Among Global Evangelicals, Americans Are ‘Odd One Out’

A more than two year old article even more valid for today.

Thanks for sharing the link. Had a similar conversation yesterday w a good friend who is a pastor in OKC. His biggest concern is that America will tip into a Western European culture where secularism becomes the norm and pushes out Christianity. Without Christianity (and he acknowledges that other religions have the same impact in the US as Christianity) you lose moral ground. Without morality you lose society.

For this reason he will never vote for a D. Doesn’t always vote R but will not vote for a D bc he thinks they are coming after the church.

I stopped him and asked if he thought Trump was a Christian. “Nope.” How about Bammon or Miller or Flynn? Same answer “Nope”.

So then I asked him who in this country outside of politicians or certain actors had the ability to capture the hearts and minds of large masses of people (10’s of millions every week), motivate and inspire them to a cause or to give 10% of their income on a WEEKLY basis. He said “Pastors or preachers.”

I replied that he was all focused on the left for coming for the church but the greatest threat to ann anuthorian regime who he just admitted is not Christian and not moral is a large group of Jesus centered charismatic leaders and congregations. Trump in a second term will have no more use for evangelicals.

He just looked at me and said he’d never looked at it that way and now has a lot to think about.

It’s the same argument for 2A’ers. An armed population is more of a threat to authoritarians. Sure Trump will never come after Merica’s guns but neither did Biden or would he in a second term. But the person after them? Either far end of the spectrum? I can see that.
Thanks for sharing the link. Had a similar conversation yesterday w a good friend who is a pastor in OKC. His biggest concern is that America will tip into a Western European culture where secularism becomes the norm and pushes out Christianity. Without Christianity (and he acknowledges that other religions have the same impact in the US as Christianity) you lose moral ground. Without morality you lose society.

For this reason he will never vote for a D. Doesn’t always vote R but will not vote for a D bc he thinks they are coming after the church.

I stopped him and asked if he thought Trump was a Christian. “Nope.” How about Bammon or Miller or Flynn? Same answer “Nope”.

So then I asked him who in this country outside of politicians or certain actors had the ability to capture the hearts and minds of large masses of people (10’s of millions every week), motivate and inspire them to a cause or to give 10% of their income on a WEEKLY basis. He said “Pastors or preachers.”

I replied that he was all focused on the left for coming for the church but the greatest threat to ann anuthorian regime who he just admitted is not Christian and not moral is a large group of Jesus centered charismatic leaders and congregations. Trump in a second term will have no more use for evangelicals.

He just looked at me and said he’d never looked at it that way and now has a lot to think about.

It’s the same argument for 2A’ers. An armed population is more of a threat to authoritarians. Sure Trump will never come after Merica’s guns but neither did Biden or would he in a second term. But the person after them? Either far end of the spectrum? I can see that.
The bolded part is such horse crap. If you have to have religion for good morals you’re just a crap human.
The bolded part is such horse crap. If you have to have religion for good morals you’re just a crap human.
I agree! The most consistently and genuinely kind people I know are not religious in any way. They are by far the favorite part of my community and when I meet a new person w no religious affiliation is the type of person I find most interesting.

I have my own theology on this but a message board makes it too difficult to have this conversation.