2024 Presidential Election

Complete fabrication and delusions

Rick Scott claims that if abortion was legal, women & their doctors would take healthy babies and crush their skulls minutes before birth at 9 months, or take healthy babies after they are born and put them in the corner of the hospital room to starve to death.

If there’s not, there ought to be a special place in Hell for these liars. They really do despise their own supporters, and everything our republic stands for.
Feeding them a constant ration of lies, and effectively camouflaging truth. Lord help me to forgive them for willfully leading them and our country to destruction. It’s really hard to pray for those that despite fully use and abuse us . Give me strength, wisdom, and the patience of Job. Teach those that know truth an effective means of countering the constant barrage of lies flung upon our fellow citizens. To state the obvious, these perpetual liars have absolutely no shame. Soften their calloused hearts, and show them the way. The road to destruction is easy and wide, but the road to salvation is narrow and hard, and few there are that find it.
Here are the choices as I see them in our less than ideal system.

1. Vote third party. 100% certain to not be voting for a winner but in certain situations makes sense as a protest/future campaign vote.
-Worst case- your (plural) vote would have made a difference in the race had so many not voted protest
-Best case- enough start doing this to gain campaign funds and recognition

2. Harris- Comes from liberal roots and had to win races in the past in a very liberal state. But, she is clearly telegraphing now that she intends to lead in a moderate direction. This is a frequent complaint of liberals that their presidents move to the middle.
-Worst case- this is just a head fake and she is diehard liberal and puts through a bunch of executive orders (which end with her presidency unless popular) and tries (unsuccessfully) to get congress to pass a hardcore liberal agenda.
-Best case- she leads from the middle and the nation starts to honestly debate policy instead of thinking everyone who thinks differently is a mortal enemy

3. Trump- at this point will clearly say or do anything that he thinks might help him win. Possibly, if not probably, is suffering from significant cognitive decline.
-Worst case- win or lose, he continues to feel that his cause is more important than free elections and lies us into false elections and/or civil war
-Best case- he is reelected and just continues what he did before (short term goose the economy with spending) but doesn't care much about the next election so doesn't seed more division and turmoil.
Both Trump and Harris have opposed this sale on the campaign trail. Biden may remove it totally as a talking point for the election

Breaking news: President Joe Biden is preparing to announce that he will formally block Nippon Steel’s proposed $14.9 billion acquisition of U.S. Steel, according to three people with knowledge of the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a matter not yet made public.


Per the DOJ and other sources, Tenet Media—bankrollers of prominent pro-Russia commentators such as Lauren Southern, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson—are alleged to have received millions from Russian state media to spread pro-Russia propaganda in the United States.

Tennessee-based Tenet Media, which works with Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson, is accused of being “the tool a team of Russian propagandists used to infiltrate U.S. audiences with Kremlin-backed messaging.”

How could anyone have known? The Kremlin talking points are so well disguised.
.JessicaTarlov on Fox: A nonpartisan group put out their budget model that said Trump would add $5.8 trillion to the deficit. Goldman Sachs just said the GDP will significantly decrease under Donald Trump and continue to increase under Kamala Harris

Texas Gov. Abbott criticized VP Harris and the Biden administration for busing migrants to other parts of the country while campaigning for former President Trump. Minutes later, he bragged about doing the same thing.

NEW: Hells Angels Denver is condemning far-right claims that bikers are coming to Aurora to fight a Venezuelan gang. "Social media rumors like this only serve to perpetuate a false and irresponsible narrative... for the sole purpose of driving traffic and clicks."

I like Nate Silver. He utilizes poll data better than anyone, but it is amazing how much his probability of winning changes. Trump now with a 58.2% to 41.6% (Harris) chance to win election. Much different than week prior to Dem National Convention.

Interesting data, but he also had Clinton with a 71% chance of winning the week before the 2016 election.

Texas Gov. Abbott criticized VP Harris and the Biden administration for busing migrants to other parts of the country while campaigning for former President Trump. Minutes later, he bragged about doing the same thing.

He's talking about a program that helps vet immigrants in their own country so they don't come across the border illegally and so we know who is here and why. What's so hard to understand about that? ...oh wait, he understands, he's just trying to rile up the base with more lies and misstatements. Why is this legal for politicians to do?
This is why Donald Trump should never be president of the US again. This is why voting for him is voting against American ideals and America. He doesn't want a vote of the people. He wants to win at all costs. He knows he has passionate followers who believe strongly in his vision of an authoritarian country that does things for the benefit of those specific people. But they are not a majority. He is close, but potentially not quite, on the Electoral College. So, he and his MAGA politician supporters are doing all they can to subvert our system of free elections to install his government against the will of the people. That is what you are supporting whether you want to admit the truth or not.

The other battle
Author HeadshotBy Nick Corasaniti
I’ve been reporting on efforts to undermine the election.

There are some big clashes coming in November, both before and after Election Day.

Donald Trump and his allies have spent years sowing doubts about the integrity of American elections. They’ve falsely claimed, including through lawsuits, that voter rolls are full of ineligible voters and that mail ballots are often improperly counted. They’ve installed sympathetic officials at the state and local level who are ready to act on these accusations. They have hundreds of lawyers on standby.

At the same time, Democrats and voting rights organizations are preparing to counter such efforts. They’ve revamped a nationwide voter protection team and built a legal army of their own.

Polls suggest the presidential contest will be close. In every state where the margin is small, both sides expect a post-election battle over the outcome. (Since 2020, local officials in eight states have refused to certify various results.) The maelstrom could endanger the swift outcome that many voters expect.

I’ve spent years reporting on the gathering storm. In today’s newsletter, I’ll describe what it could look like.

The challenges​

American elections don’t all look the same. Each state runs its own election, meaning that each state will likely face its own unique set of legal challenges in November. Mail ballots have emerged as targets in Pennsylvania and Nevada. The manual that governs elections in Arizona faces multiple lawsuits. Republicans say the voter rolls in several states, including Michigan, are improperly maintained. Controversies could arise in any of those places.

But the likeliest source of trouble at the moment is Georgia, which embodies Republicans’ two-pronged approach: They’ve set up new hurdles to voting and a process to stall — or even outright avoid — certifying the results if Trump loses. (In certification, local election officials are like scorekeepers at a football game, tallying up the points from each quarter to make a final, official score.)

Georgia Republicans passed a host of new election laws beginning in 2021. One changed the makeup of the State Election Board, taking power from the secretary of state — Brad Raffensperger, who declined to help Trump overturn the last election. Lawmakers can now appoint a majority of members. (I’ll return to this in a minute.) Another law expanded the ability for citizens to challenge a voter’s eligibility. Right-wing activist networks in states beyond Georgia, such as Michigan and Nevada, have been filing tens of thousands of citizen-led mass challenges.

The new laws could fuel a post-election dispute. Trump’s allies might claim, for instance, that unresolved challenges or improperly maintained voter rolls are evidence of illegal votes. Courts, secretaries of state and law enforcement have traditionally solved those issues, because local officials are not referees; in nearly every state, they must sign off on elections by a specific deadline. But this year, right-wing activists hope to assert greater control over certification, allowing them to hunt for fraud or delay the result.

Several large metal cabinets with screens are lined up in a large hall. One person is touching one of the screens.
Electronic voting booths. Erik S Lesser/EPA, via Shutterstock​
In 2024 alone, local election officials in Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania have refused to certify primary elections, though they’ve never overturned results. In Georgia, a crucial swing state, the State Election Board could equip county board members to do the same. Using their new 3-2 majority there, Republican appointees ruled that officials could conduct “reasonable inquiry” into elections before certifying the results. Democrats worry they will use this new power to point to any irregularities and defend a refusal to certify. Trump said the new Election Board members were “pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory.”

In a worst-case scenario, officials in any of these states could blow past the Dec. 11 deadline to submit their final certified results, throwing the election into a legal gray area. That could give their allies in Congress political cover to reject slates of electors and overturn the election result.

The counteroffensive​

In previous cycles, Democrats had an expansive team of lawyers and volunteers on what’s known as a “voter protection” unit. This year, they’ve moved those people inside the legal apparatus of Kamala Harris’s campaign. They’ve also hired dozens of lawyers in battleground states.

At the same time, the Republican National Committee has a legal team of hundreds. They work with local lawyers in key swing states. Allied outside groups are also joining the battle.

The sides have already tussled in dozens of lawsuits this year, arguing over mail ballots and voter rolls. But they’ve also zeroed in on certification in the battlegrounds of Arizona, Nevada and Georgia. Democrats have asked courts to require local officials to certify elections. Trump allies want those officials to have discretion over whether to certify. Two lawsuits in Georgia are testing these ideas.

In other states, such as Arizona, courts have agreed with Democrats that both local and state officials must certify the vote by established deadlines.

Even as some voters will begin to receive absentee ballots starting tomorrow, much of the legal picture remains unsettled. New lawsuits are filed regularly, and nearly every court decision is immediately appealed. An informal judicial doctrine, known as the Purcell principle, urges judges not to change rules close to an election, but it is not binding. Just last week, a Pennsylvania court ruled that misdated mail ballots could be counted. By Monday, Republicans had already filed an appeal.