2024 Presidential Election

Interesting poll from June 28-30th. From CNN

Are you voting for our against your Presidential candidate?
* Biden voters: They are not passionate for Biden, but passionate against Trump. 37% voting for Biden; 63% voting against Trump
* Trump voters: 66% voting for Trump; 34% voting against Biden

Favorable opinion rating
* Biden: Only 34% It is the lowest this poll has tracked for him. (Note: it was 52% right before 2020 election). His unfavorable opinion is now worse than Trump’s.
* Trump: 39%, not much better, but up from 31% from Dec 22 (Note: It was 41% right before 2020 election)
* Kamala Harris: Only 29%, down significantly from 51% during inauguration

* JD Vance: 56% never heard of him

Who is better on the Issues?
* Economy: Trump favored 51% to 32% for Biden
* Immigration: Trump favored 50% to 28%
* Foreign Policy: Trump favored 46% and Biden 34% (big change from 2020 election with Biden leading 54% to 42% then)
* Abortion: Biden favored 44% to 32%
* Uniting the Country: “Neither” is favored 39%. Biden 31%; Trump 30%
* Health Care: Biden 44% to 34% for Trump. But the story is now “Neither” is 22% and it was just 2% before 2020 election
* Protecting Democracy: Biden favored 44% to 39%. Neither is 16%


This really is the Secret Service's 9/11.

So much poor communication and incompetence between them and the state/local police.

Also, why aren't drones being used to monitor the area? It doesn't even have to be an expensive one.
That’s why I used the word “allegedly”.

Failures all around.
This. This right here is what's wrong. The President of the United States called to offer condolences and you can't put your murdered husbands political ideologies aside for 2 seconds. Trump, their families demi-god, hasn't reached out at all. The GOP is silent on this because they want all the attention on trump. Despite all of that, she's pledged her fealty to this man. Tell me again it's not a cult.
Better late than never…I mean he had to at this point…too many stories saying he didn’t reach out…

Yeah, I'm sure having a bullet hole through his ear didn't take up any time the day after.

And I'm almost positive the grieving widow had nothing more important to do than wait for the phone to ring.
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Yeah, I'm sure having a bullet hole through his ear didn't take up any time the day after.

And I'm almost positive the grieving widow had nothing more important to do than wait for the phone to ring.

did he go to a convention two days after the shooting before making the call?
can you honestly say that if the roles were reversed, that you would be ok with biden doing the same?
Biden’s whole platform was “ I’m not Trump. I’m lower chaos, and Obama liked me”

I assumed he’d be a one term president. I doubted it, once I saw how they made Harris look like a weirdo, (she hasn’t helped her cause )

I assumed that both Republicans would move on from Trump and that Democrats would be ready for a legitimate candidate in 2024.

I was wrong about both parties.
If the dems don't get their act together, which at this point appears pretty unlikely, we won't have to worry about "fake elections" because this is gonna be a rout.

Musk Turbocharges Silicon Valley Support for Trump​

Selection of JD Vance as running mate likely to fuel momentum from tech leaders frustrated with Biden administration​

Big names in tech are turning Donald Trump’s way, a shift likely to be accelerated by excitement over Elon Musk’s nine-figure commitment and former venture capitalist JD Vance joining the ticket.

Those two developments have punctuated a brewing cultural change in traditionally liberal Silicon Valley, as investors and executives announce their support for Trump over issues including the Biden administration’s stance on artificial-intelligence regulation and crackdowns on acquisitions by big tech. Some say following Biden’s poor debate performance and Trump’s response to this weekend’s assassination attempt, there is more momentum and permission to support the Republican.

The rising support among tech executives is helping fuel the Trump campaign efforts with funds from deep-pocketed donors. Musk has told people he will donate around $45 million a month to a pro-Trump super political-action committee called America PAC, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
America PAC has also drawn support from associates of the billionaire including tech investor Joe Lonsdale; Antonio Gracias, a former Tesla director and current SpaceX board member; investor Kenneth Howery; and Sequoia Capital partners Shaun Maguire and Doug Leone, the latter of whom publicly denounced Trump after Jan. 6.

Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, the founders of the powerhouse VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, told staff Monday they intended to contribute personal money to support pro-Trump political organizations, according to people with knowledge of the meeting. They said they made the decision after concluding that Trump would do more than Biden to support startups.

The Information previously reported on their plans.

A cultural change​

A number of tech executives and employees have leaned more to the political right in recent years, often in response to Biden administration policies. Some were motivated by issues personally important to them like support for Israel and opposition to diversity initiatives. But many have been upset about how the Biden administration has gone after big tech and regulated cryptocurrency.

“In the end, people vote their pocketbooks,” said Boris Feldman, a longtime lawyer to tech companies and a Republican. “For the tech executives, the notion that every acquisition they hope to do over the next few years is going to get attacked so that even if they win it’ll get tied up for years—it finally draws them in.”

If the dems don't get their act together, which at this point appears pretty unlikely, we won't have to worry about "fake elections" because this is gonna be a rout.

Musk Turbocharges Silicon Valley Support for Trump​

Selection of JD Vance as running mate likely to fuel momentum from tech leaders frustrated with Biden administration​

Big names in tech are turning Donald Trump’s way, a shift likely to be accelerated by excitement over Elon Musk’s nine-figure commitment and former venture capitalist JD Vance joining the ticket.

Those two developments have punctuated a brewing cultural change in traditionally liberal Silicon Valley, as investors and executives announce their support for Trump over issues including the Biden administration’s stance on artificial-intelligence regulation and crackdowns on acquisitions by big tech. Some say following Biden’s poor debate performance and Trump’s response to this weekend’s assassination attempt, there is more momentum and permission to support the Republican.

The rising support among tech executives is helping fuel the Trump campaign efforts with funds from deep-pocketed donors. Musk has told people he will donate around $45 million a month to a pro-Trump super political-action committee called America PAC, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
America PAC has also drawn support from associates of the billionaire including tech investor Joe Lonsdale; Antonio Gracias, a former Tesla director and current SpaceX board member; investor Kenneth Howery; and Sequoia Capital partners Shaun Maguire and Doug Leone, the latter of whom publicly denounced Trump after Jan. 6.

Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, the founders of the powerhouse VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, told staff Monday they intended to contribute personal money to support pro-Trump political organizations, according to people with knowledge of the meeting. They said they made the decision after concluding that Trump would do more than Biden to support startups.

The Information previously reported on their plans.

A cultural change​

A number of tech executives and employees have leaned more to the political right in recent years, often in response to Biden administration policies. Some were motivated by issues personally important to them like support for Israel and opposition to diversity initiatives. But many have been upset about how the Biden administration has gone after big tech and regulated cryptocurrency.

“In the end, people vote their pocketbooks,” said Boris Feldman, a longtime lawyer to tech companies and a Republican. “For the tech executives, the notion that every acquisition they hope to do over the next few years is going to get attacked so that even if they win it’ll get tied up for years—it finally draws them in.”

Agreed. They certainly have all of the momentum right now. Might be in danger of peaking too early. Lots of time to November.
WTF is wrong with you? Have you had a single meaningful thought out post on any thread ever?
Not that you can see.
Ridiculous begets ridiculous. And it's ridiculously stupid to think someone would jump on the phone to the widow immediately after being shot themselves.
And then to blame a grieving widow for not taking a call immediately after her husband was murdered just ices the stupidity. 🙄
Every time a new MAGA poster shows up the quality of discourse suddenly drops by 20-30%.
We love how you've tried to make MAGA a bad thing. Do you even know what it stands for?
All you can see is red, and not what is happening right in front of your eyes.

Carry on Big Schmuck.