Harris 2024 election thread

I am curious how they will define price gouging. We have had laws against it in other situations (gas and water in leadup to hurricanes come to mind). This doesn't say she will fix prices for a given period of time a la Nixon in '71. It says it will ban corporate price gouging in food and grocery industries.
Fair, I should withhold comment until she releases her plan.
But I don’t see how any price control plan is going to be good for the economy.
Inflation was brought on by the spending spree of the last few years and Covid spending (Trump admin too not giving him a pass)...... This admin has lied about actual inflation numbers since day one and while you can get the media to report the number you can only lie to actual folks that are feeling the squeeze so long. Harris knows she was an unpopular vice to a pres that was going to lose. So this is to connect with the common folks talk that will either never happen or be beaten to death by both parties till what may be passed will not do anything it was stated to do. It will help the big boys and crush and little guys after lobbyist get ahold of it and both sides add tons of pork to what the final regs will look like.

This is sound bite campaigning.....it's a smart move. You don't have to really do anything you just have to say cheap groceries enough times people believe it. No new taxes....you can keep your doctor....I'll make Mexico pay for the wall....I will stop price gouging.....then none of it happens.
Fair, I should withhold comment until she releases her plan.
But I don’t see how any price control plan is going to be good for the economy.
I know you don't. Based on how we see things I didn't expect you to be happy about it. I think it's a slippery slope but at the same time, I'm very unhappy with record profits during high inflation when people are hurting to pay for basic necessities.
Fair, I should withhold comment until she releases her plan.
But I don’t see how any price control plan is going to be good for the economy.
Target, Wal Mart, Walgreens, Ikea, Whole Foods, etc etc have all announced they were reducing their prices on a total of ~ 15K different products they sell in their stores already after Biden called for them to fall in line with inflation or be targeted by his admin for investigation for price gouging

My best guess is she will claim credit for these retailer moves announced at the End of May , which will be showing up in charts and graphs really soon to show a downturn in pricing and Kamala will Lay claim that they did this based on her strong stance against Price Gouging and make it a campaign point.

Doubt anything much else will happen. She setting herself up to take credit for a Biden call out against Food Retailers threatening to investigate them, they responded and dropped prices on 1000's of items, and we are about to see that reporting hit....she is trying to take Credit for the Biden move that led to this I think
Target, Wal Mart, Walgreens, Ikea, Whole Foods, etc etc have all announced they were reducing their prices on a total of ~ 15K different products they sell in their stores already after Biden called for them to fall in line with inflation or be targeted by his admin for investigation for price gouging

My best guess is she will claim credit for these retailer moves announced at the End of May , which will be showing up in charts and graphs really soon to show a downturn in pricing and Kamala will Lay claim that they did this based on her strong stance against Price Gouging and make it a campaign point.

Doubt anything much else will happen. She setting herself up to take credit for a Biden call out against Food Retailers threatening to investigate them, they responded and dropped prices on 1000's of items, and we are about to see that reporting hit....she is trying to take Credit for the Biden move that led to this I think
They are dropping prices based on consumer behavior......people don't have the money to spend. It's not just retailers it's restaurants as well.
We need to break up the near monopolies that are in most industries at this point.

All my local grocery stores are chains across half the country. Local mom and pop stores don't exist any more. They will have the leverage to negotiate better deals with the larger companies if the Fed sets price restrictions.

You know what won't help drop prices... cutting the taxes on these companies. They won't use that money for much beyond stock buy backs and dividends. It won't go to workers and it won't go to reducing cost downstream.

So again, at least this is attempting to do something about the problem.
I'd like to see the actual propositions before passing judgment on whether or not it's a good thing.

If it's a straight price control action where the Feds just dictate max prices, I'm totally against it.

If it's truly a state of emergency anti-price gouging provision, I'd likely be for it. Oklahoma has an anti-price gouging statute in place right now.
I'd like to see the actual propositions before passing judgment on whether or not it's a good thing.

If it's a straight price control action where the Feds just dictate max prices, I'm totally against it.

If it's truly a state of emergency anti-price gouging provision, I'd likely be for it. Oklahoma has an anti-price gouging statute in place right now.
Most states have these in times of emergency as well right ?
The granddaughter of Rev. Billy Graham has endorsed Kamala Harris and suggested that Christians who support former President Donald Trump are causing people to turn away from Christianity.

When Vice Pres. Kamala Harris unveils her economic policy proposals in North Carolina on Friday, it will include a proposal to provide up to $25,000 in down payment support for first-time homeowners, according to a campaign official. https://trib.al/tCkt5cW
This is exactly how it should work. Not government price controls.
Do you also support Texas electric companies raising rates by 1000% for days when it's well below freezing due to demand? Or gas stations raising gas to $8 or $10 per gallon and charging similar for water in the day before a hurricane?

Market drives prices... but there should also be limits on how much they take advantage of people with little to no choice.
Do you also support Texas electric companies raising rates by 1000% for days when it's well below freezing due to demand? Or gas stations raising gas to $8 or $10 per gallon and charging similar for water in the day before a hurricane?

Market drives prices... but there should also be limits on how much they take advantage of people with little to no choice.

Good points. That's why I'll need to see the specifics of the proposed law and their definition of "gouging" before knowing where I stand on it. If they're only making things like that illegal, then of course that'd probably be okay to a point.
Am I correct in understanding that people are upset a politician is trying to save them money? Perhaps defending corporations and capitalism has gotten out of control?

It's along the same lines as people fighting against adequate healthcare.

Leopards meet face.
This however seems like a bad idea all the way speaking of inflation…

Yeah. I agree. Talk about driving housing costs up. It will heat up the housing market like crazy and that will trickle into everything else.

Only way I'm remotely on board with this is if it is targeted to only low income families and comes with a lot of restrictions.

The intended side effect will be to drop rental prices that have gone through the roof as well.