Funny Political Memes

I feel bad for her. She's a badass who is also from a country where being trans is punishable by death. But people gotta make shit up for reasons apparently
It's an awful place for her to be. I hesitated posting it because it is a stickly wicket to say the least but I figured wherever you land on the trans issue (I know this is not a trans individual. I also know thats where it's being taken regardless) but thought this one would be funny to all. Because while 100% of dudes think they can win a gold in something I know 100% of dudes have "finished the race" in seconds at least once in their lives!
It's an awful place for her to be. I hesitated posting it because it is a stickly wicket to say the least but I figured wherever you land on the trans issue (I know this is not a trans individual. I also know thats where it's being taken regardless) but thought this one would be funny to all. Because while 100% of dudes think they can win a gold in something I know 100% of dudes have "finished the race" in seconds at least once in their lives!
yeah, things start getting REALLY WEIRD and hard to talk about when you run into GOD's version of Transgender.

1.7% of the worlds population was BORN intersex

This translates to 1 out of every 1500-2000 births PER year worldwide resulting in an intersex child
It is unfortunate that we can’t have rational discussions regarding who exactly qualifies for female sport and instead it turns into cruelty in one way or another for all involved.
A good place to start, I think, would be those with XY chromosomes and testicles (whether descended or not) should compete against others with XY chromosomes and testicles. It's definitely not this person's fault to be born with this condition but she should be nowhere near a women's boxing ring. My sympathy is with the young lady from Italy.
A good place to start, I think, would be those with XY chromosomes and testicles (whether descended or not) should compete against others with XY chromosomes and testicles. It's definitely not this person's fault to be born with this condition but she should be nowhere near a women's boxing ring. My sympathy is with the young lady from Italy.
I think the root cause of the problem right now is at the Birth.

Currently the most common practice I see they do is the Dr's do test and look at how the Sexual organs have developed so far and what hormones are being produced the most etc by the baby and then DECIDE with the parents which one do we want to go with here....and they make that decision for that baby and then attempt to "help" the most dominant gender at birth along.

For me, that seems to be the issue. The Dr's and Parents basically picking the gender that is more dominant at birth and ASSUMING that will be the way that child's body develops forever.

In this particular case this is where I think it become VERY CLEAR , that the Drs and Parents don't always pick the right path based on gender information at the birth and it appears that in several cases, the gender more dominant at birth is NOT ALWAYS the gender that will be more prominent in adult hood.

Want to talk about screwing with a child's gender without their input and forcing them down a gender path....but that is 100% totally accepted and considered normal and Practice at a Global Level.

Now that kids grows up in that gender, all they ever know is that gender, and then they want to compete in athletics and are VILLIANIZED and DEMONIZED world wide, because of the decision their Parents and Dr made they weren't part of

If anyone wants to have a REAL discussion about Gender assignment.....THIS issue right here should be the STARTING point for all of it is naturally occurring Multigenderism.....something that MILLIONS of people on this Earth would say isn't real right now...but it 100% is
A good place to start, I think, would be those with XY chromosomes and testicles (whether descended or not) should compete against others with XY chromosomes and testicles. It's definitely not this person's fault to be born with this condition but she should be nowhere near a women's boxing ring. My sympathy is with the young lady from Italy.
At least you referred to her as "she" that is a lot better than many on the right are doing.
meanwhile a Dutch beach volleyball player is participating after being convicted of rape of a 12 year old girl...and not nearly the outrage by social media...
Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with disqualifying convicted rapists but I'm a little confused how being a rapist gives one a competitive advantage in beach volleyball.