2024 Presidential Election

This seemed more like old time debates. Disagree on things, point fingers some, and find a little common ground.

Yea, way better than anything I've seen in quite a while.
100% agree. It was actually informative and left me thinking that both of these guys might actually give a crap about someone other than themselves. Probably naive on my part but it gives me a little bit of hope.
100% agree. It was actually informative and left me thinking that both of these guys might actually give a crap about someone other than themselves. Probably naive on my part but it gives me a little bit of hope.
Vance seemed way more normal than he has on the campaign trail. I would be curious how Vance would run if he wasn't required to spend so much of his time trying to make some of the crazy crap that Trump says sound like it makes sense.
I would give the edge to Vance...he lied more than Walz, but did it 'smoother' than trump does...I would agree with the BBC reporter who said,
"Vance typically has a smoother delivery and appears more experienced on television, while Walz has a more down-to-earth, everyman feel." and "Vance and Walz entered this debate with different skill sets. Vance has sparred with journalists on television in heated exchanges. Walz is at home on the campaign stump, using his folksy style in contrast to more polished politicians."
I would give the edge to Vance...he lied more than Walz, but did it 'smoother' than trump does...I would agree with the BBC reporter who said,
"Vance typically has a smoother delivery and appears more experienced on television, while Walz has a more down-to-earth, everyman feel." and "Vance and Walz entered this debate with different skill sets. Vance has sparred with journalists on television in heated exchanges. Walz is at home on the campaign stump, using his folksy style in contrast to more polished politicians."
Which one do you think resonates more with the average person? I didn't watch last night, but this seems to be a pretty spot on analysis from what I've read.

I would think that Walz being an "everyday dude" would resonate well with people that Dems have been trying to reach for years.
Which one do you think resonates more with the average person? I didn't watch last night, but this seems to be a pretty spot on analysis from what I've read.

I would think that Walz being an "everyday dude" would resonate well with people that Dems have been trying to reach for years.
personally, I would think Walz is more relatable to the average working class people in America...time will tell?!
I would give the edge to Vance...he lied more than Walz, but did it 'smoother' than trump does...I would agree with the BBC reporter who said,
"Vance typically has a smoother delivery and appears more experienced on television, while Walz has a more down-to-earth, everyman feel." and "Vance and Walz entered this debate with different skill sets. Vance has sparred with journalists on television in heated exchanges. Walz is at home on the campaign stump, using his folksy style in contrast to more polished politicians."

Question, do you have some sort of a red button blue button lie counter? Seems like after every debate everyone claims their "opposition" candidate lied the most. I know usually a few days later you can find some sort of detailed review/fact check... but your comment was just an hour after the debate.
Question, do you have some sort of a red button blue button lie counter? Seems like after every debate everyone claims their "opposition" candidate lied the most. I know usually a few days later you can find some sort of detailed review/fact check... but your comment was just an hour after the debate.
as a matter of fact I do indeed have a red button blue button lie counter...it is in the early stages and have a patent pending...
I actually was (somewhat) following the PBS/Politifact live fact checker...that is mostly where I was coming from, but also from watching it live myself...(and of course my 'red button blue button lie counter)...
Anyone who truly follows politics regularly, recognizes lies rather quickly. Vance was the clear winner of the lying contest. Trump saved Obamacare🤮 Vance said he never said he’d promote a total ban on abortians🤮Dodged answering who lost the last election🤮 Said Trump peacefully turned over power🤮IMO Vance is a polished lying 💩just like his boss.
Anyone who truly follows politics regularly, recognizes lies rather quickly. Vance was the clear winner of the lying contest. Trump saved Obamacare🤮 Vance said he never said he’d promote a total ban on abortians🤮Dodged answering who lost the last election🤮 Said Trump peacefully turned over power🤮IMO Vance is a polished lying 💩just like his boss.
His boss isn't polished, he's just a lying turd.
I thought fact checking used to be needed for embellishments and exaggerations. Now it is more for flat out blatant lies, with nothing close to truth. Why are we here?
I thought fact checking used to be needed for embellishments and exaggerations. Now it is more for flat out blatant lies, with nothing close to truth. Why are we here?
To quote The Boxer : “people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest.”
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It was pleasant to hear the debate discord. It’s refreshing to see politicians are still able to debate in a cordial manner. IMO that debate makes Trump look even worse. That’s how debates are supposed to be. They’ve been a circus ever since Trump’s been at the top of the ticket. I’m hopeful when Trump finally goes away our leadership can start acting in a more civil manner.
Yes it is but we've only ourselves to blame. We the people are supposed to be in charge, not the Rs and the Ds...but we've allowed them to manipulate us into the circus we have now. Voting 3rd party is the only solution.
In the 50s or 60s the government would send out checklists for readers to go through to check for media bias as they read through articles. We've learned so much about human nature since then, and unfortunately even more about how we can be manipulated.