Harris 2024 election thread

Sending me Politifact is like sending me something from any major news network. The Hill is another winner...........I'm not letting the media white wash my news, they all 75% work for Pfizer and 25% for all other adverstisers. News from them is written by pharma, not journalists.

Politifact and The Hill aren't perfect, but they are relatively unbiased news sources.

Letting perfect be the enemy of good is not a winning strategy for any political conversation.
Then what do you do? Do you monitor InfoWars and Natural News every day and love taking them seriously? If you ask me, you might as well monitor the Onion and might even learn more by taking it seriously, instead.
First I listen for common messages across most media because when they're all saying the same thing, I know its a lie (easy to prove so far based on track record) or a misdirection away from something else hoping to go unnoticed. I don't trust politicians or media, any form of either, so I build my own story from all their information.

We can all agree that the list below were all falsehood promulgated by the news media, because they have w/o writing corrections
Russia/Trump - untrue
Hunters Laptop does not exist - untrue
Hunders Laptop shows up, hundreds of gross photos with Hunter and little girls
51 National security directors knowingly jumped into with the DNC and claim it doesn't exist - untrue
Impeachment Russia - not guilty
Impeachment Ukraine call - not guilty
Meanwhile, a few weeks later, Biden on video admits he threatened to withold $'s from Ukraine unless they fired their prosecutor in the case against Hunter.

NY Courts indict DJT not after the election but immediately following his declaration to run again. Bragg and his judges methodology was clear as a bell to me, had nothing to do with justice, only the removal of a candidate. They got their conviction..........but there's a damn good reason DJT's popularity has risen since then, lots of people share the same view of this sham trial with sham judges. We know this because these people ran on a platform that was going to throw him in jail. Guilty before proven innocent, can't get down with me being treated that way.

Then they can't throw him in jail so they try to kill him

Then if they can't kill him, they'll count all the votes, just as Biden said, it's not as important that you vote as it is that you count the votes. Also on video with a quick Duck Duck Go search, don't bother with Google
Politifact and The Hill aren't perfect, but they are relatively unbiased news sources.

Letting perfect be the enemy of good is not a winning strategy for any political conversation.
I'm sorry to inform you that "unbiased news" would gather few subscriptions these days, all of it seems bought to me. Politifacts talking points sent to me to make ones point is no way to share ones individual views. Type them yourself if you dare, I did!

I read both Politifact and The Hill if a topic is big enough to be shared across all media, to compare messages. TV News media is almost unreadable due to bias and it shows in their work. Start comparing anyone at all to Hitler and I quit reading right there. If I know what a media company already feels about a candidate, I discount everything they say about either candidate from them. Prefer to fill my more open mind to alternatives with open discussion and not a verdict.
First I listen for common messages across most media because when they're all saying the same thing, I know its a lie (easy to prove so far based on track record) or a misdirection away from something else hoping to go unnoticed. I don't trust politicians or media, any form of either, so I build my own story from all their information.

We can all agree that the list below were all falsehood promulgated by the news media, because they have w/o writing corrections
Russia/Trump - untrue
Hunters Laptop does not exist - untrue
Hunders Laptop shows up, hundreds of gross photos with Hunter and little girls
51 National security directors knowingly jumped into with the DNC and claim it doesn't exist - untrue
Impeachment Russia - not guilty
Impeachment Ukraine call - not guilty
Meanwhile, a few weeks later, Biden on video admits he threatened to withold $'s from Ukraine unless they fired their prosecutor in the case against Hunter.

NY Courts indict DJT not after the election but immediately following his declaration to run again. Bragg and his judges methodology was clear as a bell to me, had nothing to do with justice, only the removal of a candidate. They got their conviction..........but there's a damn good reason DJT's popularity has risen since then, lots of people share the same view of this sham trial with sham judges. We know this because these people ran on a platform that was going to throw him in jail. Guilty before proven innocent, can't get down with me being treated that way.

Then they can't throw him in jail so they try to kill him

Then if they can't kill him, they'll count all the votes, just as Biden said, it's not as important that you vote as it is that you count the votes. Also on video with a quick Duck Duck Go search, don't bother with Google
I'm sorry to inform you that "unbiased news" would gather few subscriptions these days, all of it seems bought to me. Politifacts talking points sent to me to make ones point is no way to share ones individual views. Type them yourself if you dare, I did!

I read both Politifact and The Hill if a topic is big enough to be shared across all media, to compare messages. TV News media is almost unreadable due to bias and it shows in their work. Start comparing anyone at all to Hitler and I quit reading right there. If I know what a media company already feels about a candidate, I discount everything they say about either candidate from them. Prefer to fill my more open mind to alternatives with open discussion and not a verdict.
It's getting weird right ?
Animated GIF
His disgusting friend Alex Jones won't like it, but Joe Rogan says Harris will win.

Meanwhile, on his Wed. evening YouTube podcast with Judge Napolitano, Gerald Celente declared that Harris will win big time barring a wildcard, such as a stock market crash. Napolitano did not disagree.

Hopefully, Trump isn't peaking out too soon in being bad and weird, and Harris isn't peaking out too soon in being good and popular.

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How some of you can get behind a lying, rapist, fraudulent cheater, and multiple felon is beyond me. To treat this man as some sort of god and believe he should be above the law, proves that what’s left of the Republican Party IS a dangerous anti American democracy CULT.
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How you guys can get so behind a woman that is being shoved down your throats as a nominee and only garnered <1% of the vote for 2024 Presidential nominee. So sheepy it makes me think DNC is a cult
Maga weirdos telling Dems their votes were stolen from them because they aren't being forced to vote for a candidate that belongs in a nursing home. That's gold Jerry!
How you guys can get so behind a woman that is being shoved down your throats as a nominee and only garnered <1% of the vote for 2024 Presidential nominee. So sheepy it makes me think DNC is a cult
Trump or more like "Trump First" is always seeking to shove his nonsense down your throat. Just turn off the TV or switch channels when that happens. Likewise for Harris.
Trump or more like "Trump First" is always seeking to shove his nonsense down your throat. Just turn off the TV or switch channels when that happens. Likewise for Harris.
Boy how quickly and easily you drop Harris into equivalency with tRump. How do you equate the voluminous amount of wrongdoing of tRump to newby Harris? Race? Gender? What metric @Stillwater Townie?
1+1 doesn’t equal 34 felonies, rape, and fraud. Please enlighten me.
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Boy how quickly and easily you drop Harris into equivalency with tRump. How do you equate the voluminous amount of wrongdoing of tRump to newby Harris? Race? Gender? What metric @Stillwater Townie?
1+1 doesn’t equal 34 felonies, rape, and fraud. Please enlighten me.
For a clue, both major political parties suck. So, I'm voting for Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate in Nov. as a protest vote. However, if there is a miracle and a half in Oklahoma from the polls being close, I'm voting for Harris. But still time for things to change, such as an October surprise.
For a clue, both major political parties suck. So, I'm voting for Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate in Nov. as a protest vote. However, if there is a miracle and a half in Oklahoma from the polls being close, I'm voting for Harris. But still time for things to change, such as an October surprise.
So has the libertarian party changed in the last 8 years? I looked at them for a protest vote in 2016 and couldn't get past the essentially wanting to withdraw from the outside world. Maybe it was just the candidate at the time but the guy had no clue what ISIS was or who was involved. Just seemed like a bad idea to me.
For a clue, both major political parties suck. So, I'm voting for Oliver, the Libertarian Party candidate in Nov. as a protest vote. However, if there is a miracle and a half in Oklahoma from the polls being close, I'm voting for Harris. But still time for things to change, such as an October surprise.
To each his own. I’ll throw away my vote on Harris. Felonious Trump and Eyeliner Vance won’t get so lucky with me.