2024 Presidential Election

This guy's extremism is already dragging Trump down in his state...now this..

“Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor of North Carolina, has placed military and veterans’ issues at the heart of his political messaging”—but he’s never attended a meeting of the state’s Military Affairs Commission, @grahamdavida_ reports:

Sitting on the commission is one of Robinson’s few statutory roles as lieutenant governor. But records show that he has not attended a single meeting of the group in his four years holding the post.

Complete fear and ignorance

MAGA cultist Eric Metaxas likens the current situation in the U.S to Nazi Germany: "I promise you, if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected, they are going to come after pastors and people of faith like you have never seen."

Today’s Nate Silver model was mainly good news for Trump but there was some bad news that Trump’s team saw internally 2 weeks ago. And it’s potentially really bad news.

Nationwide Harris’s lead shrank from 3.8 to 3.4 week over week.

Trump had a good week in the swing states w the exception of a pretty big move to the downside in Georgia.

PA Harris by 1.1 down .7 wow
MI Harris by 1.9 down 1.3 wow
GA Harris by 1 up 1.5 wow
NC Trump by .4 up .9 wow
WI Harris by 3.2 down .4 wow
AZ Trump by .5 up 2 wow
NV Harris by .8 down .6 wow

Here’s where it’s not all what it seems. Based on campaign messaging and ad spending internal polling is probably more accurate and those 2 indicators are pretty telling.

For example Silver has Harris by 6.9 in NH and Trump up .4 wow. NH has been close in 2016 it was Clinton by only .37 and in 20 it was Joe by 5.16. But a key NH Trump staffer resigned and said Trump was conceding.

So back to Georgia and why it’s been interesting. Trump goes there beginning of August and absolutely trashes a popular Gov, his wife and the Lt Gov. immediately polling says he messed up. Polling continues to go against him then he sucks up to the Gov bc of the Govs ground game.

This week’s reported ad spending shows Trump basically focusing on 3 states:

Harris is dropping boatload across all swing states and in some $4 to $1.
Ken Paxton’s raids are point blank voter suppression.

Texas is 60% Latino, Black, and Asian - and he is trying to silence our voices by shaking down our grandmothers."

Hey Colorado 4th, is it true that Lauren Boebert ‘melted down’ when she was forced to acknowledge she missed critical House votes, voted against infrastructure bill, voted against veterans benefits bill, voted against a bill that allowed Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors and her disgusting performance at Bettlejuice? https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-2669127270/
Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump and co-chair of the RNC, has released a new music video in the middle of a historically significant presidential election.

MAGA ‘Prophet’ Julie Green says she has received another message from God for Trump (“my David”). God says he has sent prophets to try and speak to Trump about the strategy God has that is guaranteed to crush Trump’s enemies, but his campaign advisors won’t let the prophets speak to Trump.

MAGA ‘Prophet’ Julie Green says she has received another message from God for Trump (“my David”). God says he has sent prophets to try and speak to Trump about the strategy God has that is guaranteed to crush Trump’s enemies, but his campaign advisors won’t let the prophets speak to Trump.

She's a loon
Trump continues to show us exactly who he is - a bumbling, racist, megalomaniac doofus. It's funny, and sad, how far he's fallen.

It's the millions upon millions of people that still fervently support him that terrify and baffle me. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary. I listen to him and get a sad chuckle out of how insane he is.
Complete fabrication and delusions

Rick Scott claims that if abortion was legal, women & their doctors would take healthy babies and crush their skulls minutes before birth at 9 months, or take healthy babies after they are born and put them in the corner of the hospital room to starve to death.
