2024 Presidential Election

Hard to mischaracterize or misunderstand your huge extremely verbose reply of …..”no”.
To my rhetorical question: “Shouldn’t the government have to prove that Google obtained their monopolistic position by unlawful activities and behaviors that were not market competition?”

Care to elaborate? Or do you feel Mehta’s ruling is the end of this?
And yet, you still did. 'No' was the reply as it is obvious and doesn't need explanation. And the very next post after mine explained it in detail anyway.

And, I think Google probably has the means to fight a ruling so I highly doubt a ruling is the end of it.
NEW: @govcox's campaign has apologized for sending out a fundraising email based off his appearance with former President Trump at Arlington National Cemetery, where they were honoring a Utah soldier who was killed. Campaign pics/videos at Arlington is prohibited. utpol

All they care about is trying to accuse everyone else of the things they do or want to do.
They are flailing. The campaign is behind and I think internal polling is probably trending worse than what we are seeing.

To that end nothing is sticking. The momentum is gone and they can’t get it back. Meanwhile Trump is busy crapping on himself at Arlington and hawking Topps cards.

So what is left? They are trying to find their Benghazi in a committee hearing.
They are flailing. The campaign is behind and I think internal polling is probably trending worse than what we are seeing.

To that end nothing is sticking. The momentum is gone and they can’t get it back. Meanwhile Trump is busy crapping on himself at Arlington and hawking Topps cards.

So what is left? They are trying to find their Benghazi in a committee hearing.
We could have him get shot in the other ear...

The Bible​


Pope Francis' Migrant Comments Spark MAGA Anger: 'Appeasing Globalists'

Supporters of former president Donald Trump have hit back at Pope Francis after he called the rejection of migrants a "grave sin."

During his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square on Wednesday, Francis urged people to think about those crossing dangerous seas and deserts to reach places where they can live in peace and safety.

The Mediterranean Sea, he said, has become a "cemetery" where many migrants have died "preventable" deaths.

"There are those who work systematically and with every means possible to reject migrants," Francis said. "And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin."

He said: "We can all agree on one thing: today's migrants should not be in those deadly seas and deserts. But it is not through more restrictive laws, it is not with the militarization of borders, it is not with rejections, that we will achieve this. Instead, we will achieve it by extending safe and legal entry routes for migrants, by facilitating providing refuge for those fleeing war, violence, persecution and so many calamities."

Pope Francis’ Migrant Comments Spark MAGA Anger: ‘Appeasing Globalists’
Francis' comments come as Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has made immigration a centerpiece of his White House campaign. He has repeatedly blamed migrants for crime in the U.S., even though studies show no link between immigration and violent crime. He has also said he would launch the biggest deportation program in U.S. history if elected president in November.

Supporters of Trump took to social media to hit back at the pope's comments, with one accusing Francis of being focused on "appeasing globalists."

"Pope Francis says we shall "welcome immigrants with our arms open,'" one supporter wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"Who thinks the Vatican is too focused on appeasing globalists to effectively be a force for good when we need it most?"

Others suggested Francis was being hypocritical since the Vatican is a walled enclave.

"Pope Francis says it is a 'grave sin' for people to reject migrants in their countries," one MAGA supporter wrote on X. "Pope Francis is the head of the Vatican, a city state which is completely surrounded by a wall."

Another wrote: "The Vatican is entirely protected by defensive walls and armed guards. Be welcoming! Let them all in!"

Others defended Francis' comments, with one user saying he was not condemning restrictions to immigration, but "referring to harsh or contemptuous treatment of migrants."

Francis has faced criticism from conservative Catholics in the U.S. who view him as too progressive. He has spent his papacy highlighting social justice issues and marginalized people, including the poor. He has also sought to make the church more welcoming to LGBTQ+ Catholics.

He hit out at his conservative critics during an interview with 60 Minutes earlier this year.

"Conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that," he said. "It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

In that interview, he also criticized efforts by the state of Texas to shut down a Catholic charity that provides humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants.

The Bible​

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Pope Francis' Migrant Comments Spark MAGA Anger: 'Appeasing Globalists'

Supporters of former president Donald Trump have hit back at Pope Francis after he called the rejection of migrants a "grave sin."

During his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square on Wednesday, Francis urged people to think about those crossing dangerous seas and deserts to reach places where they can live in peace and safety.

The Mediterranean Sea, he said, has become a "cemetery" where many migrants have died "preventable" deaths.

"There are those who work systematically and with every means possible to reject migrants," Francis said. "And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin."

He said: "We can all agree on one thing: today's migrants should not be in those deadly seas and deserts. But it is not through more restrictive laws, it is not with the militarization of borders, it is not with rejections, that we will achieve this. Instead, we will achieve it by extending safe and legal entry routes for migrants, by facilitating providing refuge for those fleeing war, violence, persecution and so many calamities."

Pope Francis’ Migrant Comments Spark MAGA Anger: ‘Appeasing Globalists’
Francis' comments come as Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has made immigration a centerpiece of his White House campaign. He has repeatedly blamed migrants for crime in the U.S., even though studies show no link between immigration and violent crime. He has also said he would launch the biggest deportation program in U.S. history if elected president in November.

Supporters of Trump took to social media to hit back at the pope's comments, with one accusing Francis of being focused on "appeasing globalists."

"Pope Francis says we shall "welcome immigrants with our arms open,'" one supporter wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"Who thinks the Vatican is too focused on appeasing globalists to effectively be a force for good when we need it most?"

Others suggested Francis was being hypocritical since the Vatican is a walled enclave.

"Pope Francis says it is a 'grave sin' for people to reject migrants in their countries," one MAGA supporter wrote on X. "Pope Francis is the head of the Vatican, a city state which is completely surrounded by a wall."

Another wrote: "The Vatican is entirely protected by defensive walls and armed guards. Be welcoming! Let them all in!"

Others defended Francis' comments, with one user saying he was not condemning restrictions to immigration, but "referring to harsh or contemptuous treatment of migrants."

Francis has faced criticism from conservative Catholics in the U.S. who view him as too progressive. He has spent his papacy highlighting social justice issues and marginalized people, including the poor. He has also sought to make the church more welcoming to LGBTQ+ Catholics.

He hit out at his conservative critics during an interview with 60 Minutes earlier this year.

"Conservative is one who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that," he said. "It is a suicidal attitude. Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

In that interview, he also criticized efforts by the state of Texas to shut down a Catholic charity that provides humanitarian assistance to undocumented migrants.
How long until they call him a CHINO (Christian in name only)?
RFK Jr.: Wife’s reaction to Trump endorsement ‘opposite of encouraging’

Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said his wife’s reaction to his recent endorsement of former President Trump in the White House race was the “opposite of encouraging.” Kennedy stated during his Tuesday appearance on TMZ Live that his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, is not a Trump supporter, she was the “opposite of encouraging” of the move and that his support of the former president brought her some “discomfort.”
Elon Musk’s Twitter is now telling people that an NPR article explaining the felonies the Trump campaign committed while desecrating Arlington National cemetery, as “SPAM” in an effort to interfere with the 2024 election.

The Army on Thursday defended a staff member who found herself in a brief confrontation with two men working for the Trump campaign, saying in a statement that she “acted with professionalism” and her reputation has been “unfairly attacked” by the former president’s representatives.

Drawing up fake documents to change the outcome of an election and miss representing the outcome...just your everyday 1st amendment protect free speech

Defendants argued that the indictment against 11 people who signed documents falsely claiming to be Arizona's Electoral College electors in 2020 should be dismissed on grounds that they were exercising their First Amendment rights.

Texas AG nay have killed every single Latino vote Trump may have gotten after this stunt

Still think the Trump Party isn’t planning an authoritarian state? Ask 87-year old Lidia Martinez, a volunteer for lulac, one of the nation’s oldest civil rights orgs.

Lidia’s Texas home was raided on orders from AG Ken Paxton. Cops seized her computer and phone, rifled though her belongings and interrogated her about her “political activities” for three hours. Yet she’s not charged with anything.

They started messing with this fan base when they just became teenagers...and they are motivated and they don't bringing receipts ...and old enough to vote now

41 million Gen Z......8 million new potential voters came of age in the last TWO years alone .

Elon Musk has attacked voting by mail as an “insane” idea that encourages election fraud, but he voted by mail twice when he lived in California, according to records of his voting history obtained by NBC News.

Musk voted by mail in November 2016 and in the November 2018 midterm election, the records show. Musk’s primary residence was in Los Angeles at the time.

More: nbcnews.app.link/5ysAVGx7tMb
GOP Sen. Mullin: For some reason they're saying Republicans aren't for IVF, but there's never been a vote on that

(The Senate voted in June on the Right to IVF Act and nearly every single Republican, including Markwayne Mullin and JD Vance, voted to block it)
