bar. Now, if I’m reading wrong and they’re actually saying the government is going to fund and build 3 million additional units in 4 years then I’m right there with you. I just don’t think that’s what they’re saying…?
and she and her base are still smarter than trump and his base. At least she and her base aren’t racist like trump and his supporters are.You’re not missing anything. She’s appealing to her low IQ voting base and hoping nobody crunches the numbers. It would be more honest if she said that she was going to wreck 3 million homes. News Flash: She’s an idiot
I doesn’t.I don’t think it’s saying that the government is going to build them.
... or just let me put this out there... they join the national grid so if they have higher demand than they can support it pulls from other sources nationwide kind of like the other 47 states in the continental US.So govt incentives to build renewables and the over build of them without maintaining a reliable balanced mix was a huge part of why the shortage was so severe. It’s undeniable that occurred….so now Texas has a fund to promote thermal generation with billions of incentives. So billions for renewables that led to the largest load loss in history followed by billions to build thermal because renewables can’t stand alone. Maybe they should just stay out of it and save billions.
trump would be proud of that statement...put down and degrade the opposition...trumpspeak101...You’re not missing anything. She’s appealing to her low IQ voting base and hoping nobody crunches the numbers. It would be more honest if she said that she was going to wreck 3 million homes. News Flash: She’s an idiot
I know the sector has the bandwidth. I don’t think there are going to be an army of govt builders roving the country. I think that is an extremely ambitious statement with no stated plan. To do that with any effectiveness it’s going to take some time to set up, get pushed through, roll out, distribute. I would be impressed if the first check hit the first deserving person’s loan in a year. So then you just need to fund the construction of a million homes a year jumping through govt bureaucracy. Good luck. They can’t do it. They know they can’t. It just sounds really good to say.Am I missing something? There were 1.4 million new units started in 2023. 945,000 of those were single family. And that was like a 10% decrease from 2022. It’s actually a low bar. Now, if I’m reading wrong and they’re actually saying the government is going to fund and build 3 million additional units in 4 years then I’m right there with you. I just don’t think that’s what they’re saying…?