Gaetz Will Try To Oust McCarthy As Speaker This Week For Averting Government Shutdown

It fascinates me that the extreme right of the Republican Party believes that there is a cabal of pedophiles running the country yet support one guy who is pretty obviously a pedophile (Gaetz) and another that covered up sexual abuse of athletes while a wrestling coach. Are they only worried about pedophiles that they don't agree with politically?
Watching this is pretty awesome.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this might be the plan of Gaetz and his cohorts…shutting down the government by keeping a Speaker from being elected by Nov. 17th when the present continuing resolution expires.

Then try to blame it all on the Dems for continuing to vote for Jeffries in mass.
It fascinates me that the extreme right of the Republican Party believes that there is a cabal of pedophiles running the country yet support one guy who is pretty obviously a pedophile (Gaetz) and another that covered up sexual abuse of athletes while a wrestling coach. Are they only worried about pedophiles that they don't agree with politically?
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I agree. They are anarchist who want an autocratic fascist country. They are willing to do anything to destroy our current government. They and those who elected them are getting exactly what they want. They will pretend to work towards naming a Speaker but it will never happen. It’s far too easy now to just let us burn. Bills unpaid, promises unmet, dollar no longer global currency. All I hear from my far out friends and acquaintances is civil war is coming. This is the beginning of the plunge towards anarchy, fascism and authoritarianism. I pray I’m wrong.
I agree. They are anarchist who want an autocratic fascist country. They are willing to do anything to destroy our current government. They and those who elected them are getting exactly what they want. They will pretend to work towards naming a Speaker but it will never happen. It’s far too easy now to just let us burn. Bills unpaid, promises unmet, dollar no longer global currency. All I hear from my far out friends and acquaintances is civil war is coming. This is the beginning of the plunge towards anarchy, fascism and authoritarianism. I pray I’m wrong.
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It's all Trump's fault. Had he been a big enough man to concede defeat, rather than go on to being the world's sorest loser, then the Republican Party and the country wouldn't be in this mess.
Townie, I wish it were that easy but this group of asshats were already at this level of stupidity. Trump just reinforced it.
Townie, I wish it were that easy but this group of asshats were already at this level of stupidity. Trump just reinforced it.
It took a complete narcissist to do what Trump did. Nobody but he thought someone could get away with that kind of disregard for the standards and mores of our institutions and framework. He did more than reinforce it. He took it to a whole new level and I don’t see how one could honestly argue otherwise.
It took a complete narcissist to do what Trump did. Nobody but he thought someone could get away with that kind of disregard for the standards and mores of our institutions and framework. He did more than reinforce it. He took it to a whole new level and I don’t see how one could honestly argue otherwise.
That is probably correct. I remember talking to a state senator in the early 2000’s and he told me there was a new brand of Republican that was coming that would make him look like a flaming liberal. How right he was.
That is probably correct. I remember talking to a state senator in the early 2000’s and he told me there was a new brand of Republican that was coming that would make him look like a flaming liberal. How right he was.
I think back then voters in states like Oklahoma couldn't stand Democrats for being pro-gay rights and pro-government welfare had a lot to do with it. To this day, lots of conservative Oklahoma voters still don't think LGBQT and poor people are worthy of anything extra from the government because of who they are. After all, the vote for extended Medicaid lost in most of the counties. Democrats associated with being pro pot hasn't helped them. It all reflects why Democrats in most cases will continue having difficulty getting back into elective office. From the state house to DC it will be interesting to see how far extreme to the right Oklahomans will go along with Republicans.
I would love to see Dems broker a deal with moderate Republicans to bring in a moderate Republican to serve as Speaker.

Speaker of the House Liz Cheney would be an epic troll of MAGA that might sit comfortably enough with traditional moderate Republicans to swallow.

And it might actually work out in getting some things done.

The only up-side to this whole fiasco is that maybe....probably not, but maybe....enough folks in the House will come to realize that extremism from either side of the aisle is not the way to govern. Crazy talk, I know. It's the hope that kills

I've been privately predicting something similar for a couple weeks, wondering why the Dems don't nominate someone moderate enough to get the few Rep votes they would need to elect a Speaker they would have a modicum of control over. I haven't really tried to guess who, but Cheney might fit the bill. The Rep party (and I'm a registered one) is a pure shit show and looks more like a multi-party government trying to put together a ruling coalition. That said, the far, far left ( the squad) is saying hold my beer and may fracture the solid Dem voting block in the same way the far, far right has effed up the GOP.
I don't see why Republicans think they would have so much to lose by selecting Jordan since he supports Trump. This is because CNBC has found that support for President Biden at nearly all-time lows and that he would lose by 4 points to Trump in a head-to-head race. It's the Democrats that need to be more worried about their political future in 2024, especially if Republicans can possibly back off from wanting to ban all or nearly all abortions.