2024 Presidential Election

I just noticed my text spam blocker shows I have 11 spam texts about donating to the dems over the weekend. 11 doesn't sound like alot but I'm guessing without it I'd be annoyed as heck right now.
Can you explain what you mean by the bolded sentence? This was an independent poll from a woman who is famously non-political. She's called previous elections for Donald Trump even saying 'I only go where the data takes me."

You're in the bias trap: "if something happens I don't agree with it, it's either incorrect or a ploy against my side." Your implication that the poll is engineered to be against you shows just how removed from reality you are. I really believe that you are incapable of accepting any reality that paints Trump in an even slightly negative light. It's disturbing and quite frankly scary.

That said, will Harris win Iowa? Most likely not. But don't act like it's some Machiavellian scheme against Republicans.
She's never been more that 5 pts off ever I believe on any poll for like 35+ years
Ohio Lt. John Rodgers faced backlash for threatening not to help Democratic residents, saying he’d use voter records to determine emergency response. His social media posts, claiming a sleep aid influenced his behavior, were shared widely. The Clark County Sheriff's Office launched an investigation and issued Rodgers a written reprimand, emphasizing the posts don’t reflect its service commitment. https://www.rawstory.com/john-rodgers-democratic-voters/
Pete Buttigieg to Fox: We have never seen a President not have his own Chief of Staff or Vice President support him. And we have never seen a Democrat have this many Republicans who do support her. Trump is talking about turning guns on people who disagree with him. Harris is saying Republicans will have a seat at the table in her administration

The fact that I have to actually look and make sure this is a parody account tells you something terrifying about our current politics...

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Considering how much hate Hillary got from the right for over 2 decades I have a really hard time believing that.
I prefer people that are more centrist —- conservative fiscally and liberal socially…for the most part. Its simple, Harris was once ranked the most liberal senator and while Clinton certainly leaned left…she was more of a moderate Dem.

IMO, the two best Presidencies were Reagan and then Clinton. So yes, definitely prefer Hillary and Biden to Harris.
Here is another prediction markets update. I'll add Predict It and Polymarket to the projections since they are the other 2 largest prediction markets. With Polymarket, I take their projections with a grain of salt. US Citizens are not able to buy contracts on the election and they are the market with the 30m whale buy, although the market looks to be large enough to mitigate it at this point.

Here is another prediction markets update. I'll add Predict It and Polymarket to the projections since they are the other 2 largest prediction markets. With Polymarket, I take their projections with a grain of salt. US Citizens are not able to buy contracts on the election and they are the market with the 30m whale buy, although the market looks to be large enough to mitigate it at this point

Is the election betting done just like sports betting?
Here is another prediction markets update. I'll add Predict It and Polymarket to the projections since they are the other 2 largest prediction markets. With Polymarket, I take their projections with a grain of salt. US Citizens are not able to buy contracts on the election and they are the market with the 30m whale buy, although the market looks to be large enough to mitigate it at this point.
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Essentially, Predict It has Harris ahead and Kalshi/Polymarket have Trump ahead. These 3 have diverged quite a bit at times and there may be arbitrage opportunities for those inclined.

The predictions don't offer much different information than the polls have thus far. It will be interesting to see what happens on Tuesday with them.