95% of ALLLLLL Rare Earth minerals come from China.
74% of ALLLLL Rare Earth Minerals used in the US are Imported from China...and China just announced they were going to BAN additional Rare Earth Mineral and place limitations on what is extracted in a move to try to dominate the Global Market and increase prices.
In 2023...Probe drilling in Wheatland Wyoming yield high concentrates of Rare Earth Minerals. Scientist at the time thought it would be a MASSIVEILY HUGE find and estimated they would be able to mine up to 1.2 BILLION Metric TONS of Ore in Wyoming. It was one of the reasons China cited as a move to BAN rare Earth Minerals as they are trying to squeeze the market as much as possible before other countries join in on Rare Earth Mineral Mining.
They have now defined the scope and boundary of the Rare Earth Deposit, and continued to investigate and have now Drilled 25 % of the area with Test holes and their findings are even far beyond what they ever could have imagined.
They already thought they had found the largest deposit of Rare Earth Minerals known to Man, Turns out they had UNDERESTIMATED by as much as 64%!!!! The additional test holes drilled have proven this deposit is much larger than first thought and they have now adjusted their outlook up from a previous 1.2 BILLION METRIC TONS to 2.34 BILLION METRIC TONS of Minerals. The entire Global Demand of Rare Earth Minerals is 60,000 metric tons per year
Experts are saying Wyoming could turn into a modern day gold rush but experts are saying the find in Wyoming is so big it could collapse the market if the US doesn't take a very smart approach. American Rare Earth said they expect each Wyoming mine opened for Rare Earth could sustain jobs for at least 30 years per mine and say there is a potential job boom coming to Wyoming.
74% of ALLLLL Rare Earth Minerals used in the US are Imported from China...and China just announced they were going to BAN additional Rare Earth Mineral and place limitations on what is extracted in a move to try to dominate the Global Market and increase prices.
In 2023...Probe drilling in Wheatland Wyoming yield high concentrates of Rare Earth Minerals. Scientist at the time thought it would be a MASSIVEILY HUGE find and estimated they would be able to mine up to 1.2 BILLION Metric TONS of Ore in Wyoming. It was one of the reasons China cited as a move to BAN rare Earth Minerals as they are trying to squeeze the market as much as possible before other countries join in on Rare Earth Mineral Mining.
They have now defined the scope and boundary of the Rare Earth Deposit, and continued to investigate and have now Drilled 25 % of the area with Test holes and their findings are even far beyond what they ever could have imagined.
They already thought they had found the largest deposit of Rare Earth Minerals known to Man, Turns out they had UNDERESTIMATED by as much as 64%!!!! The additional test holes drilled have proven this deposit is much larger than first thought and they have now adjusted their outlook up from a previous 1.2 BILLION METRIC TONS to 2.34 BILLION METRIC TONS of Minerals. The entire Global Demand of Rare Earth Minerals is 60,000 metric tons per year
Experts are saying Wyoming could turn into a modern day gold rush but experts are saying the find in Wyoming is so big it could collapse the market if the US doesn't take a very smart approach. American Rare Earth said they expect each Wyoming mine opened for Rare Earth could sustain jobs for at least 30 years per mine and say there is a potential job boom coming to Wyoming.